Ceramics One Course Expectations2013-14

Ms. Victoria Franklin-Dillon, M.F.A. Spring Valley High School

(702) 799-2580 ext.3318

check Parentlink at

Course Description

This is a one year Ceramics course exploring basic and intermediate clay and glaze techniques. History of Ceramics will be studied. Projects from basic pinch pots to abstract sculptural constructions will be made. Units of study cover wedging, pinch, coil and slab construction, sculptural modeling and basic wheel throwing technique. Bisque and glaze oxidation firings will be used. Elements and principles of design will be covered as they relate to Ceramics. Students will complete up to four graded projects per marking period including written critique and art criticism of their works. Help with general studio functions of pugging clay, firing kilns, and cleaning tools, wheels and studio are part of the curriculum and is required of all students.


Students will create, show, study and write about Ceramic works:

1.To become familiar with the language of Ceramics by acquiring a working vocabulary based on the elements and principles of art and ceramic practice.

2.To stimulate the development and refinement of visual perception.

3.To apply the elements and principles of art in the production and evaluation of ceramic pieces.

4.To develop skills in the use of pottery wheels and hand building techniques.

5.To communicate and express ideas imaginatively through the production of art works.

6.To encourage audience recognition of student art by providing opportunities for exhibition.

7.To examine and evaluate Ceramic works of the past and present.

8.To understand that Ceramic production reflects, records and shapes history: playing a role in every culture and giving us a key to understanding pre-historic culture trading patterns.

9.To recognize and respect individual and collective differences that influence visual expression.

10.To incorporate aesthetic analysis, interpretation, and judgment into the production of student art work.

11.To research and evaluate Ceramic art-related careers.

Recommended Material

Students should always bring pencils to class. Found object materials will be requested from time to time to personalize and combine with Ceramic works. A personal apron or cover-up shirt is recommended. Recycled plastic containers, clay tools, plastic bags and used house hold items that might make personal clay tools are useful. A donation of paper towels, plastic bags and/or table wipes is greatly appreciated. A class fee of $40.00 is required for clay, glazes, ceramic supplies and materials.

Course Content and Time Schedule

Students will learn basic wedging and construction techniques using stoneware clay. Utilitarian and sculptural pieces will be made. Bowls, plates, sculpture, matched sets, platters and containers of various sizes and types will be studied.

1st quarter

Students will study the elements and principles of design as they relate to ceramics. Students will study important ceramic developments through looking at ceramic art history. Students will make pinch pots and small bowls with stamped and incised design. Somebowls will be given to Empty Bowls benefit to feed the homeless in Las Vegas.

2nd quarter

Students will continue learning construction techniques including coil and slab construction. Wheel throwing will be introduced. Students will study Southwest pottery traditions and develop their own pots in this tradition. Students will make tiles and boxes to learn small slab construction.

3rd quarter

Students will continue study of all techniques and learn about low fire and high fire glazes. Students will be learning to load and fire kilns and maintain ceramic studio. More complex combinations of basic techniques will be tried. Unique proposal pieces will be executed by students in abstract and realistic sculptural techniques. Participation in the Empty bowl benefit will be encouraged.

4th quarter

Students will research ceramic artists and build a piece relating to the artist’s work. Contemporary art forms will be introduced. Using the internet to study ceramics in museums around the world will be introduced. Wheel throwing of bowls will be practiced.

Art Fees

An art fee of $40.00 is required of all students enrolled in this course. It is due by

Sept 20,2013. This fee covers supplies necessary to complete this course. Students and parents can pay in cash or by credit card to the banker and a receipt will be issued. Be sure to show the receipt to Ms. Franklin-Dillon. Payment plans can be set up with your Assistant Principal. Forms are available from the banker. Any fees not collected or placed on a payment plan will be entered as a fee fine on your record after Sept 20, 2013.

Criteria for Computing Student Grades

All work must be the student’s own, unless otherwise arranged by the teacher as in group projects. Please review school wide Honor Code. Student artwork or written work that is found to have been copied, worked on by another, or plagiarized will receive a failing grade. Student art will be evaluated according to a rubric criteria for each project. Typical categories include craftsmanship, creativity, composition, meeting project criteria, and use of class time. Students will also be graded on room clean-up, small sketch assignments of project proposals and finished works and art criticism. Students will have written and/or oral assignments such as art critiques , presentations of work to the class,and written reflections on artwork.


