Support Services Available to UW Students
In Alphabetical Order
q BetterGrades -website is a one-stop-shop for information on all known available tutoring opportunities on campus (updated once a semester), study tips, and other academic resources
o Website:
q Center for Advising and Career Services (CACS)-is available to assist all UW students with career/major exploration and the job search process. Services include career counseling and interest or personality inventories; resume critique; career and summer job/internship fairs; mock interviews and consultation; job search assistance; and registration for recruiting and campus interviews.
o Website:
o Office location: Knight Hall 222
o Phone number: (307) 766-2398
q College Internship Contacts- Often, UW credit can be obtained for internships, and students should be encouraged to investigate this opportunity. To learn more about available internships, students should contact the appropriate department or the Center for Advising and Career Services.
o College of Business
§ Website:
§ Office location:
§ Phone number: (307) 766-2363
o College of Arts & Sciences, Education, Engineering, Health Sciences-contact specific departments or CACS
o Center for Advising and Career Services Internship Coordinator (see above CACS info)
o School of Energy Resources
§ Office location: Bureau of Mines rm. 233
§ Phone number: (307) 766-6879
q Freshman Interest Groups (FIGS)/SureStart-Office of Academic Affairs-if you’re a first-time freshman at UW you’ll take three or four sections of linked or clustered courses for a semester, while living on a designated floor in the UW residence halls with other FIG students enrolled in the same course sections.
o Website:
o Office location: Coe Library 219
o Phone number: (307) 766-4322
q Honors Program-Support group of faculty from across the university, working to help students become independent critical thinkers. Talented students from all fields of study. Dedicated students who take an active role in designing education, preparing themselves to lead successful and fulfilling professional and personal lives.
o Website: on “Curriculum”
o Office location: Merica Hall 102
o Phone number: (307) 766-4110
q Information Technology Student Services-provides computing services (computer labs, remote lab), access to Wyoware free software for students, telephone and related services, antivirus software for students, outlook email web access, and information for setting up student computer accounts, personal website, etc.
o Website:
o Office location: IT Building
o Phone number: (307) 766-4357
q International Students and Scholars-the programs and services are designed to meet the needs of entering international students, currently enrolled international students, visiting scholars, and international alumni. Many of the programs have been recognized for their attention to student/scholar needs, and we have a reputation for friendly and efficient customer service.
o Website:
o Office location: Cheney International Center Suite 5, Basement of Student Health
o Phone number: (307) 766-4053
q Learning Resource Network (LeaRN)-is available to all students and faculty for assistance in academic success resources. Resources include tutoring information, links to resources such as the Writing Center and Math Lab, and other helpful information for student success.
o Website:
o Office location: Coe Library 219
o Phone number: (307) 766-4322
q Math Placement & Math Lab-the Math lab has regular hours Monday-Friday in which students can drop by for help with math problems and classes Ross Hall 29.
o Website: on respective link
o Office location:
§ “Math Placement” Ross 29
§ “Math Lab & Tutoring Services” Ross 29
§ “Math Lab for Math 900-925” Ross 26
o Phone number:
§ “Math Placement” (307) 766-6577
§ “Math Lab & Tutoring Services” (307) 766-4221
q Multicultural Affairs- The mission of Multicultural Affairs (MA) is to provide support services and information to retain and graduate ethnic minority students at UW. Within the Dean of Students Office, the unit assists UW to improve student access, retention, and graduation; promote student learning, development, and engagement; and to improve the campus climate and environment for diversity. Website:
o Office location: Knight Hall 117
o Phone number: (307) 766-6193
q Multicultural Resource Center (MRC)-a place fore personal and intellectual exploration on academic excellence, student leadership & advocacy, inter-cultural awareness, and diversity. The MRC houses collections of ethnic magazines, books, and videos that have a focus on culture, diversity, and academics. The MRC also provides access to eight computers, printers, study tables, a flat screen TV, and the most comfortable couches in the Wyoming Union.
o Website:
o Office location: Wyoming Union 103
o Phone number: (307) 766-6463
q Nontraditional and Gender Programs-offers a number of resources for faculty, staff and students that address Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender, non-traditional student, and women’s concerns and operates support centers for these populations.
o Website:
o Office location: Wyoming Union 102/104
o Phone number: (307) 766-6258
q Office of Academic Support-Athletics
o Office location: Rochelle Athletic Center
o Phone number: (307) 766—5385
q Oral Communication Lab-staff offer assistance at any stage in the speech-making process—from topic selection, purpose statements & gathering materials to organizing, outlining and rehearsal. Lab instructors can also help alleviate speech anxiety that may prevent or inhibit some individuals from achieving their overall academic or career goals.
o Website:
o Office location: Ross Hall 443
o Phone number: (307) 766-3815
q Pre-professional Advising Office-students who already know they are interested in going on to medical (or other health services), law, or veterinary medicine schools will need to take pre-professional prerequisites and consult with a pre-professional advisor for these areas.
o Pre-professional Advising Office for Health Sciences can assist students interested in pursing advanced degrees in medicine, physical therapy, occupational therapy, optometry, dentistry, as well as WICHE, WYDENT and WWAMI certification.
