Cochise College Governing Board Special Meeting
Tuesday, April 9, 2002
Tuesday, April 9, 2002
Benson Center
6:00 p. m.
1.01Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Jan Guy, Board Chair, at 6:05 p.m.
Board Members Present:
Mrs. Jan Guy
Dr. Randall H. Groth
Mr. Juan Flores
Mr. Bob Nelson
Mrs. Jane Strain
2.01Study Session – Cochise Combined Trust
Mr. Erin P. Collins, President, and Ms. Norene S. Kurtze, Account Manager, attended as representatives of Erin P. Collins and Associates, Inc., administrators of the Cochise County Group Health Trust. Mr. Collins provided a PowerPoint presentation to the Board, explaining that the Trust is a partially self-funded employee benefit plan. This plan would allow the College to pool resources with Cochise County in order to save money while providing medical and prescription benefits to College employees. It would also allow the College to align the plan year with the fiscal year; maintain current benefit structure; give College employees credit for current deductibles met; and allow employees to move into a 4-tier structure for dependents.
Mr. Collins also stated that the Trust could grow through partnerships with any public entity, subject to trustee approval. Membership term must be at least three years and Dr. Nicodemus would be required to be the plan trustee for the College.
Some advantages of belonging to the Trust are spread of risk; adding wellness plans; capture of claims data; and realignment with fiscal year.
Mr. Jody Klein, Cochise County Administrator, stated that County is researching partners for the Trust. He also stated that employees have not had problems with reimbursement from the plan. Mr. Klein noted that if the Board voted to seek membership, the Cochise County Board would then vote on it at their Board meeting of April 16. Mr. Collins stated that if both parties agreed, employee meetings would begin in May.
2.02Study Session – FY/03 Budget
Mr. Bruce Klewer provided the Board with an overview of the budget. Mr. Klewer discussed audited FY/01 fund balance; available fund balance; tax levy limits; and provided handouts to the Board.
Dr. Nicodemus requested that the Board consider a retreat or study session regarding facilities.
Mrs. Guy adjourned the meeting at 8:00p.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
Ms. Karen M. Koehler, Executive Administrative Assistant, Office of the President
Dr. Randall H. Groth, Secretary to the Governing Board
kmk 04/10/02