Minutes of the Meeting of Barlow Parish Council
held on Tuesday 6th December 2011 at The Village Hall, Barlow
Present Cllr S Penn, Chair
Cllr Mrs J Cook
Cllr Mrs A Banks
Cllr Mrs A Tonge
Dist Cllr M Crane
Cty Cllr D Peart
1 Member of the Public
81 Apologies and Declarations
Apologies were received and accepted for Cllr Mrs Ivel, Cllr Ivel and Cllr Wray. There were no declarations of interest.
82 Public Session
A member of the public attended the meeting to raise tow issues:-
a) Barlow Common – now that this is unmanned he wanted to know what the plans were for the future. After discussion, it was agreed that Cty Cllr Peart would speak to Selby District Council and Cllr Mark Crane to get an update and a meeting convened.
b) Obstruction on Public Footpath at the end of Carr Lane. This has been reported numerous times over the last two years, but the obstructions have not been removed. These are dangerous pieces of farm machinery. Cty Cllr Peart will speak to the North Yorkshire Footpath Officer regarding this matter.
83 Reports
District Councillor
No report.
County Councillor
The Clerk asked if Cty Cllr Peart could look at the following issues on behalf of the Parish Council:-
a) The lights on the A1041 are out and this stretch of road is very dark and dangerous.
b) The Barlow sign post has disappeared from the A1041.
c) The Barlow sign on the A1041 for Mill Lane has been turned and needs re-positioning.
Community Police
No report.
84 Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 1st November 2011 were accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting. The minutes were proposed by Cllr Mrs Banks, seconded by Cllr Mrs Tonge and agreed unanimously.
85 Matters Arising
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
86 For Discussion
a) Selby Dial Request for Donation – Members discussed the request and after consideration it was proposed by Cllr Mrs Cook that as the Parish Council has already made donations this year, it was not in a position to give assistance on this occasion. This was seconded by Cllr Mrs Banks and agreed unanimously.
b) Budget and Precept – Members discussed the current financial position and the budget for the forthcoming year. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Cook that the Precept for 2012/2013 be set at £12168. This was seconded by Cllr Mrs Tonge and agreed unanimously.
c) Request for Donation Chairman's Charity Appeal - Members discussed the request and after consideration it was proposed by Cllr Mrs Cook that as the Parish Council has already made donations this year, it was not in a position to give assistance on this occasion. This was seconded by Cllr Mrs Banks and agreed unanimously.
For Information
a) Letter from Cllr Steve Shaw-Wright – Winter Gritting
b) Queens Diamond Jubilee Beacons – A Guide to Taking Part
c) National Grid – Update on Carbon Capture, Transportation and Storage Project
87 Planning
Applications for Consideration
Applications Approved
2011/0918/HPA - Proposed two storey rear extension, 74 Park Lane, Barlow - GRANTED
Applications Withdrawn/Refused
2009/0744/EIA- Erection of 5no 127 metre high wind turbines, crane hardstandings, temporary construction compound, retention of temporary meteorological mast, tracks, cabling and associated infrastructure, Land, Cleek hall, Turnham Lane, Cliffe – REFUSED.
88 Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Banks that the following accounts be signed. This was seconded by Cllr Mrs Tonge and agreed unanimously.
a) J Bradley - salary - As Agreed
b) J Bradley – expenses - £113.79
c) Lytec Ltd – Street Light Repairs - £1398.00
89 Income
90 Representatives Reports
a) Cllr Mrs Banks advised that two streetlights are out. These will be reported to North Yorkshire County Council for repair.
b) Cllr Mrs Tonge advised that at the meeting on 12th October at The Chapel of Ease the decision was taken that the Chapel would close due to lack of attendance. The process for closure has now been put into place, but there is no timescale at the moment on when it will finally close. In the meantime, there is still the Communion service being held at 9.00 a.m. on the second Sunday of the month.
c) Cllr Mrs Banks advised that she has arranged for the boiler to be serviced.
d) It was noted that the Christmas Tree light switch on would take place on Sunday 11th December.
e) Cllr Mrs Banks advised that a number of residents have asked why there is a sudden appearance of signs from Drax Power regarding trespassing. The Clerk will contact Drax for more information.
f) Members received a copy of the CEF report. It was agreed that no action was required by the Parish Council.
91 Clerks Report
a) A resident has contacted the Parish Council to advise that there have been vehicles on the playing field and tyre marks are present. The access is being made from Stable Road. Members discussed the issue. Whilst Churchill Developments did agree to put locking bollards to prevent access, this has not been done. It was agreed that quotations would be obtained for installing a barrier, and an application would be made to the CEF for funding.
92 Agenda Items for Next Meeting
a) Grass Cutting
93 Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 7th February 2012 at 7.30 p.m.
The meeting was closed at 9.00 p.m.