PAIUCC Meeting Notes – Virtual Session

February 13, 2015

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Early Warning Dashboard - Dan Berger

·  To see specific information on the Early Warning Dashboard, check the PDE website at the following link:

·  To access a demo, use the following link:

o  Username: KurtMcCarthy

o  Password: 123

·  Use this link to access the registration information for the PDE Data Summit:

Comprehensive Planning - Jill Neuhard

·  School Improvement Plan workflow is complete. All priority and focus schools will have to resubmit their 2014-2017 School Improvement Plan by 6/30/15 for review by their IU Executive. Communication will go out to IU Execs, IU CP/SIP contacts, and ARLs by 2/20/15.

·  Updates are currently being made to the 14-15 Charter Annual Report. The 14-15 Report will open for edits on 4/1/15.

·  The CP Project Team in collaboration with PDE created a web service to handle the EDNA import to the Comprehensive Planning application.A push of data runs every 10 minutes.

·  Update on Phase 2 and 3 delinquent plans

·  Phase 1 Special Education Plans due May 1, 2015

·  Recording of Phase 1 Special Education Plan training can be found here:

o  Click on Comprehensive Planning Wiki Site under Resources

o  Click on Special Education

·  Act 126 – Mandated Reporter Training – currently being integrated in Professional Development Plan

·  Act 71 of 2014- currently being integrated in Professional Development Plan

o  Requirement begins 15/16 SY-- 4 hours of PD on youth suicide awareness & prevention every 5 years (Grades 6-12) and 4 hours of PD on child exploitation awareness every 5 years (Grades K-8)

The Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention program will begin in the 2015-2016 school year. During that time, each school district/Intermediate Unit will need to adopt “age-appropriate” suicide awareness and prevention policies/curriculum, inform parents of each policy, and post on their website. PDE is directed in the final legislation to develop a model for districts to use.

In addition, each school district will have to provide four hours of training every five years for educators serving students grade 6-12. This will be included in the professional development plan submitted to the department. Again, PDE will developmaterials for the training.

A similar curriculum/model will be developed for students and educators on child exploitation awareness education for students grades K=8 and the their educators, beginning in the 2015-2016 school year. PDE, along with another agency, will be developing curriculum models and training for this as well.

Subsequently, PDE released this toolkit as a resource:

The Preventing Suicide: A Toolkit for High Schools has been posted on SAS. It can be accessed via the link below:


The “model policy” is going through the approval process and they hope to release it later this month/beginning of March.

·  PDE currently has 2 sub-committees working on developing the “model curriculum” and teacher training materials. They hope to complete both by late Spring in anticipation of the July 1 deadline.

·  Nicole will be touching base with each IU CP/SIP to schedule Phase 2 summer trainings starting next week.

·  Join the Listserv


o  Click PA Planning

o  Click on Subscribe or Unsubscribe

·  Comprehensive Planning

o  717-732-8403

ELL Updates - Linda Long

·  A PowerPoint presentation on ELLs, PDE’s Flexibility Waiver and Title III Part A Monies

·  To see the specifics, please review the PowerPoint on the Moodle site.

·  Questions should be directed to:

o  Linda Long

o  Bilingual Education Advisor

o  Division of Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction

o  717.783.6595

o  Tami Shaffer

o  Education Administration Associate

o  Division of Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction

o  717-705-3829

o  Anne Scoufalos

o  ESL Technical Assistance Coordinator

o  Center for Schools and Communities

o  717-763-1661 x198

PEERS , SAS EVAAS, PVAAS – Kristen Lewald

·  Kristen presented a PowerPoint – please see the PowerPoint in Moodle for specific. A summary is as follows:

o  PEERS to be released March 2nd

o  Webinar and Demo – March 10th 3-4PM

o  Penn Link to announce release and webinar joining is forthcoming

o  Demo slides:

o  PEERS FAQ coming soon to PVAAS Login page.

o  No need to register for PEERS to begin using it…

o  PEERS can be used for 82-2 Correlation/Relationship Data – an example was provided in the PowerPOint

o  Laura provided a DEMO of the PEERS site to show how the system works

§  Evaluators will be able to see a list of teachers for whom they are responsible for evaluation

§  Teachers will be able to see past evaluations (if districts use this – moving forward)

§  Administrators will be able to see past and current evaluation for folks.

