Date of Birth : March 25 , 1945

Citizenship : Egyptian

Present Position : Professor

Department of Electrical Engineering , Faculty of Engineering

Assiut University.

Fields of Interest : - Electrical Machines and their Design ,

- Power Electronics and their Applications in Drives and Power System.

Degrees Held : - Ph.D. University of Manchester (UMIST) , UK , 1976.

- M.Sc. University of Assiut , Egypt , 1970.

- B.Sc. University of Assiut , Egypt , 1967.

Prizes Holder of the Prize of Distinction in Engineering Sciences from Assiut University ,2002.

Positions Held : 1997 - Now Professor , Assiut University , Egypt.

1994 - 1997 Professor , Yarmouk University , Jordan.

1987 - 1994 Professor , Assiut University.

1986 - 1989 Associate Professor (A) , Jordan University of Science and Technology , Jordan.

1984 - 1986 Associate Professor , Yarmouk University, Jordan.

1982 - 1984 Associate Professor , Assiut University, Egypt.

1980 - 1982 Associate Professor, Military TechnicalCollege, Iraq.

1976 - 1980 Assisstant Professor , Assiut University ,Egypt.

1972 - 1976 Lecturer , Assiut University , Egypt.

1967 - 1972 Demonstrator ( T. A.), Assiut University,Egypt.

Courses Taught : 1) Electrical Machines Theory ( I ).

2) Electrical Machines Theory ( II ).

3) Electrical Machines Theory ( III ).

4) Electrical Machines Design.

5) Special Electrical Machines.

6) Power Electronics.

7) Electromagnetics.

8) Electric Circuit Theory ( I ).

9) Electric Circuit Theory ( II ).

10) Transient and Dynamics of Electrical Machines ( Graduate).

11)  Variable Speed Drives ( Graduate).

12)  Power Electronics ( Graduate).

13)  Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering(Graduate) ,Sugar

Technology Research Institute, Assiut University.

Faculty - Head of the Electrical Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering , Assiut University 2004-2005.

Responsibilities : - Member of the Egyptian Universities Supreme Council Committee for promotion of staff members to the rank of associate professor 2004-Now

- Supervisor of the Engineering Section in Sugar Technology

Research Institute, Assiut University, 1998- 2004.

- Member of Hijjawi Faculty for Applied Engineering Council, Yarmouk University , Jordan , 1994 - 1995.

- Member of the Faculty of Engineering Council, Assiut University Egypt , 1989 - 1990.

- Member of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology , El- Minia University , Egypt , 1992 - 1994.

- Member of Libraries Committee, Assiut University ,Egypt , 1989 - 1994.

- Member of the Committee of Cooperation between the Universities and the Egyptian Authority of Electricity ,

1982 - 1983.

Departmental - Head of the Electrical Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering , Assiut University 2004-2005.

Responsibilties : - Member of the Egyptian Universities Supreme Council Committee for promotion of staff members to the rank of associate professor 2004-Now.

- Study Plan Committee , Hijjawi Faculty for Applied Engineering , Yarmouk University, Jordan,1994-1995.

- Chairman of the Committee of Promotion of Faculty Members,

Hijjawi Faculty , Yarmouk University , 1995 - .

- Study Plan Committee , Jordan University of Science and Technology , 1986 - 1989.

- Chairman , Committee of Search for Faculty Members , Jordan University of Science and Technology , 1986 - 1987.

- Study Plan Committee , Assiut University , 1989 - 1994.

- Principal Investigator , Project for Updating the Electrical Machines Lab. and Power Electronics Lab., Assiut University.

Other Activities : - Reviewer for the Bulletins of the Faculties of Engineering of the Egyptian Universities and International Journals.

- Reviewer for the Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering , Assiut University , Egypt.

- Reviewer for the Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology , El- Minia University , Egypt.

- Professional Engineer (Chartered Engineer)

-  Supervision of the design and implementation of a fast train by using the linear induction motor in the Electrical Power Engineering Labs., EE Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University , 1977.