§ Website:
§ Office location: Health Sciences 110/112
§ Phone number: (307) 766-6704/3499
o Pre-law Advising- The University of Wyoming has several advisors to assist students who are considering law school. Pre-law advisors are available to discuss your interest in law, help you select useful courses, and assist you in the application process. Resource materials, the Law School Data Assembly Service (LSDAS) informational brochure, fee waiver application, the LSAC/American Bar Association Official Guide to U.S. Law Schools) are available to peruse or pick up in Ross Hall 09 or from one of the other pre-law advisors.
§ Website:
§ Office location: Ross Hall 09
§ Phone number: (307) 766-5156
o Pre-veterinary Medicine Advising is available for students interested in applying to veterinary medical school
§ Office location: College of Agriculture
§ Phone number: (307) 766-4135
q Recognized Student Organizations, Co-Curricular Activities & Special Interest Networks-can help students build skills and gain leadership experience outside of the classroom.
o Website:
o Office location: Wyoming Union rm. 012
o Phone number: (307) 766-6340
q Student Learning Center-offers free tutoring services to all students on a drop-in basis Sunday through Thursday. Tutors are available to assist students in many subjects including math, biology, chemistry, physics, and writing.
o Website:
o Office location: Washakie Center, lower level
o Phone number: (307) 766-3730
q Student Success Services (SSS)-works with eligible students for academic, personal, and financial success in college. Students who are first-generation, have limited income and/or a physical or learning disability are strongly encouraged to apply for services.
o Website:
o Office location: Knight Hall 330
o Phone number: (307) 766-6189
q Study Abroad Office-Would you like to study abroad, but you are not quite sure where and how to find the right university or how to process any of the application procedures? They will provide you with a great overview of our study abroad and exchange programs, processes and requirements, and will answer your questions and discuss your concerns.
o Website: - click on “Study Abroad”
o Office location: Room 129 at the Cheney International Center
o Phone number: (307) 766-6681
q Synergy Program-nationally acclaimed learning community for first-year students that provides a challenging set of courses in a supportive environment.
o Website:
o Office location:
o Phone number: (307) 766-4322
q University Counseling Center (UCC)-UCC assists students with issues related to transition to college, family and relationship issues, depression, anxiety, etc. UCC asks students to make the initial appointment in person in order to fill out paperwork.
o Website:
o Office location: Knight Hall 341
o Phone number: (307) 766-2187
q University Disability Support Services (UDSS)-Strives to ensure successful access and services for students with disabilities. UDSS provides disability-related accommodations for UW students and visitors with disabilities as well as technical assistance, consultation and resource information for students, faculty, staff, campus visitors, and for University departments seeking to improve accessibility for individuals with disabilities.
o Website:
o Office location: Knight Hall 109
o Phone number: (307) 766-6189
q University Testing Center (UTC)-Committed to providing high quality testing services for members of the University Community thereby supporting the achievement of their educational goals. At the UTC, students will find a list of important dates for exams such as the LSAT, MCAT, and GRE as well as application deadlines for scholarships.
o Website:
o Office location: Knight Hall Room 4
o Phone number: (307) 766-2188
q Writing Center-works with writers and instructors across campus at every stage of the writing process from brainstorming through final drafts. There are two ways to use the UW Writing Center: schedule a face-to-face appointment in the Writing Center and/or send them your paper through the Online Writing Lab.
o Website:
o Office location: Coe Library 302
o Phone number: (307) 766-5250
q Veteran Services Center-offers services to all active duty and veteran students and those who formerly served in the armed forces. It is a centralized point for information for all students ‘needs regarding school or other veteran services.
o Website:
o Office location: Knight Hall 241
o Phone number: (307) 766-6908
Financial Aid Resources Available
q Student Financial Aid-
o Email:
o Office location: Knight Hall 174
o Phone number: (307) 766-3790
q Pell Grants-
o Phone number:
§ Fin Aid Spec.—(307) 766-2525 or (307) 766-2424
q Scholarships-
o Phone number:
§ Fin Aid Spec.—(307) 766-3674, 766-2117, 766-3650, 766-3393
q Stafford Loans-
o Phone number:
§ Asst. Dir.—(307) 766-2997
§ Fin Aid Spec.—(307) 766-3886 or (307) 766-3827
q Veterans-
o Phone number:
§ Asst. Dir.—(307) 766-3016
q Work-Study
o Phone number:
§ Fin Aid Spec.—(307) 766-2317