
taborsmall drum

save thee i.e. “God save thee” a friendly greeting

Dost thou live by do you make your living by…

churchman clergyman

No such matter i.e. not at all

You have said i.e. you’re right; this age the age in which we live

chev’rilgoat kid leather which stretches easily

dally nicely play with precise meanings, wordplay “dally” also means to flirt or play amorously

wantonchangeable, ambiguous, also immoral, “slutty”

bondsthe legal requirement that one’s pledge be backed by a written contract or “bond”

I warrant I’m sure

pilcherssmall fish related to herring


walk…orb move around the earth

but…be unless the fool were

your Wisdom an ironic title (like “your honor”)

an thou…me if you attack me, I’ll no more I’ll have no more to do

in…commodity out of his next supply

would…bred The fool, begging for money, suggests that money can breed, or reproduce. Viola continues the wordplay in her response, where put to use means “invested to earn interest,” but also has a sexual meaning

Lord…Troilus the allusion here is to the story of Troilus and Cressida, lovers who were brought together by Pandarus. The story was told by Chaucer, and by Shakespeare

Cressida…beggar in some version of the story, Cressida becomes a beggar before her death.

conster to them explain the those in the house

out…welkin beyond my comprehension (the wordplay here is on welkin as sky or heaven which as “air” is an “element”)

qualityrank, nature

haggardwild hawk check at turn, follow

practice profession

artlearning, skill

fitfitting, appropriate

witintelligence, or the reputation for it

Dieu…monsieur God save you sir

Et…serviteur and you as well, your servant!


listlimit, boundary

understandstand under, hold me up

with…entrance by going and entering

we are prevented Olivia’s appearance anticipates our entrance

my…but my message cannot be spoken except

pregnantreceptive vouchsafed willing, graciously attentive

lowly feigning pretending to be humble, was called for began to be considered

For as for on him about him

music … spheres in Ptolemaic astronomy, the stars move about the earth in crystalloine spheres, giving out incredibly beautiful music that humans cannot hear

abuse deceive

under … yours I must be judged harshly by you, since I used shameful cunning to force on you something you knew was not yours

have … think the image here is of a bearbaiting. Olivia imagines her honor as a bear tied to the stake, attacked (baited) by the unmuzzleddogs that are Cesario’s thoughts

cypress: thin cloth veil

degree, grize step

a … proof an ordinary experience

proper handsome

westward ho! the cry of Thames watermen headed from London to Westminster

You’ll nothing … ?you have no message?

think you right you think correctly

3.1 continued

Love’s …noon love cannot be hidden

maugre …pride despite your scorn

not … nor neither, nor

extort thy reasons force out excuses; clause premise

reason… fetter restrain such rationalizing by considering the following sentence

nor never none nor anyone ever


must needs yield must give


argument token, evidence

prove it legitimate make good my case oaths of testimony sworn under oath by

they judgment and reason grand-jury-men those who decide whether there is sufficient evidence to bring a case to trial


at your hand from you

balkedpassed up, neglected; gilt gold plating (Fabian plays with the idea of a missed opportunity

sailed … opinion earned my lady’s cold regard

policy statesman like wisdom

aslief: just as soon, Brownista believer in then-revolutionary ideas about religion preached by Robert Browne (1550-1633)

build me build

challenge me challenge

love –broker go-between

curstfierce, savage

so it be as long as it is

inventionarguments, inventiveness

with …ink with the freedom given to one who puts his challenge in writing

thou –est … thrice address him three times as “thou” instead of “you” (the use of the familiar “thou” to a stranger would be an insult)

bed of Ware famous ten-foot-wide bed (now in a museum in London)


goose pen pen made with a goose feather (quill), or pen used by a goose (fool)


dear manikin valued little man (a term of contempt)

dearexpensive, costly

wainropes wagon ropes

hale haul

blood … liver Cowards were supposed to have white, or bloodless livers.

anatomythe body being dissected

opposite rival

desire the spleen want to laugh

gulldupe or fool

a very renegade no longer a Christian


passages acts

villainously atrociously pedant teacher

new map an allusion t a map published in 1599, among the first to use Mercator projection, and thus filled with prominent lines

augmentation … Indies more complete mapping of the East Indies


by my will willingly

filedground to a sharp edge with a file

not all love not only a desire

jealousyfear of

skill-less without knowledge of

the … fear spurred by these anxieties

3.3 continued

oft … pay good acts are often rewarded with mere words uncurrentnot negotiable, worthless

worthpossessions, wealth

relicsantiquities, old buildings, etc.

renown this city make this city famous

would … me please excuse me

Count his Count’s

It … answered I would hardly be able to defend myself before the law, or to endure the penaly exacted from me

belike perhaps

bloody argument a reason worth shedding blood for

answeredpaid back, recompensed

for traffic’s sake for the sake of trade

stood out refused

be lapsed am caught

It … me it is not fitting for me (appropriate)

bespeakarrange for diet meals

beguilewhile away, waste time

There … me you will find me there (at The Elephant)

