
6th Meeting of the FSP

Date: Tuesday 21st February 2012 - 10.30 to 12.30pm

Host: University of Central Lancashire


Simon MacaulayAnglo Recycling

Jason Crump Tarkett (MD UK & Ireland)

Alan Best Shaw Industries

Mark Bauer Forbo

Helen McGachieFerfa

Jane Gardner CRUK (Axion Consulting)

Stuart Blofeld BRE

Richard Catt Contract Flooring Association

Steve Weston COSTdown Recycling

Shirley StoneShaw Industries

Alex Fyffe Clean Close Company

Ross Fielding University of Lancashire (waste department)

Ian Holmes The Environmental Sustainability Knowledge Transfer Network (ESKTN)

Brian Newell The Tile Association

Lisa McQuillan Carpenter

Keith Hall Desso

Malcolm Waddell WRAP

Rudi Daelmans Desso

Keith Yates Mercado

Helen McGachie FeFRA


Brian MurphyGreenSpec

Joe Simpson Tile & Stone Journal

Jackie GlasspoolSATRA

Ruth WaltonInterfaceFLOR

Kelly GraingerInterfaceFLOR

Guy Stanton Nora

Michael Cheetham Karndean

Roy Daniels Loughton Contracts

Beverley McFarlane Axiom Group

Kevin Sibley Country style group

Steven Fox Carpetandflooring

Paul Herbert Carpet Right

Paul Rogers Forbo

Geoff Cleverdon Altro

David Whitefoot Carpet Foundation

New and outstanding actions

Action Points / Date / Responsible
Brian Murphy to provide Stuart Blofeld with relevant info on GreenSpec for FSP website / Mar 2012 / Brian Murphy
ALL FSP members to populate Flooringwaste.co.uk with relevant recycling facilities and schemes (Simply add a new Commercial Profileon the Flooringwaste.co.ukwebsite, and complete the minimum information required) / ONGOING / ALL
There is potential funding available via Construction Skills Management and Leadership Development Programme (M&SDP) to develop material for delivery of seminars to architects, and specifiers on sustainability within the flooring sector. Stuart to prepare proposal with Richard Catt. / Apr 2012 / Stuart Blofeld
Jane and Stuart to produce a short FSP Briefing Note on the new Waste Carrier Regulations / Apr 2012 / Stuart Blofeld & Jane Gardner
Product Category Rules
BRE to produce 1stdraft Flooring PCR guidance document by 9 March for circulation to FSP members for comment.
Final draft Flooring PCR complete for circulation to FSP members for discussion at final FSP Meeting on 29th March. / 9 March 2012 / BRE
  • Agreed to include foreword in the report. Richard Catt has provided BRE with suitable text for inclusion.
  • Agreed to include new section on update to EU waste legislation (including REACH) that impacts the Flooring sector
Agreed timeline for completion of the FREP 2011 PROGRESS REPORT
  • Stuart Blofeld to send draft FREP report to all members - Wednesday 22 Feb
  • Sector MAP Leads to provide status update on Sector MAP Targets and individual actions (included in Appendix A of the report) to Stuart Blofeld no later than Friday 2 March
  • ALL members to respond to FSP questionnaire by Friday 2 March. Members can either return the completed questionnaire via email to Stuart Blofeld or respond via a telephone interview. Andrew Richardson of BRE will contact FSP members from Wednesday 22 Feb onwards
  • Stuart Blofeld to send out final draft to members for comment by 9 March 2012
  • 1 week for members to comment on draft. Email comments/amends to Stuart Blofeld via track changes to the main document no later than Friday 16 March
  • Stuart Blofeld to send final report to FSP members, WRAP and BRE Trust by Friday 30 March
/ See individual dates opposite / ALL
Stuart Blofeldto add REACH presentation to the FSP website. / 24 Feb / BRE
BRE will prepare a formal quotation detailing the costs of providing the secretariat support in 2012/13. This support will include:
•Secretariat support for up to 3 FSP meetings per year. This includes arrangement of meeting dates, venues (excluding venue hire or catering costs) and guest speakers, issue of meeting agendas, presentations, and minute taking.
•12 months hosting of the and websites which are held on the BRE servers.
•Preparation of a draft and final annual FSP Progress Report. This report will use the same template as used in 2011. Alternatively as briefly discussed in the meeting if the group favours moving away from an annual report towards a shorter quarterly newsletter then this can be factored into the above time and costs. / 13 March / Stuart Blofeld

