United States History Review

Unit 1 – Colonization

Spain - colonized ______

France – colonized ______

England – colonized ______

3 Types: 1. Royal: ______

2. Proprietary : ______

3. Charter: ______

3 Regions: Compare (education, religion, economy, location)

New EnglandMiddleSouthern

Government: Mayflower compact, Virginia House of burgess, Fund. Orders of Connecticut

Unit 2 – Establishing a New Nation

American Revolution

When?______- ______Who? ______vs ______

Leaders and Generals of each.






Why? 1. Past Ideas2. Actions in the Present

-Self Gov’t from the ______and ______1. ______- war caused debt

-1215 King signed ______2. ______- tax on paper

______- famous quote

-Enlightenment: J. Locke explained ______3. ______- house soldiers

4. ______- tax on imported goods

5. ______- Mass. 5 men killed

6. ______- sons of liberty dumped tea

7. ______- punished colonists

Events of War

  1. ______- 1st shot (where: ______)
  2. ______- Colonists lost but they fought hard
  3. ______- group that acted as gov’t during war. Wrote the ______- asking for peace representation
  4. ______- document written by ______in 1776
  5. ______- Surprise attack across Delaware river
  6. ______- last battle in VA. The ______helped the colonies defeat England.
  7. ______- signed to end the war. It gave ______.

Articles of Confederation

Weaknesses: ______

______showed the country the weaknesses

______met to revise the Articles.... later just rewrote

Constitutional Convention’s Compromises

  1. ______- compromise on representation.

Small states wanted: ______Large states wanted ______

  1. ______- compromise on how slaves will be counted

South wanted: ______North wanted ______

  1. ______- compromise on slave trade

South wanted: ______North wanted ______

Federalists vs AntiFederalists



1. ______2. ______3. ______

4. ______5. ______

The Anti-Federalists wanted the addition of the ______to the Constitution to protect ______.

Separation of Powers –


Political Parties created by ______and ______

Federalists vs. Democratic-Republicans








Unit 3 – Westward Expansion

  1. Northwest Territory
  2. ______- largest piece bought by ______from the ______

______- find a route to the Pacific

  1. War of 1812 - ______vs ______

-Treaty of ______/ winner? ______

-led to the Era ______

  1. ______- North America closed to colonization
  2. Manifest Destiny - ______
  3. Missouri Compromise: Allowed ______to enter as a free state and ______enter as a slave state

-drew a line that ______

  1. Texas Annexation: Texans gained independence from ______who was led by ______

The Texans were led by ______.

Famous battle where all Texans died was the ______.

Andrew Jackson wanted to allow Texas to enter but ______said NO b/c it would ______

Finally will join under president ______

  1. OregonTerritory – shared with ______

-Slogan: ______

-Under President ______gained land

  1. Mexican American War:

Short war fought under President ______.

Treaty of ______- gained ______, ______& ______

  1. ______- bought land from Mexico

-States: ______& ______

Why did people go west? ______, ______, ______

What was the Indian Removal Act? ______

What was the Dawes Act ? ______

Unit 4 – Antebellum Period

Define Antebellum: ______


1. Henry Clay’s American System: ______

North ___South _____

2. Election of 1824 and 1828: ______

Why tension between North and South: ______

3. Tariff of Abomination and the Nullification Crisis: ______

North: ______

South: ______

4. Compromise of 1850: ______

North: ______

South: ______

5. Kansas-Nebraska Act & Wilmot Proviso:______

North: ______

South: ______

6. Dred Scott vs Sanford:______

North: ______

South: ______

7. Abolitionist Movement: ______

North: ______

South: ______

8. Lincoln –Douglas: ______

North: ______

South: ______

Which dealt with:

the expansion of slavery? ______

popular sovereignty? ______

economic differences?______

political differences? ______

*African Americans were supported by family, abolition societies and Church

Reasons for Secession:

-______Differences in industry vs agriculture

-______states rights

-______compromises fail

-______election of 1860 – Lincoln

Unit 5 – Civil War and Reconstruction

The United States (north) vsConfederate States of America (south)





List the battles of the Civil War in order.

