École Irvine Elementary PAC Meeting Agenda

January 20th 2016


Board Members: Cristin Wilson (Chair), Tara Tait (co-chair), Sinead Joy (co-secretary), Rachel Loffler (co-secretary), JenDarling (Treasurer)

Present: Rachel Loffler, Jennifer Galvin, Chris Siddaway, Michael Thomas, Tracey Harford, Brenda Hynes, Lisa Smith, Michelle Tick, Jessica McMurdo, Leanne Macgregor, Jenn Godin, Tara Tait, Jen Darling, Cristin Wilson, Tonya Pankratz, Sonia Thiessen, Tracey Carslake, Ms Birnie.


Time / Item / Named
2 minutes / Welcome / Cristin Wilson
5 minutes / Old business and approval of last meeting’s minutes
Minute approved
Concerns raised that the minutes are posted late and dates are added regarding events discussed after the actual PAC meeting.
ACTION: Time lines for getting the minutes out quicker will be reviewed and every effort will be made for them to be posted in a more timely manner by the co secretaries and Ms Birnie. If dates or information are added after the actual PAC meeting this will be identified as so.
10 minutes / Budget Presentation –updates
Jen Darling has officially taken over the responsibility of the treasurer business. PAC executives met and reviewed the budget late last year and all is in good order.
CIBC account has $24,683.17
The balance will probably seem large in comparison to other years as now it holds the money for the grade 5, KM club and hot lunch money. There has been no decision as to what the remaining money will go towards.
Gaming account has $3,537.70
Money has been taken out for the teachers fund and the bus fund if used. Also for an educational themed puppet show from "Art starts" for all divisions, for the beginning of May / Jen Darling
70 minutes / Principal’s Report – dates and events, updates.
New Curriculum
·  A team has been implemented from Irvine to assist with roll out info which includes Ms Birnie, teacher, student services and professional development.
·  3 district sessions to assist with information on the new curriculum
·  Ms Birnie showed a you tube video on "21st century learning" which will be available as a link on the website. More inquiry based learning and implementing than remembering facts. Shift from old learning to new learning
·  PAC meeting can be a venue that parents can bring any concerns. Resources can be looked at to facilitate addressing any of these concerns.
·  Anna the Traffic technician for the city has been in touch with the school. Not able to accommodate a community meeting about this issue as it is not a "capital project" there was a meeting already in 2012/2013 regarding "safe route to school" There could be an opportunity for the city to discuss with the PAC executive or designate.
ACTION: PAC executives and Ms Birnie to look into this opportunity.
KEV PORTAL (cash on line system)
·  There has been a good number of parents that have registered considering this is a new venture. The actual numbers not available at the time of the meeting
ACTION: Ms Birnie will look at getting actual numbers of parents that have registered. (58 registered in advance of implementation)
·  The symphony field trip will be the first run through of the whole process from permission slips to payment. There will not be fewer paper slip reminders going out to parents. If parents are unable to access this system from home they can use the computers at school and paper copies will also be available if needed.
·  It will be the teachers responsibility to let parents know about any field trips. The turn around time of the paper forms in the past should not be needed so the notice given to the date of the field trip will be shorter.
·  ACTION: The use of the liaison to communicate dates/info will be brought to the teachers attention. Also a reminder will go out to encourage parents to register who haven't already.
·  Eventually all info/payment will be by the portal. it will be a work in progress. All information that you enter will be able to be seen on your profile in the distant future not just for Irvine but all schools that your children attend.
·  Criminal record checks may come in the future as happening in other organizations but not in the near future at Irvine.
·  Nearly time to book which vendor is to be used, a new photographer will be used this time. It is a good time to get dates booked in for the photographer and getting pictures of the new Ks at the welcome meetings. This assists with getting the principle familiar with new faces. They will also be able to have the option of being part of the photo sessions when the whole school has photo day
ACTION: To discuss at Feb meeting
·  Discussion regards the interest in the school packs with "creative children" appears there is a lot of interest but is the company working as there are other options. Some questions that were raised were:
·  Does the supply kit need reviewing with what the teachers need as a lot of parents have items returned at the end of the year.
·  Does the school get concessions from the packs? Are there other alternatives?
ACTION: Ms Birnie to discuss with teachers as it is not a PAC initiative
·  8 hampers went out to individual families with a combination of food and gifts. Some gift cards are left over to be used at a later date for when there is a need. A big thank you to all involved in the Santas breakfast as it was a great success.
·  While handing out dictionaries to the grade 4s this year they also wanted to know more about Irvine to see if they can assist more. They have donated 40 $25 gift certificates which will be given out to families in the future as needed
·  Deadlines were missed in the fall 2015 to set up beyond the bell activities. Since then there has been communication with the community liaison the following have been set up.
1. “Music Adventure a guitar program for grades 3-5 and all spots are taken.
2. Lets dance program
·  There is also something else coming in the future. It was brought up that Bricks4kids has some availability in the spring. It would be good for this prog to connect with the community liaison.
·  In the spring it was expected to be a classroom but the anticipated population growth did not happen and the class was not needed.
·  'Avenues for change' formally known as "my neighbourhood my future" Research taken place has shown that in this community there are risk factors that when starting school which can affect learning. The following community progs are hoping to increase engagement and readiness for preschool/school. There is no strong start in this area.
1, Pop up play which is a drop in playtime prog for 0-6 and their parents.
2, Mother Goose prog for 0-3