Minutes from meeting

Ref / Action
Richard Catt, the Chairman of the Flooring Sustainability Partnership welcomed all attendees to the meeting. Outlined Competition Act 1998 and Enterprise Act 2002 and requirement that issues of prices and market share or any other issues covered by the legislation will not be raised or discussed.
Introductions made and apologies given. See full attendance list and apologies above.
Minutes of Previous Meeting / Matters Arising
The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 22ndNovember 2011 were accepted as a true record.
The actions to be delivered as in the previous minutes were: All action remaining open are included in action table above.
Action Points / Date / Responsible
Brian Murphy to provide Stuart Blofeld with relevant info on GreenSpec for FSP website / Jan 2012–REMAINS OPEN / Brian Murphy
ALL FSP members to populate Flooringwaste.co.uk with relevant recycling facilities and schemes (Simply add a new Commercial Profileon the Flooringwaste.co.ukwebsite, and complete the minimum information required) / Jan 2012
Alan Best to take this action forward on REACH. Alan has several good contacts linked to REACH and feels there is merit in working up a project proposal with potential partners that would investigate the implications of REACH on the Flooring sector (esp vinyl flooring) and what would be needed to ensure future REACH compliance. / Feb 2012
(Remove action from future minutes) / Alan Best
There is potential funding available via Construction Skills Management and Leadership Development Programme (M&SDP) to develop material for delivery of seminars to architects, and specifiers on sustainability within the flooring sector. Stuart to prepare proposal with Richard Catt. / Jan 2012
REMAINS OPEN / Stuart Blofeld
A conference call to be arranged between Stuart Blofeld, Alan Best, Brian Murphy and Joe Simpson to discuss and agreed a way forward for engaging with RIBA. This could include submission of a proposal to RIBA to develop a course/module as part of their existing RIBA training syllabus. / Jan 2012
REMAINS OPEN / Stuart Blofeld, Alan Best, Brian Murphy, Joe Simpson
FSP Progress Report: Each sector MAP lead to provide a suitable case study for inclusion in the FSP Progress Report / End of Dec
REMAINS OPEN / Sector MAP leads
Each MAP group to update their existing sector Targets & Actions presented in the Draft 2011 Progress Report circulated in November. This can include the inclusion of new Targets and Actions as well as the removal of old actions that are no longer relevant. Justification/reasoning should be included for any actions removed.
SB to contact MAP leads individually to agree the best approach for each sector. / Jan 2012
REMAINS OPEN / Sector MAP leads
FSP Progress Report to include:
  • Executive Summary
  • Collective Vision which willstate the main areas that the FSP is focusing on to provide more context to its activities, purpose and key goals
/ Dec 2011
REMAINS OPEN / Stuart Blofeld
Add FSP documents sub-page to the Flooringwaste.co.uk site and upload Jane’s presentation / Dec 2011
DONE / Stuart Blofeld
Jane and Stuart to produce a short FSP Briefing Note on the new Waste Carrier Regulations / Jan 2012
REMAINS OPEN / Stuart Blofeld & Jane Gardner
BRE to check Google Maps error on site as maps do not appear to be showing / Dec 2011
DONE / Stuart Blofeld
Stuart to update summary paper on the Flooring Waste Reporting Tool and disseminate to FSP members to help raise awareness through the supply chains / Dec 2011
DONE / Stuart Blofeld
ALL FSP members to promote the Flooringwaste.co.uk website across their supply chains and raise interest in the Flooring Waste Reporting Tool / ONGOING (Remove action from future minutes) / ALL
Product Category Rules
Draft outline plan for PCR project to be completed by end of December.
1stdraft Flooring PCR complete by Mid February for circulation to FSP members for comment. Comments to be received by End of February.
Final draft Flooring PCR complete by Mid March for circulation to FSP members for discussion at final FSP Meeting on 29th March. / March 2012
Draft to be complete by 9 March / BRE
BRE to prepare quote for FSP secretariat in 2012/13. / Dec 2011
DONE / Stuart Blofeld
All FSP members to consider and volunteer either themselves or a suitable colleague for FSP Chair person. Volunteers to email Richard Catt - / Jan 2012
New proposed dates for next meeting are either 21stor 22nd February 2012. Stuart to send online meeting scheduler to agree best date. / Dec 2011
DONE / Stuart Blofeld
FREP Progress Report 2011
Stuart Blofeld presented the 2nd draft of the FREP Progress Report 2011 to FSP members. The following comments and actions arose from the discussion:
  • Agreed to include foreword in the report. Richard Catt has provided BRE with suitable text for inclusion.
  • Agreed to include new section on update to EU waste legislation (including REACH) that impacts the Flooring sector
Agreed timeline for completion of the FREP 2011 PROGRESS REPORT
  • Stuart Blofeld to send draft FREP report to all members - Wednesday 22Feb
  • Sector MAP Leads to provide status update on Sector MAP Targets and individual actions (included in Appendix A of the report) to Stuart Blofeldno later than Friday 2 March
  • ALL members to respond to FSP questionnaire by Friday 2 March. Members can either return the completed questionnaire via email to Stuart Blofeld or respond via a telephone interview. Andrew Richardson of BRE will contact FSP members from Wednesday 22Feb onwards
  • Stuart Blofeldto send out final draftto membersfor comment by 9 March 2012
  • 1 week for members to comment on draft. Email comments/amendsto Stuart Blofeld via track changes to the main documentno later than Friday 16 March
  • Stuart Blofeldto send final report to FSP members, WRAP and BRE Trust by Friday 30 March