Reconstruction: ______

Lincoln’s PlanJohnson’s PlanCompromise of 1867 (congress)

Why did they have different plans? ______

13 amendment: ______

14 amendment: ______

15 amendment: ______

Freedmen’s Bureau – ______

Problems in south:______


Unit 6 – Gilded Age

Define Gilded Age: ______

What effect did new technology have in America (cities and farms)


Big Businesses:

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

Define Robber Barons: ______

Social Darwinism: ______

(justified having ______)

*Businesses started trading with foreign investments – b/f there was a lack of gov’t regulation, and opportunities

Laws to break up monopolies and trusts:

-Interstate Commerce:______

-Sherman Antitrust : ______

Labor Unions:______

Most commonly used ______to be heard

Example: American Federation of Labor (AFL) ______

How did businesses feel about labor unions: ______

Populist movement: ______

The Grange : group of farmers that banded together to buy and sell

Urbanization: ______

reasons: ______

Immigration: ______

Reasons for coming to America______

Benefits for America: ______

For the most part immigration was unrestricted for Europeans

Nativism: ______

-specific example: ______

Progressive Movement

-Seneca Falls – “Declaration of Sentiments”

1. Progressive Era

-Imperialism vs Isolationism

*Reasons for imperialism: ______

*Reasons for isolationism: ______



-African Americans




-Middle Class workers


  1. William McKinley
  2. Foreign
  3. ______- open access in China for Trade
  4. ______- Chinese rebelled – killed many
  5. ______- gained Guam, Puerto Rico, ports in Cuba

***Marked the US entrance as a world Power***

  1. Theodore Roosevelt
  2. Domestic Policy


1. ______4. ______

2. ______5. ______

3. ______

  1. Foreign
  2. ______- “Big Stick”
  3. ______- showed off naval power
  4. ______- Took land in South America and built a way so that ______

**Example of him using his Big stick” policy

  1. William Taft
  2. Domestic
  3. ______- disliked by Progressives – caused Republicans to eventually split parties
  4. ______- Taft undid what TR had done
  1. Foreign
  2. ______- Paid money to foreign countries to gain influence
  1. Woodrow Wilson
  2. Domestic


1. ______2. ______3. ______

  1. Foreign
  2. ______- against imperialism – wanted to help people

**What marked the end of the progressive period? ______-

2. World War I

  • When? ______- ______
  • When did the US Join? ______
  • US had a policy of ______- did not want to get involved with foreign conflict
  • Why did the US Join?
  1. ______4. ______
  2. ______5. ______

3. ______6. ______

  • What 2 sides were fighting in WWI?

______vs ______

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3

4. 4



WWI Paris Peace Conference:

  • Who made decisions: ______
  • What did Woodrow Wilson want? ______- which included the ______which was an idea to keep peace – but it failed
  • What was signed? ______

-punished Germany-est. the League of Nations

3. Roaring 20’s and Great Depression

  • Immigration – rise in ______- distrust of immigrants
  • ______- laws that reduced number of immigrants in country
  • Fear of Communism – aka ______
  • ______- 2 Italian immigrants accused and executed for being accused of communism
  • ______- Series of arrests on anyone suspected of being communist
  • African Americans
  • ______- moved north to work in ______
  • ______- NY – largest black urban community – celebrated black pride
  • ______- wrote poetry
  • ______- wrote Their Eyes were watching God
  • ______- jazz
  • ______- group formed during Reconstruction but reemerged and caused fear and anxiety
  • Consumerism
  • New technology caused people to buy goods – especially home appliances
  • ______- buying on credit
  • ______- production increases with technology
  • ______and ______- 2 types of technology in the 20’s that spread culture
  • Intellectuals
  • ______- fundamentalism vs. evolution
  • ______- explained the theory of evolution
  • ______- the belief that everything in the Bible is true
  • ______- the idea that you should question the Bible
  • Prohibition
  • ______Amendment ended Alcohol
  • ______- illegal bars
  • Crime ______
  • Women
  • ______Amendment gave them the right to vote
  • ______

Great Depression

  • Caused
  • ______- high risk investment
  • ______- borrowing money to put in stocks
  • ______- prices decreased
  • ______- october 29, 1929
  • ______- caused banks to close
  • Effects
  • ______- 25% no job
  • ______- felt the effects of the Depression first – DUST BOWL
  • ______- no food / homeless
  • ______- voting and bonus army march
  • Solution
  • Supreme Court resisted - argued with FDR over adding justices that would support his New Deal
  • Results - Labor unions will increase because New Deal laws let them bargain and organize

The Great Depression

Fair Labor Standards / Black Tuesday / Dust Bowl / Social Security
New Deal / Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. / Fireside Chats / Emergency Banking Relief
Works Progress Administration / Speculation / FDR / TennesseeValley Authority
Direct Relief / Civilian Conservation Corps / Agriculture Adjustment Act / Securities & Exchange Commission
  1. ______- provides for an old age insurance program.
  2. ______authorized the treasury department to inspect banks and to close those that were unsound, with the greater goal of restoring public confidence.
  3. ______FDR’s belief to give relief in the form of money, food clothing to the neediest people.
  4. ______created prosperity in a poverty stricken region by providing funds to build and repair dams.
  5. ______put almost 3 million men to work building roads, national parks and planting trees
  6. ______raised crop prices by lowering production which the gov’t achieved by paying farmers to leave certain areas of farmland unseeded.
  7. ______required corporations to provide complete, truthful information on all stock offering
  8. ______set a national minimum hourly wage and prohibited factory labor for children under 16.
  9. ______addressed problems of unemployment and poverty by creating jobs that ranged from construction of school and community building to bridges and roads
  10. October 29, 1929 is called ______
  11. The ______was a series of storms that hit the Midwest that made many farmers homeless.
  12. ______is the engagement in risky business transactions
  13. ______was the insurance that covered bank assets up to 100,000
  14. ______created the New Deal.
  15. ______were used often by FDR to speak directly to the nation through the radio.
  16. ______was a program designed by FDR to help solve the problems of the depression.

