Body, Mind, and SpiritMrs. Brady
Class Participation Grade Evaluation
Total= 100 points
In order for the success of this course, as well as the enrichment of each student, this course is very unique in that it is dependent on student involvement and discussion. As such, it is expected of each student to strive to participate in all aspects that will enrich not only the material of the course but the overall experience of the entire classroom.
Such participation includes (but not limited to):
Class discussion, submitting all work in on time, attendance, keeping with the expectations of the Student Handbook, honoring the integrity of the material, extending the class material in other realms of student life here at St. Francis Prep, etc.
Through the observation of Mrs. Brady students will be evaluated on the following scale:
100 points: Student has great attendance; submitted all work on time; engaged in class
Discussion; participated in class activities; completes all in class work; no work missing; prepared for class
95 points:Student has good attendance; submitted all work; engaged in class discussion;
participated in class activities; prepared for class
90 points:Student in good attendance; submitted all work; participated in class discussion on
occasion; engaged in class activities; student is prepared; some missing notes/work
80 points:Student has some absences; occasional late work; infrequently participates in class
discussion and activities; teacher noticed student would not follow directions; missing work/notes
75 points:Student has some absences; student rarely participates in class discussion; students is
disruptive in class activities; consistently unprepared for class; missing many notes/work
50 points:Missing work; lack of effort to participate in all aspects of this course; students will
have a conference with the teacher about the status of this participation prior to the end of each quarter
Students will have an opportunity to further engage the class material to be considered for further evaluation. This additional grade (assignment will be discussed at a later time) will examine a topic(s) that has been discussed in class through a personal reflection.
Any questions should be brought to Mrs. Brady’s attention well in advance before the end of each quarter.