(please put in a separate envelope)
Equal Opportunities in employment – Monitoring form
This information WILL NOT be used or seen by those involved in the selection process. It will be separated on receipt and treated as confidential.
The Care Forum aims to offer equal opportunity in employment. To assist us with the monitoring for this policy and for that purpose only, please provide the details below.
Please tick where appropriate:
- What is your ethnic group
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White British
White Irish
Gypsy / Traveller
Any Other White Background
Dual Heritage White and Black Caribbean
Dual Heritage White and Black African
Dual Heritage White and Asian
Any other Dual Heritage background
Asian or Asian British Chinese
Asian or Asian British Indian
Asian or Asian British Pakistani
Asian or Asian British Bangladeshi
Any other Asian or Asian British background
Black or Black British Caribbean
Black or Black British African Somali
Black or Black British African Other
Any other Black or Black British background
Any other ethnic background
Prefer not to say
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- Disability is defined by the Disability Discrimination Act (1995) as:
A ‘physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on the ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’.
Do you consider yourself to have a disability as defined by the Disability Discrimination Act (1995)?
Yes□ No□Prefer not to say
If yes what is the nature of your disability?
- What is your religion?
Christian□ Hindu
Muslim□ Jewish
Sikh□ Any other religion
No religion□ Prefer not to say
- What is your Sexual Orientation?
Lesbian/ gay
Prefer not to say
- What is your Gender?
Prefer not to say
- Are you Transgender?
Prefer not to say
- What is your Age?
18 or under
85 and over
- Your marriage or civil partnership status
□Never married and never registered in a same sex civil partnership
□Separated but still legally married
□In a registered same-sex civil partnership
□Formerly in a same-sex civil partnership which is now legally dissolved
□Surviving partner from a same-sex civil partnership
- Do you have any caring responsibilities. e.g. children, people with physical or learning impairments, elderly relatives? (please tick)
□ Yes□No
- How did you hear about this post?
Please specify the name of the website, newspaper etc.
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