- Supervision of the design and implementation of a sliding door by using the linear induction motor in the Electrical Power Engineering Labs., EE Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University , 1979.

- Design of the electrical board for the water station in Qena city 1992.

- Project : Study and Improving the Performance of the Electrical Network , Upper Egypt , Sugar Cane Factories in

Naja - Hamadi, 1992 - 1993

- Project : Study and Improving the Performance of the Electrical Network , Upper Egypt , Sugar Cane Factories in Qus , Egypt , 1993 - 1994.

- Project: Design of the electrical works concerned with Waste- Water project for the industrial region in Bani-Ghalib , Assiut, 2001.

- Project: Design of the electrical works of the treatment station concerned with Waste- Water project for the industrial region in Bani-Ghalib , Assiut, 2001

- Project: Design of the electrical works concerned with Waste- Water project for the industrial region in ABnoob , Assiut, 2001.

- Refreshing and Updating Short Courses for the Electrical Power Engineers in Sugar - Cane Factories , Aluminum Factories , Cement Factories , and the Electric Distribution Company , Upper Egypt , Egypt.

- Refreshing and Updating Short Courses in PLCs for the engineers in TOSHKA PUMPING STATION (2005- 2006).

- Refreshing and Updating Short Courses for the Electrical engineers in TOSHKA PUMPING STATION in electrical DRIVES and their CONTROL (2007).

Supervision of

Graduate Students : 1) 4 Successfully Completed Ph.D. Students.

2) 14 Successfully Completed M.Sc. Students.

( Detailes are in pages 8 and 9)



1) A-R. A. M. Makky and Nabil Abdel-Latif , " Integral - Cycle Control with a D.C.Chopper Controller for Single - Phase Induction motor " , to appear in


2)  A-R.A. M. Makky, Gamal M. Abdel-Rahim , and Nabil abdel-Latif ," A Novel D.C. Chopper Drive for Single-Phase Induction Motor " , IEEE TRANS. ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS , VOL. 42 , NO.1 Feb.1995.

3)  A-R. A. M. Makky , A. A. Hassan , and A. M. El-Sawey Mohamed ," Analysis of a Saturated Chopper-Fed D.C. Series Motor ", BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING , ASSIUT UNIVERSITY , VOL. 22 JULY 1994 PART 2.

4)  A-R. A. M. Makky , and A. A. Hassan ," Integral-Cycle Control with Repultion motor " , BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING , ASSIUT UNIVERSITY ,VOL . 21 , January 1994 Part 1.

5) A. M. El-Sawy Mohammed, A.A. Hassan and A-R. A. M. Makky, " Applicatio of the Finite Element Formulation of the Impedance Boundary Condition for Solving the Skin and TM Problems", Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering &Technology, Minia University, Vol. 13, No.3, Sep. 1994.

6) A-R. A. M. Makky , and Faik J . Al-Azzawi , "Appraisal of the Application of the two-Reaction Theory to Unsaturated Salien-Pole Machines " , JOURNAL OF ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM RESEARCH, Vol. 11 , Issu 2 , 1986 ,pp 109 -116

7) N.H.Feteih , A-R. A. M. Makky , and A. M. Abdel-Tawab ," Optimal Design of


8) Faik J. Al-Azzawi , and A-R. A. M. Makky , " Determination of Compounding and External Load Characteristics of Saturated Clindrical Rotor Synchronous Generators " , JOURNAL OF ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM RESEARCH VOL.6 ,August 1983.

9) H.M. El-Shewy , A-R. A. M. Makky, H.I. Abu-Faddan , and D.H. Shamloul, "Performance Calculation of Saturated Shaded-Pole Motor ", BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, ASSIUT UNIVERSITY, VOL,11 NO.1 Jan.1983.