The Great Depression -Unit 9

Fair Labor Standards / Black Tuesday / Dust Bowl / Social Security
New Deal / Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. / Fireside Chats / Emergency Banking Relief
Works Progress Administration / Speculation / FDR / TennesseeValley Authority
Direct Relief / Civilian Conservation Corps / Agriculture Adjustment Act / Securities & Exchange Commission
  1. ______- provides for an old age insurance program.
  2. ______authorized the treasury department to inspect banks and to close those that were unsound, with the greater goal of restoring public confidence.
  3. ______FDR’s belief to give relief in the form of money, food clothing to the neediest people.
  4. ______created prosperity in a poverty stricken region by providing funds to build and repair dams.
  5. ______put almost 3 million men to work building roads, national parks and planting trees
  6. ______raised crop prices by lowering production which the gov’t achieved by paying farmers to leave certain areas of farmland unseeded.
  7. ______required corporations to provide complete, truthful information on all stock offering
  8. ______set a national minimum hourly wage and prohibited factory labor for children under 16.
  9. ______addressed problems of unemployment and poverty by creating jobs that ranged from construction of school and community building to bridges and roads
  10. October 29, 1929 is called ______
  11. The ______was a series of storms that hit the Midwest that made many farmers homeless.
  12. ______is the engagement in risky business transactions
  13. ______was the insurance that covered bank assets up to 100,000
  14. ______created the New Deal.
  15. ______were used often by FDR to speak directly to the nation through the radio.
  16. ______was a program designed by FDR to help solve the problems of the depression.


1. When: ______- ______3. Why: 1. ______

2. Who: ______vs ______2. ______

1. 1. 3. ______

2. 2.

3. 3.


4. Trigger: ______

5. WAR: What happens in the following countries?

A. Germany: ______

B. France: ______

C. England: ______

D. USSR: ______

E. USA: ______

How? ______and ______

6. USA breaks Neutrality with ______and ______

7. Why did the US enter WWI? ______

Why did they attack? ______


A. ______- increased number in military

B. War Production Board - ______

C. ______- gov’t raised money with people making “safe” investments

D. ______- quickly gained money to support the war – still in affect today

E. Rationing -______

F. VictoryGardens: ______

G. Women: ______and ______

H. African Americans: At Home: Discrimination / Ex: ______- Wanted to end with racism: “______” / Group of pilots

I. Hispanics: Encouraged to ______to work ______. Discrimination shown at the ______

J. Native Americans: helped war by ______. Many worked in ______& became integrated into society

K. Japanese Americans: Discrimination shown by ______/ Court case that upheld the law was the ______

9. European Battles:

A. North Africa: Operation ______/ Winner: ______/ Commanded by ______

B. Italy: Allied invaded ______/ Commanded by ______

C. Russia: Battle of ______/ Winner: ______/ Why? ______

D. France: ______/ Winner: ______/ Commanded by ______

goal: ______

E. France: Battle of ______/ Winner: ______/ Commander that helped Allies not be divided ______

10. Yalta Conference:

A. When: ______B. Who? ______

C. Results: ______



COLD WAR – Foreign Policy

  1. What countries did the USSR support?



  1. What countries did the USA support?



  1. How did the US try to CONTAIN the spread of communism?
  2. ______3. ______
  3. ______4. ______

Divided: _____East______vs ______West______

Supported by: ______

*Tried to blockade Berlin*Responded by ______(______)

Built the ______(_____)

  1. CHINA

Divided: _____Communist______vs ______Nationalist______

Supported by: ______

Location: ______


  1. KOREA

Divided: _____North ______vs ______South______- ***BY THE ______

Supported by: ______

**Attacked First -General ______

-______jumped in on the north side


Divided: _____North______vs ______South______

Supported by: ______

Leader: ______

*Gulf of Tonkin, Operation Rolling Thunder, Tet Offensive, My Lai, Vietnamization, Paris Peace Accords*


New Country ______supported by ______

______gave money/support to any nation in Middle East that resisted communism

-Used in ______when US helped defend

USSR supported ______countries in the Middle East


Spy Planes - ______shot down over USSR and ruined peace talks

Space Race - ______1st satellite in orbit by the ______

President ______started Space Race to put ______

  1. CUBA

*New Revolutionary leader ______

* Supported by: ______

USA planned an invasion ______under President ______.