·  This room is going to be used to bring early learning to Irvine. It is felt that children attending this program will assist with a good start to school. The perception maybe that these are not Irvine elementary children but they will be the children in the community that will come to Irvine in the future.
·  At present this room will be used for the above x1 a week. Also used if children need some time out of class. It is multifunctional at present and will not be used as the computer lab as there is now the mobile lab.
·  safety concerns were raised with outside children using the washrooms with adult supervision. It has been decided that a leader from the groups would supervise the washroom area near Mme Arvisais class (which is the washroom that would be used) Irvine children are not used to seeing adults in their washrooms.
ACTION: Ms Birnie will look at suggesting that the toilet near Mme Arvisais class will be closed for Irvine children for the 2 hours x1 a week. other washrooms will be available.
(In consultation with the preschool programs, the washroom nearest Mme Arvais’ class will be closed while the visitors are using the washroom facility.)
·  Parent concerns regarding several issues with the mobile lab usage brought up
·  Discussion around how technology is being used in the classroom and how it will continue to be integrated into the classrooms. Including teaching specific programs and skills to students such as power point and keyboarding
·  Issues with connectivity and the number of laptops that work at one time
ACTION: The problem has been acknowledged and the district IT team is working out the problems. Ms. Birnie will continue to update PAC on this at the meetings. Feed back at the next meeting.
·  See attached Irvine Technology story written by Jacquie Bishoff also available on the Irvine Website.
·  Reminder to let the liaisons know so families can be informed as parents are used to getting info from the liaisons via their emails than go to the website. It is next week. / Ms. Birnie
45 minutes / Standing Items
A.  Hot lunch/ treat days / munch a lunch:
Hot lunch going well there has been an increase in orders.
There was discussion about Treat Day and how snacks are handed out. The topic of healthy snacks was brought up.
Action – Ms Birnie will check in with teachers. See attached link to Ministry Guidelines http://www.healthlinkbc.ca/healthyeating/everyone/school-guidelines-faq.htmlfor more information on Ministry Guidelines for Food and Beverage sales in schools.
Still Very focussed on the new curriculum, not a huge change for people to worry about. Info on the treasurers budget process. To remind parents that any one is welcome to attend if you are interested.
C.  Km Club:
No updates as not starting until the spring. Appears holes have not been fixed.
ACTION: In school assembly still needs discussing. Ms Birnie will discuss with teachers and feed back to the PAC. Work orders to be reviewed, work may well get completed closed to the spring when other outdoor items also need addressing eg, filling the long jump pit.
D.  CPF: No one present to give updates
E.  Book Club (for grade 4 and 5):
No one present for updates
F.  Staff Appreciation events:
·  Changed the date to the Tuesday 16th Feb, liaison will send out reminders for spots. The teachers loved the food brought in last time. It will be a valentines themed event.
·  Tracey has also welcomed any idea to assist with the “K” readiness events
G.  Sports Equipment: Many balls are being delivered back to class rooms either by PAC parents or sweeps of the school by monitors.
? continuing to invest in the sports equipment in the future. To be discussed on the agenda in the future.
Volunteers will be needed soon to pump up the ball that are available.
H.  Movie Nights Coming up on the 22nd Jan 2016. Liaison to send out info.
I.  Twitter/Facebook Please send info to the liaisons to get info out to the parents. Parents generally use their emails than go to the website to know what is going on. Any exciting info/pictures of events can be tweeted as long as you send it to Brenda. This also helps with community connections as its not just Irvine families that follow the tweets.
J.  Green report:
All divisions are using the green waste bins, 17/19 divisions are using the foils and hard plastic bins. More of an issue with the bins There are now plastic bags in the cage area these are often chewed and garbage spread. At present the cage area is quite clean this is not always the case.
ACTION: Ms Birnie to discuss with teachers to see if there is an option to have the bins placed inside the building somewhere.
The large green bins are being cleaned 1x month with the caretaker under CUPE. The small compost bins have been cleaned by teachers, pupils and the caretaker. Tonya has cleaned them herself in the past.
K.  Volunteer monthly draw: will go on face book once Brenda is aware who it is.
L.  Santa’s breakfast: Was a great success with approximately 400 attending. The school was very happy for the caretaker to assist with the clean up. Some discussion in looking at other organizations cooking for the breakfast from a charity. This may well depend when the charity is asked for volunteer hours and also if money would need to be given to the charity. Something to look into for the future.
Again a big thank you to all for all the time spent in organizing the event. Many have expressed that being able to give their time to this event is a gift to themselves knowing they have helped the community. There are some gift cards and $750 left from the even to use with families in the future. Some of this money can be use to assist with field trip money.
M.  Seismic upgrades: Tara has had a discussion with Devon Ross due to other school expansions and the new school on Burke there is no immediate decisions on Irvine for any upgrades. There are a lot of schools in BC with the H1 designation which is the highest risk for earthquake damage. Minnekada school is now in the treasury process and Montgomery is due to go through the process after us. This will be kept an eye on. There should be people coming to look at the school soon. This appears to be a BC province issue. There is also a budget meeting coming up soon. / A.  Jenn Godin/Lisa Ploss
B.  Jason Lapenskie
C.  Tonya Pankratz
D.  Kerrie Turner
E.  Camille Gooderham Campbell
F.  Tracy Harford
G.  Tonya Pankratz
H.  Michelle Tack
I.  Brenda Hynes/Lisa Ploss
J.  Tonya Pankratz
K.  Tracey Carslake
L.  Carol Spence/Brenda Hynes
M.  Tara Tait
N.  Cristin Wilson
0 minutes / New Items
A.  Mobile Lap tops
See principle report. / A. 
10 minutes / Additional Items
A.  Carnival Co-ordinator and Committee:
Looking for a co-ordinator and committee for the May 27th event. To look at inviting the “Ks” that will be starting that year. / A.  Open to discussion
Next meeting - Feburary 17th 2016
Meeting adjourned