PSA Project Guidelines

Assignment: Make a script for a PSA that when spoken will be one minute long. You may be called on to perform the script, so be ready.


1. Choose a group in which to work on this project. Your group should include 2-3 students.

2. Choose a topic for your PSA from the list below:

¨  passwords / ¨  privacy settings
¨  friends / ¨  cyber bullying
¨  thinking before posting / ¨  online photos
¨  dangerous online places / ¨  Phishing
¨  who you can trust / ¨  any other appropriate cyber safety topic

3. Create a one minute script for an AUDIO PSA or VIDEO PSA

¨  The script can be informative with one person narrating

¨  The script can be a dialogue with 2 or more ‘characters’. If using this model, the characters should be named.

¨  Have either an introductory or concluding statement so that listeners/viewers realize the purpose of the PSA.

¨  The PSA should have a clear message.

¨  The message should be delivered in a creative style. Don’t just state facts.

Sample Audio PSA:

Sarah: Hey, I saw the pictures you posted online the other day.

Doris: That’s hot.

Sarah: What if someone sees those?

Doris: That’s the point, duh!

Sarah: What if your mom sees them?

Doris: She doesn’t even know I have a Facebook account. Plus, she can’t even turn on the computer!

Sarah: But, what if guys see them?

Doris: Then they’ll know who I am.

Sarah: You know, that’s not safe

Doris: Whatever, nothing’s going to happen

Two Months Later

Sarah: Hi Doris! I haven’t seen you around school lately. Where have you been?

Doris: I’m too scared to go to school, because some creepy guys are stalking me.

Sarah: Omigosh! Did you tell someone?

Doris: No, I’m too scared I’ll get into trouble.

Sarah: You should tell someone before it gets out of hand, Doris.

Doris: You’re right. I should have listened to you. Will you go with me to talk to the school police officer? I never thought it would turn out like this.

Sarah: Sure Doris, I will go with you. Let’s go right now.

This message has been brought to you by students of Superior High School. Be Cyber Safe!