Biotechnology Department News

May 2013

New personnel:

Nor Zalina Othmanfrom Universiti Teknologi,Malaysia is here for two months andwill work in Rajnis group.

Thouch Doan Van will visit us for 2 months from June 2013 to work in a Swedish Research Links project.

Theses worker

Therese Areskoug has started the master work under supervision of Olle Holst and Linda Kanders from Purac.


Every Thursday afternoon at 15.00 we will meet in the Department coffee room for a “fika”(Start next Thursday May 23, 2013.)

Harald Kirsebom will start on a new job in Denmark from June 2013. We will miss him.


June 10 2013, 10.15 h, Lecture hall G

“Integrated bioprocess platform design for Pleuran production: An immunomodulator/anticancer polysaccharide by Pleurotus ostreatus”

by Prof. Hesham El-Enshasy, Institute of Bioproduct Development,Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia

June 11 2013, 10.15 h, Lecture hall F

“Biorefinery: Production of fuels, chemicals, and polymers from biomass”

byProf. Shang-Tian Yang, Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering,The Ohio State University, Columbus


2013-05-30 Georgina Chavez will defend her thesis “Oxidation of Ketones: a (Chemo-) Enzymatic

Approach Using Oxygenases and Hydrolases ” at 10.30 in Lecture hall B. The opponent is Dr. Mats Clarsund

2013-06-11 Tarek Dishisha will defend his thesis “Microbial Production of Bio-Based Chemicals: A Biorefinery Perspective” at 13.30 in Lecture hall B. The opponent is Professor Shang-Tian Yang

2013-06-12 Kosin Teeparuksapun will defend his thesis “Capacitive Biosensor – A Tool for Ultrasensitive Analysis – Application in Clinical Analysis and Process Monitoring” at 10.30 in Lecture hall C. The opponent is Professor Tautgirdas Ruzgas.


Lundemo P. Adlercreutz P, Nordberg Karlsson E. (2013) Improved transferase/hydrolysis ratio through rational design of a family 1 β-glucosidase from Thermotoga neapolitana. Appl Environ Microbiol, doi:10.1128/AEM.00359-13

S Lindahl, J Liu, S Khan, E Nordberg Karlsson, C Turner (2013) An on-line method for pressurised hot water extraction and enzymatic hydrolysis of quercetin glucosides from onions. Analyt Chim Acta(accepted)

Mamo G, Faryar R, Nordberg Karlsson E (2013) Microbial glycoside hydrolases for biomass utilization in biofuels application. In: Biofuel Technologies: Recent Developments (Eds: Gupta VK, Tuhoy MG), Springer. (ISBN 978-3-642-34518-0) pp 171-188

M. Irani, U. Törnvall, S. Genheden, M.W. Larsen, R.Hatti-Kaul and U. Ryde (2013)Amino acid oxidation of Candida antarctica lipase B studied by molecular dynamics simulations and site-directed mutagenesis. Biochemistry 52, 1280-1289

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