East-West Associates, Inc.
U.S. Customs Broker
14821 Northam St. La Mirada, CA 90638
Phone: 714-690-3700 Fax: 714-690-3701
Binding Authorization Ruling Letter & Agreement
To comply with the Binding Ruling Program, issued by U.S. Customs/Border Protection,
I authorize EWA Customs Services, Inc. to file the Binding Ruling covering all the details as listed below.
I also agree to provide the following information, in order for the processing of the Binding Ruling:
1. The name and address of all interested parties and the known manufacturer.
2. IRS# of the Importer of Record.
3. The name of the port(s) in which the merchandise will be entered (if known).
4. A description of the transaction, including a full and complete description of the article, in the condition in which it will be imported.
5. A statement that there are, to the Importer’s knowledge, no issues on the commodity pending before the Customs Service or any court.
6. A statement as to whether classification (HTS) advice has been sought from a Customs officer, and if so, from whom and what advice was rendered, if any.
7. The principals’ use in the United States.
8. Samples, individually packed for mailing; (style number, fiber content, Country of Origin)
I also agree to pay the processing fee of $300.00 for these services, which will take at least 30 days + to complete by U.S. Customs/Border Protection.
Classification rulings will be binding at all ports of entry, effective on the date of the ruling letter, unless revoked by the Headquarters Office of Regulations and Rulings (OR & R).
Print name: ______Signature: ______
Company name: ______
Updated: May 2008