24th COOMET Committee meeting

16 – 17 of April 2014

Yekaterinburg, Russia

COOMET Secretariat

COOMET Tel.: +7495781 90 81
Secretariat Fax: +7495437 99 59
Ozernaya 46
Moscow, 119361, RUSSIA www.coomet.org
List of participants…………………………………………………………………………………. / 3
Opening…………………………………………………………………………………………….. / 7
Greetings of the hosts……………………………………………………………………………… / 7
Adoption of agenda………………………………………………………………………………… / 7
1 / Signing of Memorandum of Understanding by the representative of Turkey……………………. / 9
2 / Approval of A. Gonda (SMU, Slovakia) as Vice-president of COOMET………………………… / 9
3 / Presentation of the minutes of the 23rd COOMET Committee meeting. About implementation
of resolutions adopted at the 23rd COOMET Committee meeting……………………………….. / 9
4 / Report of COOMET President…………………………………………………………………….. / 9
5 / Annual report of COOMET Secretariat …………………………………………………………… / 9
6 / Authorities of Chairpersons of structural bodies ………………………………………………….. / 9
7 / Strategy and tasks of COOMET…………………………………………………………………… / 10
7.1 / COOMET Development Program for 2014 - 2016……………………………………………….. / 10
7.2 / Joint scientific research in the field of metrology ………………………………………………… / 10
8 / Implementation of the CIPM MRA ……………………………………………………………...... / 10
8.1 / On the results of JCRB meetings…………………………………………………………………... / 10
8.2 / Carrying out comparisons in COOMET and publication of CMC in the KCDB ………………… / 10
8.3 / Annual report of JCMS Chairperson………………………………………………………………. / 10
8.4 / Additional information to the report of JCRB Chairperson on TC 1.1 – TC 1.12 activity ………. / 10
8.5 / On the development of the new edition of COOMET Document R/GM/12:2007 "Rules of Maintaining of COOMET Program of Comparisons" (draft COOMET 630/RU/13)……………. / 10
8.6 / Reorganization of the COOMET Quality Forum’s activities……………………………………… / 11
8.7 / Results of QMS peer reviews at NMIs of COOMET member countries in 2013.
Peer reviews in 2014. Report of TC 3.1 Chairperson ……………………………………………... / 11
9 / COOMET activity in the field of legal metrology…………………………………………………. / 11
9.1 / On the results of the 48th meeting of CIML and the RLMO roundtable…………………………. / 11
9.2 / Report on the Chairperson of TC 2 “Legal Metrology”…………………………………………… / 11
9.3 / Approval of TC 2 "Legal Metrology" Working Program for 2013 - 2014……………………….. / 11
10 / COOMET activity on information and training. Report of Chairperson of TC 4
“Information and Training”………………………………………………………………………... / 11
11 / On cooperation of COOMET and NCSLI…………………………………………………………. / 11
12 / Information on the activity of international and regional metrology organizations………….…… / 11
13 / Changes in COOMET publications. Submission for approval of COOMET publications, developed and updated in 2013……………………………………………………………………. / 11
14 / Presentation of RMs developed in COOMET for their approval as COOMET RMs;
information on the state of COOMET RMs Register……………………………………………… / 12
15 / Establishment of structural bodies of COOMET………………………………………………….. / 12
15.1 / Information on changes in membership of structural bodies……………………………………… / 12
15.2 / Exclusion of SC 2.3 from the structure of TC 2 “Legal Metrology” and change of SC
numeration in TC 2………………………………………………………………………………… / 12
15.3 / On appointment of Chairpersons of Subcommittees:
– SC 1.4.2 «Oil and oil products flow measurement»……………………………………………. / 12
16 / Awarding Honorary Metrologist of COOMET and conferring breastplates……………………… / 12
17 / Information from COOMET NMIs on the metrological activity in their countries………………. / 12
18 / On the venue and date of the next COOMET Committee meeting……………………………….. / 13
19 / Election of COOMET President (closed session, COOMET Committee members only)………………………………………………………………………………………………... / 13
20 / Other issues …………………………………………………………………………………...... / 13
21 / Approval of resolutions ……………………………………………………………………………. / 13
Closure of the meeting……………………………………………………………………………... / 13
Resolutions of the 24th COOMET Committee meeting……………………………………………. / 14
Documents of the 24th COOMET Committee meeting……………………………………………. / 17

Meeting of COOMET Committee was called by the President Vladimir Krutikov and took place to Yekaterinburg, Russia, on April 16-17, 2014.