§  Administrators will have a link to Manage Access to the system

PVAAS - Kristen Lewald

·  Kristen presented a PowerPoint on the following topics: PVAAS Projections to SAT, PSAT and ACT, PVAAS Teacher Reporting Survey Themes, Fall 2014 Professional Development Follow-Up, Preparing for Spring 2015 PVAAS Roster Verification and SY2015-16 Professional Development Planning

·  See the PowerPoint posted on the Moodle for specific details, but the following is a summary:

o  Available beginning February 20, 2015 - New PVAAS student projections for currently enrolled students in Grades 6-12

o  Recorded training session will be available on the PVAAS website no later than March 10, 2015

§  Recording will be posted under e-Learning link on the PVAAS Homepage

§  Session will address the following topics:

·  Overview of Methodology for PVAAS Student Projections to SAT, PSAT, and ACT

·  Benchmark Scores Used for PVAAS Student Projections to SAT, PSAT, and ACT

·  Students/Grade Levels Receiving PVAAS Student Projections to SAT, PSAT, and ACT

·  Offer Guidance on How to Use These New Projections

·  Offer Guidance on How to Use Them to Help Students Plan for College

o  A number of graphical-representation slides show results of feedback from the field from Administrators and Teachers.

o  Follow up from the training:

§  Contacted 411 LEAs who attended Fall 2014 PVAAS professional development sessions

§  Purpose: check in with LEAs to see how things are going and offer a one-hour follow-up call or webinar session

§  18 LEAs who have requested 1:1 follow-up call/webinar

§  Top 3-4 topics:

·  Review of Report(s) that have most meaning for teachers on instructional practices and changes

·  Composite Calculation

·  Conversion of Composite to 0-3 Scale on Educator Evaluation

·  Roster Verification Questions

o  Roster Verification this Spring

§  PVAAS Account Management

·  Ensure District Admin is held by current Superintendent/CEO or his/her designee

·  For help during RV, assign appropriate District Users account management privileges and/or Roster Verifier access

·  Ensure School Admin accounts are assigned to appropriate staff

·  Ensure all teachers have PVAAS School User accounts

·  Ensure PPIDs are included on all PVAAS accounts (Required to access the roster verification system!)

§  Account managers: review PVAAS webinar recording, “Account Management: Preparing for Roster Verification”

·  Access recording at

§  PIMS collection for prepopulating PVAAS rosters

·  C6 PVAAS 14-15: Staff Student Subtest template

·  Open NOW! Deadline to submit is March 25, 2015 at 11:59 pm. HARD DEADLINE – NO CORRECTION WINDOWS!

·  Recommend LEAs submit now, and submit again closer to March 25

·  Use the COGNOS reports before March 25

§  PIMS collection for creation of PVAAS accounts

·  C6 Staff UPDTS14-15: Staff template

·  Sent monthly (approximately). Upcoming collection dates: 2/17/2015, 3/17/2015, 4/21/2015

·  Mass creation of PVAAS SCHOOL USER accounts

§  District Admin/District Users with Account Management access can download a report of ALL active PVAAS accounts within their LEA.

§  Report is accessed after logging in and clicking the “Admin” link at the top right.

§  PIMS Collection – Gap Enrollment

·  C6 StudentUPDTS14-15, Student, School Enrollment template

·  Many collection dates before and during the RV process:

o  March 24 & 31, 2015

o  April 14, 21, & 28, 2015

o  May 5, 12, 19, & 26, 2015

o  June 2, 2015

§  Training and Resources

·  Citrix GoToWebinar system change resulted in a change in the way attendees join PVAAS webinars

·  Updated training documents (with direct links to sessions) available on PVAAS login page:

·  E-mail blast on 2/4/15 to PVAAS District Admin & District User account holders notifying them of the change

·  Roster Verification Virtual Learning Module

·  Accessible 24/7 through PVAAS website

·  Segments for Teachers, School Admins and School Verifiers, and District Admin and District Verifiers

o  Part 1 – Released November 1, 2014

o  Part 2 - Released TODAY! Feb 13th!

§  Stay tuned for email notification!

§  SY15-16 Professional Development Plan

·  In development

·  Discussing combo of F2F, virtual/webinars, 1:1 F2F

·  Discussing possible unique needs/approaches for largest 25 LEAs and/or urban districts

·  Discussing offerings for those in “coaching” roles

·  Discussing “Guides” to Using PVAAS; District Admins, School Admins, Teachers

·  Discussing development of content-specific questions for 4 domains and CIAO areas