10) A-R. A. M. Makky ," Representation of Saturated Salient-Pole Synchronous Macine by a Single Magnetisation Curve " , JOURNAL OF ELECTRIC MACHINES AND ELECTROMECHANICS, VOL.7 , NO.3 ,1982

11) M. A. Saleh , A-R. A. M. Makky, H. I. Abu-Faddan , and M. S. El-Gendi ,"

The Combined Effect of Time and Winding Discretness on the Thrust of a Linear Iduction Motor " , JOURNAL OF ELECTRIC MACHINES AND ELECTROMECHNICS, VOL. 5, NO. 2 , 1980.

12) A-R. A. M. Makky , " Prediction of Load Characteristics of Saturated Salient- Pole Synchronous Machine " , BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING , ASSIUT UNIVERSITY , VOL. 8 , Part 1 , 1980.

13) A-R. A. M. Makky , " Prediction of External Load Characteristics of Saturated Cylindrical Rotor Synchronous Machine " , BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING , ASSIUT UNIVERSITY ,VOL. 8, Part 1 , Jan. 1980.

14) E. A. Kandil , M. A. Saleh , and A-R. A. M. Makky ," Distribution Factors for Fractional - Slot Two-Phase Winding " ,ARMED FORCES SCIENTIFIC RESEACH BULLETIN , VOL. XII , NO. 26 ,Jan. 1979 , pp 25-31.

15) A-R. A. M. Makky , " Representation of Magnetisation Curves " , IEEE, PES WINTER MEETING , A 78054 - 9 PAPER , 1978.

16) A.C. Williamson , N. A. Issa , and A-R. A. M. Makky , " Variable-Speed Inverter-Fed Synchronous Motor Employing Natural Commutation ", PROC. IEE, VOL. 125 , NO. 2 ,Feb. 1978.

17) E.A. Kandil , A. M. Saleh , and A-R. A. M. Makky ," Analysis of the Effect of Space and Time Harmonics on the Performance of 2-Phase Servomotor " , BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, ASSIUT UNIVERSITY, VOL,3, Part 1 , Jan. 1975 , pp.168-189.

18) A-R. A. M. Makky, F. N. Abdelbar, H. Abo-Zied and B. M. Hasaneen,”Influence of DC-Link Voltage on the Series Resonant Inverter Behavior for High Power High Frequency Induction Heating Applications”, Proceedings of Al-Azhar University Engineering Journal, AUEJ, Vol.8,No.3,Jan.2005.



1)  A-R. A. M. Makky, E.A. El-Mohandes, F. N. Abdelbar and E.A.Hussien,” New RMS Active Power Filter”, Proceedings of the Tenth International Middle East Power System Conference, MEPCON’2005, Dec.13–15, 2005, Suez Canal University, Egypt.

2)  A-R. A. M. Makky, F. N. Abdelbar, H. Abo-Zied and B. M. Hasaneen,”Influence of DC-Link Voltage on the Series Resonant Inverter Behavior for High Power High Frequency Induction Heating Applications”, Proceedings of Al-Azhar University Engineering Journal, AUEJ, Vol.8,No.3,Jan.2005.

3)  A-R. A. M. Makky, Nabil A. Ahmed and A.A. Abd El-Hafez,”Non Conventional Methods for Starting of Three-Phase Induction Motor,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical ,Electronic and Computer Confernce ICEEC’04, September 5 – 7, 2004 , Cairo, Egypt.

4)  A-R. A. M. Makky, F. N. Abdelbar, H. Abo-Zied and P. Mutschler,” Protection Against Short-Circuit in Series Resonant Inverter for Induction Heating Applicationbs” Proceedings of the Ninth International Middle East Power System Conference, Dec.16–18, 2003, Minoufiya University, Egypt.

5)  A-R. A. M. Makky, Nabil A. Ahmed and Emad H. El-Zohari,”Supply Power Factor Improvement with Single – Phase AC Voltage Converters”, Proceedings of the International Electric Machines and Drives Conference, IEMDS 2003, Madison WI, USA,pp.863 – 868, June 1- 4, 2003.

6)  A-R. A. M. Makky, Nabil A. Ahmed and Emad H. El-Zohari,” AC Voltage controller-Fed Single-Phase Induction Motor with Power Factor Improvement Employing Modified Phase Angle Control Technique” Proceedings of the Ninth International Middle East Power System Conference, Dec.16–18, 2003, Minoufiya University, Egypt.