The impact of REACH Regs on the Vinyl flooring sector and recycling – Alan Best
•REACH sets out to impose on the whole industrial supply chain from producer to downstream user, the same basic environmental and human health regulations as pharmaceuticals and pesticides.
•REACH sets out to systematically assess the safety of chemicals to ensure that their risks are fully understood and managed and to encourage the substitution and innovation of those that are hazardous and for which they may be better alternatives!
•Administered by ECHA – Helsinki, HSE - UK
•Pre-registrations – They thought 100-500,000
•30,000 substances
•Actual 2.75 million pre-registrations
•140,000 substances
•60,000 companies
•Cost to industry estimated at 15p to £1/kilo
•REACH will ban - SUBSTANCES OF VERY HIGH CONCERN (SVHC’S) which are classified as:
•Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic
•Very Persistent and very Bioaccumulative
•Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, disruptors of Reproduction category1&2
•Or of equivalent concern
•Candidate list of SVHC’Sfor authorisation by ECHA (currently 73 chemicals)
•If such a product/article contains an SVHC then this must be notified to the ECHA if: the article contains more than 0.1% of an SVHC and the volumes produced/imported are greater that one tonne of that SVHC per annum –NEED TO INFORM CUSTOMER
•Additives in PVC are being looked at very closely and could be included in REACH banned list – includes Vinyl Chloride Monomer which is a known carcinogen which has affected workers – vinyl chloride disease
•The SIN LIST - “Substitute it Now” is being backed by major retailers and manufacturers - B&Q, Boots, Dell, L’oreal, Nokia, Sara Lee, Skanska, Ericksson, Ikea, H&M, Electrolux
•How does the recycler look for phthalates on the REACH SVHC OR SIN LIST? - Potential research project with the REACH Centre Lancaster University for a practical analytical tool which can be used by recycling contractors
•The REACH Centre are aiming to producing a simple, cost effective test for the identification of phthalates contained in plastic components. A program of work has been developed in which a combination of 'lab-on-a-chip' technology and efficient chemical methodology will be co-developed to provide a novel semi-quantitative analytical protocol for phthalate detection. By achieving this, The REACH Centre and collaborating bodies will be able to develop a world leading position in the testing and management of phthalates.
•Hence there is potential for the FSP to support this project through direct involvement on a member by member basis with the REACH Centre, or as the FSP group as a whole
Member comments on presentation:
•Jane Gardner – Vinyl 2010 and Vinyl PLUS schemes are already addressing the impacts of PVC and increasing recycling of PVC in manufacturing. It has an extremely high degree of responsibility and self-regulation.
•Steve Weston – Recyclers need to be aware of the contamination percentages that are allowed under REACH. Understood that up to a 20% contamination allowed within recycled products but this was not clear.
ACTION – Stuart Blofeldto add REACH presentation to the FSP website.
New ChairmanSecretariat 2012/13
Richard Catt formally stood down as Chairperson of the FSP.
Simon Macaulay of Anglo Recycling has put himself forward as the new Chair person of the FSP. No other nominations were received. Unanimous vote by all FSP members present to endorse Simon Macaulay as the new Chair person of the FSP.
Simon provided a brief background to himself. His undergraduate degree was at Cambridge, and Post-Grad at London Business School. For the past 10 years he has taken on his fathers flooring recycling business which manufactures recycled carpet underlay from carpet manufacturing waste. Anglo Recycling is a member of CRUK. Simon has offered to be chair person in a voluntary capacity for the next 12 months. Priorities going forward is to grow the FSP as a lobbying organisation with Government. Not sure if there are funds available to do a lot of new research. Would like to get Axion Consulting more involved in potential delivery of FSP projects who have expertise in this area. Approach in future on reporting FSP activity and progress could potentially move towards more regular newsletter style bulletins to members and the wider flooring sector rather than an annual report.
Secretariat support in 2012/13
Richard Catt explained that he has taken legal advice from CFA lawyer regarding the set up of the FSP as a self-funded group outside of the current WRAP/BRE Trust funding mechanism (which ends in March). It is proposed that BRE will continue to provide the secretariat support to the FSP in 2012/13 which provide continuality including upkeep on the flooring waste website. Payment will be made by FSP members directly to BRE upon receipt of an invoice issued by BRE for the agreed fee at the start of the period.
The only alternative to the above proposal would be to set the FSP up as an independent not profit organisation, inviting all involved to pay a membership fee.However this approach requires a formal constitution, board of directors, governance and financial accounts which will be overly burdensome for the group.
Following the principles outlined above, we have the opportunity to continue the work of the FSP using BRE on a purely contract basis, whilst seeking grants and other funding to continue project work outside of the basic networking / steering committee meetings.
Stuart outlined the number of FSP members that have so far committed to paying the membership fee as set out below.