List of participants

Representatives of national metrology organisations of COOMET Member Countries /
Country / Name / Status in COOMET, NMI /
ARMENIA / 1.  Vahan SAHAKYAN / COOMET Committee Member, NIM
2.  Narine OGANYAN / National COOMET Secretariat in Armenia, NIM
Azerbaijan / 3.  Oktay ABASSOV / COOMET Committee Member, “Azstandard”
4.  Azer BAGHIROV / Head of laboratory,
Belarus / 5.  Vladimir LOBKO / Representative of COOMET Committee Member, BelGIM
6.  Tatsiana KAlAmiyets / TC 1.3 Chairperson, BelGIM
7.  Nadezhda Lyakhova / National COOMET Secretariat in Belarus, BelGIM
Germany / 8.  Peter ULBIG / Representative of COOMET Committee Member, TC 2 Chairperson, PTB
9.  Andreas ODIN / Quality Forum Chairperson, PTB
10.  Michael KÜHNE / PTB Consultant
11.  Karl-Christian GOETHNER / PTB Consultant
12.  Matthias HESSE / PTB Consultant
13.  Annette kÖgler / National COOMET Secretariat in Germany, PTB
KAZAKHSTAN / 14.  Vassilliy MIKHALCHENKO / CООМЕТ Committee Member,
RSE “KazInMetr”
15.  Bauyrzhan MUKHAMEDZHANOV / RSE “KazInMetr”
16.  Nurgazy BOTOEV
/ Representative of COOMET Committee Member, Head of department of Center for standardization and metrology
/ Director of State Inspection on metrological supervision
RUSSIA / 18.  Vladimir Krutikov / COOMET President,
19.  Evgeny LAZARENKO / Metrology Department, Rosstandart
20.  Sergei MEDVEDEVSKIKH / TC 1.12 Chairperson, UNIIM Director
21.  Yuri BESSONOV / Quality Deputy Director, UNIIM
22.  Sergey KOLTASHEV / Deputy General Director, URALTEST
23.  Yury SUKHANOV / Deputy General Director for Metrology, URALTEST
24.  Olga MATANTSEVA / Deputy Director for Metrology, Chelyabinsk CSM
25.  Olga KREMLEVA / Deputy Head of CRM State Service Department, UNIIM
26.  Anna CHUNOVKINA / JCMS Chairperson,
27.  Natalia MURAVSKAYA / TC 3.1 Chairperson, VNIIOFI
28.  Boris KHLEVNOY / TC 1.7 Chairperson, VNIIOFI
29.  Vitaly PALCHIKOV / TC 1.11 Chairperson, VNIIFTRI
30.  Viktor FAFURIN / SC 1.4.2 Chairperson, VNIIR
31.  Vitaly BUGAEV / SC 4.2 Chairperson, VNIIFTRI
32.  Viktor IVANOV / SC 4.3 Chairperson, VNIIMS
33.  Oleg KOVALENKO / Representative of TC, VNIIFTRI
34.  Andrey ZHARIKOV / Secretariat of TC 1.11, VNIIFTRI
35.  Oleg POPOV / Representative of TC, VNIIM
36.  Dina CHEPURNAYA / Representative of QF, VNIIFTRI
37.  Ekaterina KOZMINA / Representative of TC 4, VNIIMS
38.  Sergey KOROSTIN / TC 1.9 and 1.11, VNIIFTRI
39.  Oksana ANFILATOVA / Secretariat of TC 1.12, UNIIM
40.  Sergey Komissarov / Head of COOMET Secretariat, VNIIMS
41.  Natalia SEDOVA / COOMET Secretariat, VNIIMS
42.  Sergey ZHDANKIN / COOMET Secretariat, VNIIMS
43.  Dmitry ZHAGORA / COOMET Secretariat, VNIIMS
Slovakia / 44.  Arpad GONDA / COOMET Vice-President, SMU Director
TAJIKISTAN / 45.  Karomat SAIDOVA / Representative of COOMET Committee Member, Tajikstandart
46.  Saidtojiddin MAVLONOV / Head of department, Tajikstandart
UZBEKHISTAN / 47.  Gayratjon GAZIEV / Representative of COOMET Committee Member, Manager of the main Centre of metrological services
Ukraine / 48.  Pavel Neyezhmakov / COOMET Vice-president, TC 4 Chairperson,
NSC “Institute of Metrology”
49.  Yuliya Bunyayeva / National COOMET Secretariat in Ukraine,
NSC “Institute of Metrology”
50.  Irina KOLOZINSKAYA / TC 1.6 Chairperson,
NSC “Institute of Metrology”
51.  Vladimir KUPKO / TC 1.5 Chairperson,
NSC “Institute of Metrology”
52.  Olga SALOVA / Interpreter,
NSC “Institute of Metrology”
Representative of international and regional metrology organization
IMO/RMO / Name & Surname / Position
BIPM / 53.  Chingis KUANBAYEV / Executive Secretary of JCRB
BIML / 54.  Stephen PATORAY / BIML Director
TURKEY / 55.  Mustafa CETINTAS / Director of Metrological institute TUBETAK UME
56.  Ramiz HAMID / Head of Laboratory, TUBETAK UME

