Internship Program

Thanks to the generous support ofthe Freeman Foundation,Illinois Wesleyan willoffercompetitivesupport for internships in Asiatoqualifiedstudentsin summer 2016 or during AY 2016-2017 while studying abroad at Lingnan University in Hong Kong. Approximately 32 awards are available. Support includes airfare, summer housing, living allowance, visa fees and all internship placement costs.Studentsawardedinternship supportcommittodocumentingandsharingtheir internship experienceduringand afterparticipation.Click here for more information about internship opportunities.


Applicantsmust be

  • U.S citizens or permanent residentsenrolledfull-timeatIWU and with a 3.0 cumulative GPA (petition to waive the GPA requirement available; contact Dr. Amoloza– - for details)
  • Sophomores or juniorsat time of application and will return to IWU upon completion of internship


ApplicationswillbeevaluatedbytheIWU Freeman Asia Internship SelectionCommittee.Recipientswillbeselectedonthebasisoftheiressaysthat as much as possible, include reference to anticipated internshipplacement,thedemonstratedvalueoftheinternshiptothestudents'courseofstudyorpost-graduationplans and articulation of suitability for internship experience in Asia.

Application Packet

CompleteIWUFreeman Asia Internship Programapplicationsmustincludethefollowing:

Completed ApplicationForm including two (2) required essays


Please e-mail completed application form, essays and resumé to Laurie Diekhoff at .

Additionally, students need to solicit the following:

Letter of support from an IWU faculty member (one page) indicating the student’s suitability to participate in the IWU Freeman Asia Internship program.

Faculty writing support letter should send the letter directly to Laurie Diekhoff at the Hart Career Center or via email at by the January 18th deadline.

Recipients ofIWUFreeman Asia Internship awardare requiredtodocumentandsharetheirinternshipexperienceswiththewiderIWUcommunity.Creativityisencouraged.Sharing mustbecompletedwithinonesemesterofthereturntoIWU. Forexample,astudentmight:

  • KeepabloglinkedtotheIWUwebsite – this is required.
  • CreateseveraldigitalstoriesthatcanbepostedontheIWUwebsite (optional)
  • Upon return, presentinclassoratsomeotheruniversityforumabouttheinternship experience (required)


  • January 25, 2016 – application deadline
  • February 5, 2016 – notification of selected students
  • February 8, 2016 – deadline for acceptance of award
  • February 12, 2016 – selected students submit documents required by internship site
  • February 22 – March 18, 2016 – Video interviews with sites that require this
  • March 30, 2016 – confirmation of internship placement

Immediately thereafter, selected students should have passport ready to work with Dr. Amoloza to obtain the proper visa. Students should also start correspondence with internship supervisor in Asia.

  • April 11, 2016 – internship contract due
  • March 27, 2016 (Sunday) – pre-departure orientation session (tentative date)

IWU Freeman AsiaInternshipApplication Form






Classyear: Sophomore JuniorCurrent Overall GPA:______




When:Summer 2016 Fall 2016*Spring 2017*

*Support available only if studying abroad at Lingnan University. If selected, award will be contingent upon acceptance to study abroad at Lingnan University.

Where: Please indicate two choices in order of preference with 1= first choice:

______Technos College, Japan______Akita International University, Japan**

______IRRI, Philippines______Gawad Kalinga NGO, Philippines

_____ IEWS, Yonsei, Korea______Human Nature, Philippines

_____ Lingnan University, Hong Kong (Consult the International Office for deadlines on study abroad applications)

_____ FNRI, Philippines_____ Any of the above

** Open only to students who have completed or are completing Japanese 201 or equivalent Japanese proficiency.

Asia-related courses taken at IWU or elsewhere or will take in Spring 2016: ______


All students participating in IWU Freeman Asia Internships must receive academic credit for the internship experience from an IWU department that corresponds to the work completed at the internship site. Please indicate the department that you anticipate requesting credit from and the faculty member from the department agreeing to supervise the internship credit for this grant. (Note: Contact Professor Amoloza or Laurie Diekhoff if you have questions about internship credit.)

Department: ______Faculty Supervisor: ______

Signature of IWU faculty supervisor: ______

IWUAsia InternshipApplicationpage1


Pleaserespondtothefollowingtwoessayprompts.Attachyouressaystothe completedapplicationform. Make sure toincludeyournameoneachessay.

RequiredEssay#1:Discuss(in 400-500 words) whyyou are interested in internship in Asia, why youchosethe particularinternshipprogram as your first choice, what makes you suitable for this internship andhowparticipationin an internship in Asia willhelpyou achieveyouracademic and personalgoals.

RequiredEssay#2:Describe(in 300-400 words)anexperience or experiencesyouhavehadoractivity/activitiesinwhichyouhaveparticipatedsometimeinthepast3-4yearsand discusshowithashelpedprepareyoutoundertake this internship experience. Ifyou have studied abroad, include thenameofprogram,ifapplicable;countries; thelengthof participation(e.g.,4weeks)and its purpose.

Confirmation of Conditions of the Grant and

AuthorizationforRelease ofAcademicandPersonalInformation

In applying for this grant, I agree to the following stipulations:

1)Since the main purpose of the award is to give studentsexperience working in real work setting in Asia, it is possible that I will not have a specific project to work on during the duration of the internship, rather, I maybe asked to assist in the day-to-day operation of the office or the firm.

2)I committodocumentingandsharingmy internship experiencevia blog post. I also commit to participating in all required pre-departure briefing/orientation sessions and debriefing sessions upon returning to IWU and to make presentations at various venues organized by faculty and student groups, and activities designed to help advertise the program.

3)I commit to submitting the required post-internship materials to Dr. Amoloza, namely, five pictures representing my internship experience, especially the ones when I am working on-site, and 1-2 pages of reflection essay. I understand that my grade for the internship will not be released if these materials are not submitted.

4)I understand that if I want to travel outside the country of my internship, I will be allowed to do this either before the start or after the end of my internship and thus would need to coordinate with Dr. Amolozaabout my plane ticket. I understand that expenses for the additional trips will not be covered by the grant. Out of country travel during the duration of the internship will be allowed on a case-by-case basis. This has to first be approved by both the on-site and the faculty supervisors and by Dr. Amoloza.

5)I understand that I must register for academic credit for the internship, which will involve completing an Internship Learning Contract or Lingnan Participant Agreement with a faculty supervisor and paying the appropriate tuition ($660for summer internship).

6)If I am placed at Lingnan University, I commit to 35 hours of work either at the Service Learning Office or an outside agency in addition to the 25 hours already required by the SLP 101 course.

7)IcertifythatalloftheinformationreportedinmyapplicationpacketfortheIWUFreeman Asia Internship Program awardistrueand completetothebestofmyknowledge.IfthereareanychangestomyplansafterIsubmitthis application,IunderstandthatI mustnotifytheHart Career Center Internship Office immediately.

8)IfI amselectedasan internship award recipient,Iauthorizethereleaseofmypersonalinformationforthepurposesofpublicity andrecognition.Ialsocommittoshare my internship experience with the IWU community within onesemesterofreturningtocampus.

My signature below confirms my understanding and acceptance of the above stipulations.


Please e-mail completed application form, essays and resumé to Laurie Diekhoff at . The faculty support letter should be sent by the faculty directly to Laurie Diekhoff at the Hart Career Center or .

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