September 2015
Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome to an exciting year of Kindergarten. I am really looking forward to teaching your child, and there will be many new, fun, and challenging opportunities to experience this year. I hope to get to know each one of you as well as your child. You are welcome to stop in for a visit. During school I can be reached at 355-3905 ex. 5107, or e-mail me at . Please feel free to contact me if you have any needs or concerns.
Here are some hints to help you and your child adjust easily.
Classes start at 7:55 and dismiss at 2:55. Please send a note if someone else will pick up your child.
When your child is absent, please send a note indicating the reason for the absence on his/her return. Also phone the school to let us know that your child will be absent.
We have Phy.Ed. (gym) every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with Ms. Brownell. Please have your child wear appropriate footwear these days (tennis shoes, comfortable clothes).
We will have the opportunity of visiting our School Library twice a week. Students that return books will be able to check out new ones.
Our Music specialists are Mrs. Lappin and Mr. Clawson. They will be here on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Our Art specialists are Ms. Clark and Ms. Znidarsich. They will work with us on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please wear suitable clothing for art these days.
Please have your child bring a book bag or backpack everyday. Label your child’s items to assure that these things are not lost.
Each Friday your child will bring home a “Friday Folder”. Please go through it and then sign your name on the date sheet. Your child needs to return the folder to school on Monday. They will earn a sticker to put on the back of their folder each Monday that they remember.
Show and Tell – Everyday four or five children will get the opportunity to share (show and tell) in front of the class. Items for this oral sharing should be things that we can learn from. I will inform you, in the Friday newsletter, what kinds of items should be brought for the following week. A show and tell list will be sent home soon.
Star of the Week – A special kindergartener will be chosen each Friday. On the following Monday that child will have the opportunity of bringing things from home that tell about his/her life. Items may be favorite pictures, toys, a favorite book to share, and perhaps a favorite snack. There will be a Star of the Week bulletin board area for your child to decorate, and he/she will have the chance to share about themselves. A special “homework” assignment will be sent home for you to help your child complete, and it will be shared with the other children. Other fun things are in store for them during “their week”. This activity will begin later in the year.
Scholastic Book Orders – These forms will be sent home once a month. Please remember to make checks payable to Scholastic Book Club. Cash can not be accepted.
Parents are welcome and encouraged to assist with class projects, parties, and trips. Your continued support and interest will help to make this an especially successful year for your kindergarten child. Please fill out our school district’s volunteer form as soon as possible.
Mrs. Paige Baird
Frequently Asked First Day Questions
When do I get to go outside to play? How often do we play outside and for how long? Do we go out in cold weather?
The children will go outside for a 20-minute recess in the afternoon. They will also have a lunch recess before they eat. Children usually arrive on morning busses between 7:30 and 7:50a.m., and this gives the children 10 to 15 minutes of outside recess each day before the bell rings at 7:55. (Rainy weather or below 0 wind chill temperatures are the exceptions.)
Is there story time every day? When can I help out? When is a good time/day to help in the class?
We have story time at least twice every day. I will have a sign up for parents and grandparents to come in and read to us during story times. We encourage all our parents to find a time to come in and read to our class. I will be organizing station times for parents to come in and help us. Please return the volunteer questionnaire if you can help out!
When will we paint? How often do we get to paint? Do you supply art smocks to prevent stains on clothes?
The painting easel is usually up most of the year. There will be certain times throughout the year that I will ask each child to paint me a picture. Other times it is a free choice activity where some children will want to paint daily and others won’t go near it until I ask them to. We do have shared smocks (large t-shirts) to wear during painting, but accidents happen! Children may be walking by when paint gets spilled or a child turns around with a wet brush in their hands. Shoes get paint spilled on them also. Please have your child wear clothing that he/she does not have to worry about getting paint, milk, etc. spilt on. Tuesdays and Fridays they have art class. These might be good days to wear “old” clothes. As a parent I found that “Spray ‘n’ Wash” sprayed on the clothing before washing worked well on tempera paint.
How will I be notified of my child’s progress?
Report cards come home three times a year, and we have 3 scheduled parent-teacher conferences. If I have any serious concerns, I will be contacting you in between these times. You may also contact me with any concerns at any time. I will be sending home Friday letters telling you what we are doing in class and what I am expecting of your child. By observing your child you can tell whether your child is able to successfully do the tasks we are doing in class.