*FAILED (______)

USSR was caught by ______photographs putting nuclear bombs in Cuba.

USA blockaded Cuba which led to the ______(______)

Read the following Notes for UNDERSTANDING!!!! Then answer the following Questions. When/If you finish go back and study ALL of the decades for the Test on Thursday!!!

Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) - Republican

  • Conservatism – opposed high taxes, gov’t spending - federal gov’t was TOO big
  • “Reaganomics” aka “trickle down theory”
  • benefit the top businesses with tax cuts and it will “trickle” down to the people by increasing employment and cheaper goods
  • Increased military spending which caused the national debt to increase (1.5 trillion )
  • Ussr would not be able to compete with our spending!

USSR Relations:

  • Called the USSR a “Evil Empire”
  • SDI – strategic Defense Initiative: satellite that acted as a shield to block soviet missiles
  • Diplomacy with Gorbachev
  • Signed the INF Treaty – reduced the # of US and Soviet Missiles in Europe

It happened......

  • USSR
  • Glasnost – policy of openness
  • Satellite nations begin to fall away from USSR
  • Berlin Wall Fell– 1989
  • Lebanon
  • 1982: Israeli forces went to Lebanonand pushed out the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) who had been launching attacks on Israel
  • USA mad at Israelfor attacking
  • Lebanon broke out in a Civil war
  • Iran-Contra Scandal
  • Nicaragua – US worried they would fall to Communism
  • USA supported Nicaraguan rebels = Contras
  • US secretly sold weapons to Iranfor $ to give to the Contras
  • Oliver North – US marine who took all the blame for the scandal


  1. How did Reagan’s decision to increase military spending contribute to the end of the Cold war?
  1. How is the INF Treaty similar to the SALT talks?
  1. What was the significance of the Fall of the Berlin Wall?
  1. Why would the US be involved in problems in Nicaragua? Explain.
  1. In what ways was Reagan a good President? How was he bad?
  1. How do you think glasnot was the beginning to the end for the USSR?
  1. ____Which of the following policies would Ronald Reagan have MOST AGREED with?
  2. cut taxes on small businesses b. cut military spending c. detented. support of the Contras
  3. _____The term “Reaganomics” refers to which of the following?
  4. approach to the Cold War b. Economic policies c. military policyd. policies about Lebanon
  5. ______According to the supply-side economics principles promoted by President Ronald Reagan, economic growth would occur when
  6. corporate business taxes were reduced c. business was regulated by antitrust legislation
  7. unemployment benefits were increased d. investment in capital goods was decreased

10. ______In the US, industrial unions of the 1880’s and of the 1980’s had similar goals in that both campaigned for

  1. national health insurance c. better unemployment insurance
  2. greater job security and higher wages d. wage and price freezes
  1. ______In 1988, Congress voted to pay $20,000 to each of the surviving Americans of Japanese descent who were interned during World War II because
  1. the danger of war with Japan no longer existed
  2. all of the interned Japanese Americans eventually became American citizens
  3. the World Court ordered the United States to pay reparations
  4. many Americans believed the internment was unjust and unnecessary

12. ______During the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan used the ideas of supply-side economics to justify

a. increases in social welfare spending c. expansion of the Social Security program

b. tax cuts for businesses d. reductions in military spending

13. ______Critics of Reagan would MOST likely focus on which facts?

a. effects of Tax cuts and INF treaty

b. end of the Cold War and his relationship with Gorbachev

c. Nation’s debt and the Iran-Contra Affair

d. the State of the nation’s military and SDI

14. ______Which of the following LEAST contributed to the decline of the USSR?

a. election of Regan c. rise of Gorbachev

b. the possibility of SDId. forming an international coalition against terrorism

Other questions.... not just the 80’s

  1. Which of the following did the GI Bill least contribute to?
  2. suburbsb. McCarthyismc. baby boomd. consumerism
  3. What policy was adopted by Nixon that attempted to use diplomacy rather than force?
  4. Nixon doctrineb. Nixon corollaryc. detented. brinkmanship
  5. Which of the following marked the end of any official US involvement in Vietnam?
  6. Geneva Accordsb. Paris Peace Accordsc. Pentagon papersd. Fall of Saigon
  7. How would L.B.Johnson most likely describe his domestic plan for the nation?
  8. as a “great society” to end povertyc. as a New Frontier for the US to lead the world
  9. as “supply-side economics to cut taxesd. as New Federalism to give power back to State