Vandenberg Middle School
Mrs. Garmendia’s Class
Spanish 1B-- Room # T-5
Dear Students,
¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español! Welcome to Spanish class! I look forward to helping you continue your Spanish learning journey. I hope you find this letter useful. Please keep it in your binder at all times.
This year I will continue to use some of my successful methods; I will also try some new tools to promote student responsibility and achievement.
Review class vocabulary with someone at home for 10-15 minutes every night.
Be attentive in class and be an active participant
Record and complete homework from the daily agenda, or check our websites.
Attend tutoring on Tuesdays or Thursdays at lunch if you need help. (T-5)
Keep track of your grades by accessing“Zangle”(
The goal of this course is todevelop communication skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing to a basic level of proficiency.At the end of this course, students will be able to communicate ideas in Spanish and understand some cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking world. Daily activities include:practicing vocabulary through reading, writing and conversation; listening to native speakers on audio and video; singing songs, reciting poems and studying different cultures.
Spanish 1B
Preliminary Chapter – Units 1-4 Review
Unit 5:Describe a house and household items, indicate the order of things, describe people and locations, plan a party, talk about chores and responsibilities,tell someone what to do, say what you just did
Unit 6:Talk about sports, talk about whom you know, talk about what you know, talk about parts of the body, make excuses, say what you did, talk about staying healthy
Unit 7:Talk about technology, talk about a series of events, say what you did, talk about indefinite or negative situations, talk on the phone, say where you went, what you did and how it was, extend invitations
Unit 8:Talk about a typical day, talk about what you are doing, talk about your daily routine while on a vacation, and talk about vacation activities
The following policies must be followed in this classroom:
No unnecessary conversation during instruction. Don’t talk when I am talking. We take turns. Raise your hand and wait for permission.
Follow directions the first time they are given.
Come to class on time and prepared (in your seat with your notebook and required supplies ready at the time when class is scheduled to start.) Tardy policy enforced.
Be kind, respectful and polite. (Remember the Golden Rule!)
If I tell you to leave the room, then go. No discussion.
Be on task- no other work in class, no writing notes, etc.
No food, gum, candy or drinks – water is permitted.
Stay seated and focused on class activities until I dismiss you.
Students are expected to follow the classroom rules and not interfere with the learning of others. The classroom is a place of learning. All students have the right to learn without interruption. Students who choose to disrupt the learning process will be subject to the following steps:
1. Verbal reminder (of classroom procedures)
2. Refocus
3.Lunch detention
4. Parent contact
4. Office referral
NOTE: Referral will also be given immediately in extreme cases
2 pencils, blue or black ink pen, 100-page composition notebook,, loose leaf paper
2-3 dry-erase markers (for individual activities using white boards)
HOMEWORK POLICY (Monday-through Thursday)
Students are expected to invest 10 to 15 minutes daily: reading, listening to and practicing structures used in class both orally and written. Assignments will be due the following day. Ifabsentthe student will have one day per absence to complete and turn in the work. It is the student’s responsibility to find out and turn in made up or late homework. Late work will be accepted for 60% credit up to 1 week after it was due! Any missed test or quiz will need to be made up within one week.
Your grade will be based on the following categories and weights:
50% – Assessments: Tests, quizzes, oral quizzes 20% – Special projects, presentations and miscellaneous assignments.
20% – Homework: Homework will be collected regularly and graded for accuracy. Other times it will be graded by completion only.
10% – Participation: Students are expected to participate in all class activities (class discussions, games, skits, pair and group work, in-class work).
Thank you for your attention and cooperation. If you need to contact me you can e-mail me at r call me at (805)742-3537. I am looking forward to an exciting and growth-filled year!