The Scott County Fiscal Court held a regular scheduled meeting on Friday, August 9, 2013. Judge Lusby called the meeting to order. Present were Magistrates Mr. Hughes, Mr. Lyons, Mr. Tackett, Mr. Parker, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Prather, Mr. Livingston, and CountyAttorney, Glenn Williams.

A motion was made by Mr. Livingston with second by Mr. Hughes to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Court voted unanimous.

A motion was made by Mr. Prather with second by Mr. Hoffman to approve the following transfers. Court voted unanimous.

To:01-5015-103Sheriff’s Deputies (Reimb.)$1,040.16

From:01-9200-999Reserve for Transfer$1,040.16

To:01-5135-420EMA Sirens$900.00

From:01-9200-999Reserve for Transfer$900.00

A motion was made by Mr. Tackett with second by Mr. Lyons to approve the bills as presented and the following hand checks: WalMart/Gen $369.30, Local Issues Conference/Gen $175.00, James Williams Painting/Gen $8,779.00. Mr. Parker recused himself from the Parks & Recreation bill(s) only. Court voted unanimous.

Sheriff fees were presented in the amount of $22,335.08.

Sheriff Hampton submitted the 2012 County Tax Settlement pending state audit. A motion was made by Mr. Hughes with second by Mr. Parker to accept the settlement. Court voted unanimous.

Planning Commission Engineer, Brent Combs requested road dedication for Stone Horse. A motion was made by Mr. Tackett with second by Mr. Hughes to accept Stone Horse so long as it is satisfactory with Planning & Zoning and Road Supervisor, JR Brandenburg. Court voted unanimous.

Mr. Combs briefly discussed Morgan Manor. It is actually acceptable even though there are no houses built yet. It may be requested in the near future.

Mr. Williams discussed proposed Ordinance 13-02; an ordinance related to regulating the restoration of street/road cuts during construction. He requested opinions for fee and bond amounts. Judge Lusby pointed out that this ordinance pertains to cuts and does not include boring. Mr. Lyons requested adding to this ordinance rather than having two. Mr. Tackett requested adding a timeline requirement for getting the road back to original condition. Mr. Williams stated that he will update the proposed ordinance.

A motion was made by Mr. Hughes with second by Mr. Parker to adjourn for executive session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1F) That is to discuss or hear things that might lead to the appointment, discipline, or dismissal of an individual employee, member, or student without restricting that employee’s, member’s, or student’s right to a public hearing if requested. Court voted unanimous.

A motion was made by Mr. Hughes with second by Mr. Tackett to come out of executive session. Court voted unanimous. Mr. Williams stated that no action was taken.

Fire Chief, Mike Fuller requested to hire Dudley Glass full-time at $9.03 per hour and Adam White full-time at $8.63 per hour. A motion was made by Mr. Lyons with second by Mr. Hughes to approve the new hires. Court voted unanimous.

Sheriff Hampton discussed a record/towing ordinance that explains the pricing and rotation of local services. He requested to omit a section (f) regarding twenty-four hour security. Mr. Williams will make the change and the court will have first reading at the next meeting.

Mr. Hampton announced that his department was awarded their Accreditation certificate.He thanked Lieutenant, Jearl Porter for his hard work in the process and thanked the court for support.

Mr. Livingston thanked the sheriff’s department for help with a recent situation regarding a Georgetown offender.

Judge Lusby discussed the 2013 tax rates and recommended maintaining the current rates. If the special district rates are submitted then the court will vote at the next meeting.

The Scott County Fiscal Court accepted sealed bids for replacing reinforced concrete box culverts on Galloway Road. Walker Company submitted a bid for $124,500.00 and Walter Martin Excavating, Inc. submitted a bid for $97,060.00. HMB Professional Engineers, Inc. reviewed the proposals and suggested taking the low bid. A motion was made by Mr. Prather with second by Mr. Tackett to accept the low bid. Court voted unanimous.

EMS Director, Dave Sloane discussed options for a software tracking device contract. For the county-maintained fleet which is approximately one hundred and fifty vehicles it would cost $70,200 per year. For EMS fleet which is ten vehicles it would cost $5,400 per year. Judge Lusby stated that some departments didn’t seem interested, but the court would look at it for his department. Mr. Williams stated that he would review the contract.

Mr. Hughes thanked everyone for their well-wishes on the birth of his grandson.

Mr. Lyons announced that the annual Farm-City field day would be on Monday, August 12th.

Mr. Tackett stated that the traffic issue at Western Elementary is being looked at for possible solutions.

Mr. Livingston thanked Mr. Tackett for helping with the said school situation. Also, he asked if the recent Scott County Fire Department retirees would be recognized; it is a good idea to show appreciation for those that retire especially in emergency services.

A motion was made by Mr. Prather with second by Mr. Hoffman to send a letter to the Williams Company formally requesting a Scott County Fiscal Court public hearing regarding the proposed pipeline. Mr. Williams will draft a letter. Court voted unanimous.

Mr. Parker asked to have the Peel & Holland meeting recorded for those that cannot attend.

Being no further business the meeting was adjourned.


George Lusby
