Annex 1

This JEOI has to be completed with your project Partner, it will be used to statue eligibility in line with the call criteria (see announcement).
You are expected to give concice answers, considering that, in a second phase, you will have to submit an application for funding to your respective funding body.
Indian Partners will send a copy of the JEOI to CEFIPRA : and French partners to Bpifrance : : .

Joint Expression of Interest (JEOI)

Call for proposals BIRAC-CEFIPRA-Bpifrance 2015/2016

Before February 18th, 2016

  1. General information


Project Summary

Tech. Area

Sub Category

Stage of the Project –

(1) Idea to Proof of Concept

(2) Early Validation

(3) Pilot scale demonstration.

Participant’s Contribution


Company / Contact person / Country / Type / Contribution in project / % of workplan

Cost & Duration

Start Date End Date


Total CostTotal duration

Brief description about preliminary data generated if any for the requested project.

Describe about background IP generated so far or does the project requires any relevant license?

2. Project Outline

2.1 Project description

Note: the information entered in this section is considered as public. MAX 1 PAGE

2.2 Technological development envisaged

2.2.1 What is innovative about your project ?

2.2.2 Description of the technological developments envisaged in the project What are the technological issues? What are the technological alternatives, their advantages and disadvantages compared to the technological developments envisaged in your project?

2.2.3 What are the expected project results?

2.3 Market application and exploitation

2.2.4 Technical approach for project execution

2.3 Market application and exploitation.

2.3.1 What type of market does your project reach?

2.3.2 What is the estimated market size and expected market share?

2.3.3 Participant's position on the market(s)

2.3.4 What is the status of competition on the market(s)?

2.3.5 Non-technological aspects of the market introduction

2.3.6 Marketing approach

2.4 Cooperation.

2.4.1 Participants and subcontractors

2.4.2 Who is responsible for knowledge protection and how will the rights for this knowledge be distributed?

2.4.3 For which parties outside this consortium could your project results be useful?

2.4.4 How is your project management set up?

3. French Participant

3.1 Organization

3.1.1 Address


Short Name

Full Name


Po Box Postal Code City

Province (Region) Country


Web address

3.2 Contact person data

Last NameFirst Name

Function Title

Direct Telephone FaxFax


3.3 Organization Overview

3.3.1 Organisation type


SMEResearch InstituteOther

Large Company

3.3.2 Registration

Year of registration of the companyCompany registration code

3.3.3 Financial Report

Year of latest financial report period from to

3.3.4 Financial statements

Does another organization control your company? Yes No

if yes, are the Financial statements consolidated? Yes No

3. French Participant

2013 / 2014 / 2015 forecast
3.3.5.a Number of Employees
3.3.7 Turnover (€)
3.3.9 Gross Earnings (€)
3.3.10 Net Income (€)
3.3.11 Balance sheet total (€)
3.3.14.a Public Grants received (number)
3.3.14.b Public Grants received (value in €)

3. French Participant

3.4 Financial support plan of the applicant

3.4.1 Describe your actual financial situation (max. 2000 characters)

3.4.2 Describe the financing of the self-funded part (max. 2000 characters)

3.5 Expertise .

3.5.1 Expertise and core business

3.5.2 Managerial expertise

3. French Participant


3.6 Contribution to the project

3.6.1 Technical contribution

3.6.2 Goal in project participation

3.6.3 Detailed cost contribution in €

Describe the main participant’s detailed contribution costs in €.

French Applicant Budget Requirements

Costs in € / Costs in €
Heads / Expected Costs
Overheads / Subcontracting costs
Equipments & Accessories
Personnel Costs
Cost related to IP & patent and Market search
Total costs in €

3.7 Economic Impact

Describe what you expect as a result of the project in terms of new technology, products, services, processes,

IPR and market access.

3.7.1 Describe the business plan of the commercialization period (max. 4000 characters)

3.7.2 Economic results of the project

Describe the different levels of this project’s economic results in your organisation and the time and cost for their

market introduction.

Product Service Spin-off / Market
(year) / Investments
(€) / Turnover
(5 years in €) / Margin

4. Main Indian Participant

4.1 Organization

4.1.1 Address

Short Name This name is used in the headings of the generated tables on page 1

Full Name


Po Box Postal Code City

Province (Region) Country


Web address

4.2 Contact person data


Last Name First Name

Function Title

Direct Telephone Fax


4.3 Organization Overview

Enter details of your organisation type as prompted by the fields.