Haply perhaps toy trifle, petty thing

store supply of money

is … markets will not cover whimsical purchases


bestow of bestow on, give

sad and civil serious minded and polite

possessedby the devil – insane

ravespeak incoherently

In’sin his

equal be are equal

sad serious (Malvolio takes the word to mean “sorrowful”)

sonnetsong (“Please one, and please all” is the refrain of a ballad about the wishes of women)

black in my mind melancholy

Roman hand Italian style handwriting

Ay … thee a line from a popular song

nightingales answer dawsfine birds do not answer the call of crows.

midsummer madness insanity

miscarry come to great harm


in … note dressed like some noteworthy gentleman


It is Jove’s doing a possible allusion to Psalm 188.23 “This is the Lord’s doing” (“God” and “Jove” are interchangeable in this play)

fellow Olivia doesn’t mean anything by this, but Malvolio thinks it means “companion”

degree my rank as steward

adheres together fits

dram tiniest bit scruple doubt

incredulous incredible

drawn in little made into a miniature painting, or brought together into the small space (of Malovolio’s body)

Legion the name of the “unclean spirit” possessing the demoniac in Mark 5.9 whose response to Jesus was “My name is Legion; for we are many.”

private privacy

water urine (for medical analysis) wise-woman a woman who used charms or herbs to treat diseases

marry a mild oath meaning “truly” or “indeed”

move excite

Let … him don’t interfere

rough violent used treated

3.4 Continued

bawcockfine bird

for gravity appropriate for a dignified person cherry pit a children’s game

foul collier dirty coal-dealer (or Satan)

idle frivolous

genius soul

device plot

take … taint be exposed to the air and thus be ruined

in … bound a standard treatment for insanity at the time

carry it thus proceed this way

bar the court of law

matter …. morning perhaps, sport fit for a holiday

warrant him perhaps I can assure him (Cesario)

admire marvel, wonder

keeps … law protects you from arrest

thouliest in thy throat you are a complete liar

o’ the windy side safe from attack

look to look out for, take care of

move him prompt him to action

in some commerce in conversation about something

Scout me keep a lookout

bum-baily a bailiff (sheriff’s officer)

draw: draw your sword

approbation reputation for courage proof testing, trial

let … swearing don’t worry about my ability to swear

gives him out shows him

capacity intelligence breedling education or parentage his employment the service he performs

clodpoll blockhead

set …valor describe Aguecheek as notably courageous

cockatrices: mythical serpents whose looks could kill

give them way let them alone

presently after him go right after him

horrid terrifying

laid wagered unchary spur of the moment

With … ‘haviorin the same way

goes on go on, persist

jewel jewel miniature

saved uncompromised

defense ability as fencer betake thee commit yourself

thy interceptor the one who wants to cut you off despite anger, defiance

hunter perhaps, huntsman, or perhaps, hunting dog attends thee waits for you

dismount thy tuck draw your sword

yare quick

to with remembrance memory free innocent

price value

betake … guard put yourself in a defensive position

opposite adversary

withal with

dubbed made a knight unhatched unhacked, not used (this charge, and the admission that Sir Andrew’s knighthood was for carpet consideration i.e. that he was knighted at court rather than on the battlefield – acknowledge that he is no soldier,

incencsement anger

satisfaction … by he can be satisfied only by

Hob nob, “give ‘t or take ‘t both phrases mean that the challenger wants to fight to the death. word motto

conduct escort of from

put quarrels …on provoke quarrels with

taste test Belike perhaps

derives itself grows

3.4 continued

competent injury an insult sufficient to demans satisfaction

that a duel

answer fight with

meddle fight

forswear … you give up your right to wear a sword (admit your cowardice)

uncivil rude

office kindness, service as … of find out from

negligence oversight purpose intention

a … arbitrament a fight to the death

read judge

form appearance like likely

firago virago pass bout

stuck-in stoccata

answer return thrust

Sophy king of Persia

Pox on ‘t mild oath

fence fencing

motion offer

on ‘tof it

take up settle

He Cesario is … conceited has as horrible an image

his quarrel the insult to him

for … vow so thst he can keep his oath

duello dueling code

undertaker one who undertakes to fight

anon soon

for that as for that which (ie my horse)

favor face

amazed bewildered, confused

part partly

My having the money that have

present mt present funds

deserts good deeds, services

lack persuasion fail to persuade

unsound wicked

vainness vanity, foolishness

blood nature

one half … death half dead

done … shame disgraced your good looks

the mind what happens in one’s mind or heart

empty … devil elaborately decorated chests, made beautiful by the devil but with nothing inside

passion intense feelings

saws sayings

glass mirror

favor looks, features

Still always

dishonest dishonorable, shameful

religious in devoted to

event outcome