The following other organisations present agreed to fund secretariat in the meeting:
The total funding currently secured is £7,000.
BRE will prepare a formal quotation detailing the costs of providing the secretariat support in 2012/13. This support will include:
•Secretariat support for up to 3 FSP meetings per year. This includes arrangement of meeting dates, venues (excluding venue hire or catering costs) and guest speakers, issue of meeting agendas, presentations, and minute taking.
•12 months hosting of the and websites which are held on the BRE servers. Including upload of FSP meeting minutes and presentations onto flooringwaste.co.uk. This support excludes any further modifications to either website in terms of design or content.
•Preparation of a draft and final annual FSP Progress Report. This report will use the same template as used in 2011. Alternatively as briefly discussed in the meeting if the group favours moving away from an annual report towards a shorter quarterly newsletter then this can be factored into the above time and costs.
Flooring Product Category Rules
Stuart Blofeld outlined the timeline to complete the first draft Flooring PCR guidance document. Will be disseminated to FSP members on the 9th March for comment.
The PCR will allow comparative Life Cycle Assessments to be carried out between different end of life processes for flooring waste materials as part of the ‘Module D’ methodology detailed in EN 15804:2010 standard. The approach taken will rely on data sets obtained through existing Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) submitted by manufacturers which identify the environmental burden of different end of life disposal options such as landfill and incineration.
Ian Holmes of the Environmental Sustainability Knowledge Transfer Network sends out a monthly newsletter to over 8,000 members. Ian would welcome information/case studies from members for inclusion in the newsletter.
Date of Next Meeting
Thursday 29th March 2012 (10:30am start)
BRE, Watford available as venue. Keith Yates of Mercado to look at availability of meeting venue in Birmingham.

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