Quarter grades

Quarter grades will be determined by the following formula:

  • 70% Assessments of mastery in making and writing about projects
  • 30% Participation and daily progress on Art progress including homework assignments

Semester grades will be determined by the following formula:

First semester

  • 40% Quarter 1 grade
  • 40% Quarter 2 grade
  • 20% Exam grade

Second Semester

  • 40% Quarter 3 grade
  • 40% Quarter 4 grade
  • 20% Exam grade

Grades will be computed based on the following scale:

90 – 100 %A

80 - 89 % B

70 – 79 % C

60 – 69 % D

59%below F

Classroom Behavior

Students are required to follow all school rules, policies, and procedures including dress code and not using cell phones and music systems in class. Certain additional rules and procedures are necessary in the art rooms for a successful learning experience for your student.

  1. All instructors and presenters will be treated with respect and silence during any and all presentations. Talking while teacher talks is grounds for room cleaning detension and calls home.
  2. All teacher instructions will be followed.
  3. Appropriate and safe use of materials, equipment and school property is required. Always bring your pencils and paper.
  4. Students must respect all other students, their work and property and work space. Bullying will not be tolerated.
  5. Clean up is everyone’s job and from time to time students will be required to do general cleaning of areas and tools and equipment in the art room in addition to the table in front of them.
  6. Gum and cell phone use will not be tolerated. Cell phones will be turned into the Opperations office and have limited pick- up hours. Check with Opperations office for current times.
  7. Students only leave class with a pass and teacher permission.

Missing Work

Makeup Procedures

After any absence, the student shall be required to initiate contact with school instructors to obtain appropriate makeup work within three school days directly following the student’s return.

All work shall be turned in on the due date given unless excused absence has been the reason. Late work will not be accepted.

In cases of extenuating circumstances, late work may be accepted at the instructor’s discretion, but only with prior approval.

Acceptable Projects:

In order to encourage creativity, choice exists in every project. Some solutions are not appropriate in our high school setting and will not be allowed. These include blatantly obscene imagery, drug related imagery or items, smoking related items, gang affiliations or offensive logos, derogatory statements or symbols about ethnic groups and weapon related items or imagery, except at the discretion of the teacher as the item may relate to the history of art in a formal way. Creating of such things will be cause for immediate notification of parents and deans and will result in the loss of a grade for the project.

Tardy Policy

Students are expected to be in class in their seats before the bell rings and follow all school and classroom rules. Any late student must present a pass for entrance to class and sign the tardy log.The Spring Valley High School Tardy Policy will be enforced. Tardy students will sign in tardy log upon arriving in class and will be referred to Grade Level Principal for discipline after 5th tardy. Students will make up tardy time in art room detensions up to and including after school art room cleaning sessions.

Progressive Discipline Plan

  • 1st offense: teacher conference with student / possible classroom detention
  • 2nd offense: phone call/letter to parents

  • 3rd offense: parent call/ dean contact
  • 4th and subsequent offenses: referral to dean

Students may also be referred to a peer mentor, another teacher, or a counselor as the situation deems necessary or directly to a dean if behavior is seriously inappropriate and endangers students or others. Students may be given room cleaning lunch detentions with instructor if they do not do sufficient clay clean up as requested. Group clay clean up is everyone’s job. From time to time areas such as wedging tables, wheels, floor around wheels, slab roller, pug mill and recycling room will be maintained by students as part of their classwork. This is not a punishment but a regular part of curriculum for working in an art studio.

Ceramics One Signature Sheet

Please sign and return this page and pay class fee by Friday,September 20,2013

Dear Parents,

Please encourage your son/daughter to keep these Course Expectations for future reference. Also, please sign below and have him/her return this sheet to me. If any changes must be made to this document, I will send written notice with your son or daughter. Please contact me at 799-2580,ext 3318 with any questions. I look forward to meeting you at Open House, Sept 20,2013 , and having a successful year with your child. Thank you for your mental and financial support of our art program.


Ms. Victoria Franklin-Dillon

Please fill out the portion below.

I have read the Course Expectations and understand what is expected of me.

Student name ______

Student signature ______Date ______

I have read the Course Expectations and understand what is expected of my child.

Parent name ______(print)

Parent signature ______Date ______

Address ______


Parent’s home phone ______Parent’s work phone ______

Best time to call? ______e-mail ______

Students and/or student work may be photographed and/or videotaped in art class occasionally. Please initial by applicable options below.

______I do give permission for my child to be photographed/videotaped and have their

name/likeness/artwork published.

______I do not give permission for my child to be photographed/videotaped and have their

name/likeness/artwork published.