CSCI577b – Spring 2015

HW3: Testing (36 points)

Instructions: Complete the assignment and submit through DEN (

Due date: Tuesday March 3, 2015

File Naming convention: LastName_FirstName_HW3.doc


-EC-29 Software Testing (CSCI577a – reposted on the class website)

-EC-08 Level-of-Service Testing (CSCI577b)

-EP-08 Flights disrupted as computer failure causes chaos at UK airports – The Guardian

-EP-09 Flights disrupted after computer failure at UK control centre – BBC

-EP-10 How a dumb software glitch kept thousands from reaching 911 – The Washington Post

-EP-11 April 2014 Multistate 911 Outage – FCC Report

Note: To avoid plagiarism, students must document sources properly.

Assignment Instructions:

-Read the above readings

-There are 2 case studies for this assignment. EP-08 and EP-09 are the UK flights disrupted case study and EP-10 and EP-11 are the 911 outage case study.

-For each case study,

  • Use Table 1 Functional test case template to develop 3 critical functional test cases that are related to software failure (6 minimum test cases in total)
  • Use Table 2 Non-functional test case template to develop2 critical non-functional (Level of Service/Performance) test casesare related to software failure(4 minimum test cases in total)

-Note that, you may add additional row/information to the test case template if necessary

Table 1 - Functional test case template

Test Case Number / <Unique test identifier number with brief information
< e.g. TC-01-01 Check report completeness
Test Item / <Identify and briefly describe the test item and features to be exercised by this test case>
Pre-conditions / < Describe the prerequisite conditions that must be established prior to performing this test case>
Post-conditions / < Describe the conditions that must be established after performing this test case>
Input Specifications / < Describe each input required to execute the test case>
Test Steps / Describe test procedures
Expected Output Specifications / <Identify all the expected results of the test case>
Pass/Fail Criteria / < Identify all the pass/fail criteria to be used for evaluating the results of this test case>
Assumptions and Constraints / < Identify any assumptions made or constraints imposed in this test case>

Table 2 - Non-functional test case template

Test Case Number / <Unique test identifier number with brief information
< e.g. TC-01-01 User-friendliness >
Test Item / <Identify and briefly describe the test item and features to be exercised by this test case>
Test strategy and procedures / < Describe each how to execute the test case>
Pass/Fail Criteria / < Identify all the pass/fail criteria to be used for evaluating the results of this test case, including acceptable values and desirable values
Assumptions and Constraints / < Identify any assumptions made or constraints imposed in this test case>


-4 points for each functional test case

  • 4 points – select an important and critical function that is related to software failureto develop a test case. Complete an insightful test case with appropriate detail of test steps
  • 3 points - select an important function to develop a test case. Complete a test case with test steps
  • 2 points – Complete and test case with test steps
  • 1 point – complete a test case

-3 points for each non-functional test case

  • 3 points – select an important and critical performance that is related to software failureto develop a test case. Complete an insightful test procedures with appropriate detail of test steps
  • 2 points - select an important performance to develop a test case. Complete a test case with test procedures
  • 1 point – Complete and test case with test procedures