4.3.1 Organization type


SMEResearch InstituteOther

Large Company

4.3.2 Registration

Year of registration of the companyCompany registration code

4.3.3 Financial Report

Year of latest financial report period from to

4.3.4 Financial statements

Does another organization control your company ? Yes No

if yes, are the Financial statements consolidated ?Yes No

Please ensure that you use the correct units when filling in the table (INR or numbers). All number entries must use the format 1234567.89 A single decimal point is permitted, however numbers should not use `thousands separators', punctuation, letters orcurrency units. For example, 50 lakh INR should be written as `5000000.00'.

2013 / 2014 / 2015 forecast
4.3.5.a Number of Employees
4.3.6 Number of FTEs dedicated to R&D activities
4.3.7 Turnover (INR)
4.3.9 Gross Earnings (INR)
4.3.10 Net Income (INR)
4.3.11 Balance sheet total (INR)
4.3.14.a Public Grants received (number)
4.3.14.b Public Grants received (value in INR)

4.4 Financial support plan of the applicant

4.4.1 Describe your actual financial situation (max. 2000 characters)

4.4.2 Describe the financing of the self-funded part (max. (2000 characters)

4.5 Expertise

4.5.1 Expertise and core business

4.5.2 Managerial expertise

4.6 Contribution to the project

4.6.1 Technical contribution

4.6.2 Goal in project participation

4.6.3 Detailed cost contribution in INR

Describe the main participant’s detailed contribution costs in INR

Indian Applicant Budget Requirements

Heads / Expected Costs in INR
Equipments & Accessories
Personnel Costs
Cost to Collaborator 1
Cost to Collaborator 2
Outsourcing (if any)$
Total in INR

$ Justification for outsourcing must be stated here:

4.7 Economic Impact

Describe what you expect as a result of the project in terms of new technology, products, services, processes,

IPR and market access.

4.7.1 Describe the business plan of the commercialization period (max. 2000 characters)

4.7.2 Economic results of the project

Describe the different levels of this project’s economic results in your organization and the time and cost for their market introduction.

Product Service Spin-off / Market
(year) / Investments
(INR) / Turnover
(5 years in INR) / Margin %

5. Indian Collaborators 1

5.1 Organisation

5.1.1 Legal Address

Short Name This name is used in the headings of the generated tables on page 1

Full Name


Po Box Postal Code City

Province (Region) Country


Web address

5.1.2 Operational Address

(If different from the legal address)


Po Box Postal Code City

Province (Region)


5.2 Contact person data

Last Name First Name

Function Title

Direct Telephone Fax


5.3 Organisation Overview

Enter details of your organisation type as prompted by the fields.

5.3.1 Organisation type

Start-upUniversityNational Labrotary

SMEResearch InstituteOther

Large Company

5.3.2 Registration

Year of registration of the companyCompany registration code

5.3.3 Financial Report

Year of latest financial report period from to

5.3.4 Financial statements

Does another organisation control your company? Yes No

If yes, are the financial statements consolidated?Yes No

A / B / C
4.3.5.a Number of Employees
4.3.5.b Number of Employees as FTE
4.3.6 Number of FTEs dedicated to R&D activities
4.3.7 Turnover (INR)
4.3.8 Turnover dedicated to R&D expenditure (INR)
4.3.9 Gross Earnings (INR)
4.3.10 Net Income (INR)
4.3.11 Balance sheet total (INR)
4.3.12 Number of running R&D projects
4.3.13.a Workload of R&D projects (no.of employees)
4.3.13.b Workload of R&D projects (FTE)
4.3.14.a Public Grants received (number)
4.3.14.b Public Grants received (value in INR)

5.4 Financial support plan of the applicant

5.4.1 Describe your actual financial situation (max. 4000 characters)

5.4.2 Describe the financing of the self-funded part (max. 4000 characters)

5.5 Expertise

5.5.1 Expertise and core business

5.5.2 Managerial expertise

5.6 Contribution to the project


5.6.1 Technical contribution indicating the role and responsibilities in the project

5.6.2 Goal in project participation.

5.6.3 Detailed cost contribution in INR for collaborator

Heads / Expected Costs in INR
Equipments & Accessories
Personnel Costs
Total in INR
  • Pls note if collaborator number increases then follow the Indian Collaborator format again.

Any other relevant information Indian partners would like to add (to be provided by Indian Partners)

Name of the French company / Name of the Indian company
By : / By :
Name typed : / Name typed
Date / Date

We agree that this information will be exchanged between CEFIPRA, BIRAC and Bpifrance on a confidential level.