The following COOMET member countries were not represented at the meeting:

Country / Reason /
BULGARIA / The COOMET Secretariat received a notification that the COOMET Committee Member from Bulgaria could not participate in the meeting
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / The COOMET Secretariat received a notification that the COOMET Committee Member from Bosnia and Herzegovina could not participate in the meeting
Georgia / The COOMET Secretariat received a notification that the COOMET Committee Member from Georgia could not participate in the meeting
LITHUANIA / The COOMET Secretariat received a notification that the COOMET Committee Member from Lithuania could not participate in the meeting
CUBA / The COOMET Secretariat received a notification that the COOMET Committee Member from Cuba could not participate in the meeting
DPR of KOREA / Neither the COOMET President nor the Secretariat has any information on the reasons of non-attendance
MOLDOVA / The COOMET Secretariat received a notification that the COOMET Committee Member from Moldova could not participate in the meeting
ROMANIA / The COOMET Secretariat received a notification that the COOMET Committee Member from Romania could not participate in the meeting

Opening of the meeting

COOMET President Vladimir Krutikov opened the meeting and welcomed the Committee members, their official representatives and the accompanying specialists.

Welcoming speech

The participants were welcomed by the Director of FGUP "UNIIM" S. Medvedevskikh and the Deputy Director general of FBU "URALTEST" S. Koltashev; they greeted the gathering, told briefly about work of their organizations and wished successful and fruitful work.

Adoption of the agenda

After the introduction of the participants the Committee proceeded to the approval of the items of the agenda. The Committee adopted the following agenda:

1  Signing of Memorandum of Understanding by the representative of Turkey

2  Approval of A. Gonda (SMU, Slovakia) as Vice-president of COOMET

3  Presentation of the minutes of the 23rd COOMET Committee meeting. About implementation of resolutions adopted at the 23rd COOMET Committee meeting

