Audio and Video Technology and Film III

e-Portfolio Assignment

Georgia Department of Education Course Standard

Create portfolios to include résumé, letters of recommendation, references, list of skill sets, and demo reel highlighting the students’ skill sets.

For this assignment, you will design and maintain a professional electronic portfolio (e-portfolio). A portfolio is a collection of documents and samples that you assemble to showcase your best work. Your portfolio should highlight your talents, skills and abilities that would be attractive to potential employers and colleges.

Getting Started

  1. Create a free Weebly account ( to host your e-portfolio
  2. The sixmain elements your e-portfolio should have:
  1. Home/About Me Page
  2. Include a professional photograph of yourself
  3. Include a summary of qualifications
  4. RésuméPage
  5. Create the résumé in Word and embed it into your page
  6. Demo Reel or Video Gallery
  7. Clips from weekly MZTV broadcasts. Describe the role you played in the production process.
  8. Clips from audio/video projects you worked on independently. Again, describe your role.
  9. Weekly Reflection - Provide your personal thoughts, beliefs and feelings about how the production process went for the week. Think about what went right, what went wrong,and how the end product could be improved. Also, offer an honest critique of your own performance, and explain any new knowledge you acquired about broadcast and video production. Write 1 complete paragraph (five to seven complete sentences).
  10. Copies of awards certificates or certifications
  11. Three Letters of Recommendation from Professionals– These can come from a teacher, a coach, a counselor, or another professional who can thoroughly evaluate your skills and abilities. NO PERSONAL REFERENCES, PLEASE!

You will spend the rest of the semester developing your e-portfolio. Your weekly participation grade will be based on your participation in producing MZTV segments and the quality of your written reflection.

A final grade for the completed e-Portfolio will be given at the end of the school year, and is worth 30% of your grade in this class.

e-Portfolio Rubric

Student’s Name: ______

Excellent / Good / Fair / Unsatisfactory
Aesthetic Quality / Makes excellent use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. that enhances the portfolio. / Makes good use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. that enhances the portfolio.. / Makes use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. but occasionally these detract from the portfolio content. / Use of font, color, graphics, effects etc. often distract from the portfolio content.
Portfolio Elements / All required items are included, with a significant number of additions. / All required items are included, with a few additions. / All required items are included. / A significant number of required items are missing.
Reflection/Critique / Reflections illustrate the ability to effectively critique work, and to suggest constructive practical alternatives. / Reflections illustrate the ability to critique work, and to suggest alternatives. / Reflections illustrate a minimal ability to critique work. / Reflections lack complete thought and organization, and does not illustrate the ability to critique work.
Overall Presentation / Items are clearly introduced, well organized, and creatively displayed. / Items are introduced and well organized. / Items are introduced and somewhat organized. / Items are not introduced and lack organization.