7)  A-R. A. M. Makky, M. Th. El-Mohandes, , F. N. Abdelbar an Emad Hussein,”Design of Active Power Filter for Harmonics Elimination and Unity

8)  Power Factor Achievement”, Proceedings of the Ninth International Middle East Power System Conference, Dec.16–18, 2003, Minoufiya University, Egypt.

9)  A-R. A. M. Makky, F. N. Abdelbar and Essam E. Mobarak,” Speed Control of 3-Phase Induction Motor Using Delta-Connected Thyristor Switch”, Proceedings of the Ninth International Middle East Power System Conference, Dec.16–18, 2003, Minoufiya University, Egypt.

10) A-R. A. M. Makky, Nabil A. Ahmed and Ahmad G. Abu-Khalil,”A Study of The Repulsion Motor Performance Employing Frequency Division Control”, (INES 2003) The 7th IEEE International Coference on Intellegent Engineering Systems , Assiut University –Luxor 4-6 March 2003.

11) H. Abo-Zied , A-R. A. M. Makky , P. Mutschler and S. Stier ,” A Modular IGBT Converter System for High Frequency Induction Heating Applications”, (PCIM) 45, International Conference – Power Electronics/ Intelligent Motion / power Quality ,Nuremberg, May 14-16 /2002.

12) Nabil A. Ahmed and A-R. A. M. Makky,”A New Configuration of Symmetrical PWM AC Chopper for Three-Phase Systems”, International Conference on Industrial Electronics,Tecnology and Automation. IETA 2001, Cairo, Egypt, December 19 – 21, 2001.

13) A-R. A. M. Makky, A. A. Ibrahim,farid N. Abdel-Bar and M. Abdel-Akher,” Starting of Large Induction Motors Driving High Inertia Loads with Reduced Torsional Torque.” Proceedings of the Eighth International Middle East Power System Conference, Dec.29-31 , 2001, Helwan University, Egypt.

14) A-R. A. M. Makky, M. Th.Abdel-Rahman, A. A. Ibrahim and M. M. Dardeer,” An improved DC Chopper Drive for Single-Phase AC Series Commutator Motor.” Proceedings of the Eighth International Middle East Power System Conference, Dec.29-31 , 2001, Helwan University, Egypt.

15)  A-R. A. M. Makky, " Sympathetic Interaction Between Loaded Transformers Caused By Inrush Phenomenon", Proceedings of the Sixth International Middle East Power System Conference,Dec. 15-17, 1998, Mansoura University, Egypt

16) A-R. A. M. Makky and Abdalla A. Ibrahim ," A Novel Single-Phase Transformer Circuit with Inherent Frequency and Voltage Changers",

Proceedings of the Fifth International Middle East Power System Conference Jan. 4 - 6 ,1997, Alexandria University , Egypt.

17) A-R. A. M. Makky, A. A.Ibrahim and I. S.Moghram," Ferroresonance Due to Switching -On Loaded Transformers", Proceedings of the Fifth International Middle East Power System Conference , Jan. 4 - 6 , 1997 , Alexandria University , Egypt.

18) A-R. A. M. Makky and A.A. Ibrahim ," Switching of Unloaded and Loaded Transformers ", Proceedings of the Second Jordanian Conference on Electrical Engineering 18-20 ,1996 , Muta University , Jordan.

19) A-R. A. M. Makky , and Nabil Abdel-Latif , " A D.C. Chopper Drive for the

Single-Phase A.C. Series Commutator Motor " , PROCEEDINGS OF THE



20) J.El-Saadi,A.M.Sharaf,A-R.A.M.Makky,M.K.El-Sherbiny,and G..Mohammad, "A Novel Technique for A.C. Supply Voltage and Frequency Modulation of Induction Motor Drives", IEEE IAS - 95 Meeting ,Vol.1 , pp 530-537.