4  Report of COOMET President

5  Annual report of COOMET Secretariat

6  Authorities of Chairpersons of structural bodies:

7  Strategy and tasks of COOMET

7.1  COOMET Development Program for 2014 - 2016

7.2  Joint scientific research in the field of metrology

8  Implementation of the CIPM MRA

8.1  On the results of JCRB meetings

8.2  Carrying out comparisons in COOMET and publication of CMC in the KCDB

8.3  Annual report of JCMS Chairperson

8.4  Additional information to the report of JCRB Chairperson on TC 1.1 – TC 1.12 activity

8.5  On the development of the new edition of COOMET Document R/GM/12:2007 "Rules of Maintaining of COOMET Program of Comparisons" (draft COOMET 630/RU/13)

8.6  Reorganization of the COOMET Quality Forum’s activities

8.7  Results of QMS peer reviews at NMIs of COOMET member countries in 2013. Peer reviews in 2014. Report of TC 3.1 Chairperson

9  COOMET activity in the field of legal metrology

9.1  On the results of the 48th meeting of CIML and the RLMO roundtable

9.2  Report on the Chairperson of TC 2 “Legal Metrology”

9.3  Approval of TC 2 "Legal Metrology" Working Program for 2013 - 2014.

10  COOMET activity on information and training. Report of Chairperson of TC 4 “Information and Training”

11  On cooperation of COOMET and NCSLI

12  Information on the activity of international and regional metrology organizations

13  Changes in COOMET publications. Submission for approval of COOMET publications, developed and updated in 2013.

14  Presentation of RMs developed in COOMET for their approval as COOMET RMs; information on the state of COOMET RMs Register

15  Establishment of structural bodies of COOMET

15.1  Information on changes in membership of structural bodies

15.2  Exclusion of SC 2.3 from the structure of TC 2 “Legal Metrology” and change of SC numeration in TC 2

15.3  On appointment of Chairpersons of Subcommittees:

– SC 1.4.2 «Oil and oil products flow measurement»

16  Awarding Honorary Metrologist of COOMET and conferring breastplates

17  Information from COOMET NMIs on the metrological activity in their countries

18  On the venue and date of the next COOMET Committee meeting

19  Election of COOMET President (closed session, COOMET Committee members only)

20  Other issues

21  Adoption of resolutions

According to the decision of participants of the meeting, procedure of election of the COOMET President was carried out at the end of the first day of work, on April 16.



The representative of Institute of metrology of the Republic of Turkey (TUBETAK UME) Mr. Mustafa Cetintas signed the СOOMET Memorandum of Understanding. Turkey became the 20th member of СOOMET (associated membership).

M. Cetintas became the СOOMET Committee member; contact information of the National СOOMET Secretariat and representatives in TCs will be sent additionally.


At the 18th meeting of СOOMET President’s Council (November 20-21, Bratislava, Slovakia) the Director of the Slovak institute of metrology (SMU) was accepted as the СOOMET Vice-president, responsible for cooperation in the field of quality management systems.

A.Gonda was unanimously approved on a post of the СOOMET Vice-president.


The Head of СOOMET Secretariat S. Komissarov presented the Minutes of the 23rd СOOMET Committee meeting and reported that all suggestions and remarks on the project, received by the Secretariat, were considered in a final version of the Minutes.

Participants of meeting were informed about the implementation of resolutions of the 23rd СOOMET Committee meeting.


The President of СOOMET V. Krutikov presented the report of СOOMET President “The activity after the 23rd meeting of COOMET Committee (June 2013 – March 2014) and tasks of cooperation”. In the report the results of activity in 2013 and the beginning of 2014 were summed up and the main objectives concerning work of СOOMET in the nearest future were defined.


The Head of the СOOMET Secretariat S. Komissarov presented the Annual Report of the СOOMET Secretariat about the accomplished work as of March 31, 2014.


During the meeting of TC 1.4 "Flow measurement" (September 3 - 6, 2013) the elections of the Chairperson of TC were held; N. Martynau (BelGIM, Belarus) was the winner. However, due to the retirement of N. Martynau and the end of a term of office of the previous Chairperson V. Bolshakov (NSC “Institute of Metrology”, Ukraine), TC 1.4 has temporarily remained without a head.