Lasham Village Committee
Meeting on 20th September 2017 at Station House
Present: Maurice Goor (Chairman), Oli Ridler, Sue Singer, Simon Gardiner, Tony Knight, Cat Stroud and Caroline Egleston
1. Apologies: All present.
2. Minutes of the last meeting 4th July 2017, were approved and signed.
3. Matters arising:
Noticeboards – Hugo Egleston plans to take both noticeboards back to workshop for repair. Tony will contribute lead to protect. CE to advise PCC.
Defibrillator – Maurice to liaise with PCC regarding positioning in church porch and Cat to apply for grant.
4. Road Maintenance & Traffic.
Simon reported that system for reporting potholes via EHDC website works very efficiently. Again, anyone can do this directly:
Oli mentioned that the Waste Care lorries park on The Avenue early in the morning while waiting for the Highfield site to open. Sue mentioned that a stream of 2Excel employees are rushing through the village 6.30-7am so Maurice will follow up with 2Excel. Simon will pursue possibility of 20mph limits on the road surface and Tony will produce a drawing showing where these could be useful in the village in anticipation of a formal application.
5. Chairman’s Report
Maurice thanked Simon for all the emails communicating to the wider village.
There is a new manager at the Waste Care site as Andy Miller has left.
6. Gliding Club
The Gliding Club Championships were very successful.
Airfield fireworks on 28th October and open to non-members at £2 each or £5 family ticket.
New Hangar to be built to house powered aircraft tug fleet (west of the Norrie Hangar, east of the Avgas pumps, south of the main hangar and north of the perimeter track on a currently unused area of grass). This would apparently fall under permitted development rules.
Cat reported that the airfield is no longer accessible to social members through the Lasham entrance.
7. PCC
The PCC are grateful to all those who cut the grass around the church and in the churchyard.
The church extension will be discussed at the PCC meeting on 19/9/17.
8. Treasurer’s Report and Pond Committee
£1732.98 current total with £904 stipend due (?)
Oli will arrange for change of signatory to include Oli and Caroline, removing Ken Thomas. Maurice is also currently a signatory.
Pond Clearance on 7th October from 10am.
9. EHDC Planning Matters
Sue had no new planning applications to report.
The sycamore tree overshadowing the garden of Lavender House is going to be cut back.
10. Projects
We discussed the Christmas Tree outside the church and Maurice said he would approach Waste Care to see if they might contribute towards this. Caroline will discuss with Catherine Grassi about the children making decorations at the Christmas Bazaar.
11. AOB
Cat will enquire about removal of the old phone box.
We are still trying to find a suitable venue for our Fireworks’ night. Tony/Oli
12. Future Events
Pond clearance: 7th October at 10am
Churchyard clearance 21st October
Airfield fireworks 28th October
Lasham fireworks 4th November TBC
Half Yearly Village Committee 7th November at 8pm (NB changed from 8th as that’s a pub quiz night)
Christmas Bazaar – 26th November 11am-1pm
Carol Service 16th December at 6pm
Childrens’ Christmas Party 17th December 3-5pm
Seniors’ Lunch 16th January 2018
Litter Pick March 2018
Date of Next meeting: Half Yearly Village Meeting on 7th November at 8pm in the church.