Meeting of Takeley Parish Council
held on Wednesday, 4th July 2012, at 7.30pm at Takeley Station House.
Present: / Clr Carol PrattClr. John Gregory
Clr Pat Burnett
Clr Linda Steer
Clr Tricia Barber (19.34)
Clr Geoff Bagnall
Clr Brian Baldwin / Clr Trevor Allen
Clr David Daykin
Clr John Green
Clr Richard Cheetham
Clr Tina Domigan
Clerk Jane Heskey
Apologies: / Clr Susan Sprules, District Cllr Jackie Cheetham, Mr. Martin Peachey (resident)
Visitors: / Rev. Rob Burles, Kim Lepley (Curate), & Mrs J Solomons
12/164 / Welcome and apologies
Chairman Clr. Carol Pratt opened the meeting, welcomed members and visitors, and received apologies as above. / All note
12/165 / Code of Conduct
(previously circulated)
Clr Daykin proposed that TPC should adopt the UDC Code of Conduct with the exception of clause 9.3.
Members voted 11/12 to adopt the Code unamended.
In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, on 4th July 2012 Takeley Parish Council resolved to adopt the Code of Conduct of Uttlesford District Council as recommended by the Working Group and agreed by TPC in March 2012.
A copy is attached to these minutes, will be available on TPC website, and can be viewed at: www.uttlesford.gov.uk/uttlesford/file/code%20of%20conduct%202012.pdf / All note
12/166 / Register of Interests
(previously circulated)
TPC members will within 28 days of 4th July 2012 submit a completed register of their interests to the UDC Monitoring Officer / All note
12/167 / 3 x Co-Opted Councillors
The 3 new co-opted councillors, Clr Linda Steer, Pat Burnett & Tina Domigan, signed Declarations of Acceptance of Office agreeing to abide by the Council’s Code of Conduct (2012). / All note
12/168 /
Declarations of Interest:
Clr Daykin declared a non pecuniary interest in item 13 on the agenda as he is trustee of Takeley Chapel.Members were reminded that they should declare relevant interests at each meeting for items on the agenda and to request a replacement form if their circumstances have changed and their register needs amending.
/ All note12/169 / Minutes
(previously circulated)
The minutes of the Council Meeting 13h June 2012, which had been circulated previously, were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman. / All note
12/170 / Matters Arising
§ Clr Daykin queried why the Christian School had not been given Diamond Jubilee mugs. It was explained that TPC had previously debated this issue and voted that only state funded schools i.e. Silver Jubilee Hall pre-school & Takeley Primary School would receive the commemorative mugs free of charge.
§ Clr John Gregory requested an update on progress to install at bus shelter at Molehill Green. The Clerk explained that we are waiting for a site survey by Essex County Council. / All note
12/171 / Open Forum
§ Rev. Rob Burles introduced assistant minister/curate Kim Lepley who was ordained on Sunday 1st July. TPC members welcomed Kim Lepley to the community.
§ Mrs. J Solomon complained about the potholes in Warish Hall Road & Bambers Green Road. This will be reported to ECC Highways Dept. / All note
12/172 / Standing Orders (Procedures)
(previously circulated)
TPC adopted a revised set of Standing Orders that has been amended to include up to date references to TPC’s Code of Conduct (July 2012) and includes relevant details re declaring interests and the effect during meetings. A copy is attached to these minutes. / All note
12/173 / Dispensations
TPC agreed that no dispensations are required. / All note
12/174 / Appointment of Roles & Responsibilities, Committees & Working Gps
(previously circulated)
Following the co-option of 3 new members, TPC completed the appointment of Roles & Responsibilities including a working group to monitor the amenity of the parish. TPC agreed that the working group will ‘review and coordinate the maintenance and improvement of public spaces’.
A copy will be attached to these minutes. / All note
12/175 / June 2012 Financial Report
(previously circulated)
Financial transactions for June 2012 were tabled & agreed.
TPC noted a completed bank reconciliation. / All note
12/176 / Christian School - parent request for finance
(previously circulated)
Parent/helper requesting support to purchase a commemorative bench (Diamond Jubilee) to be placed in the chapels closed church yard for use by pupils & visitors to the school & chapel at a cost of £294.
Clr Daykin explained that a project plan will come forward at a later date to improve the Chapel garden.
TPC agreed to award £300 providing it is confirmed that this request is on behalf of the school, & that the school agrees to maintain and insure the bench. / All note/
12/177 / Playsafety Ltd - Annual ROSPA Inspection
TPC approved payment of the fee (£165.60) for completion of annual safety inspection of play equipment at the Recreation Ground & Sports Field. / All note
12/178 / RCCE Membership renewal
. TPC authorised payment of the renewal subscription of £55 (Ly £55) / All note
12/179 / Village Planters - site of additional 2 planters
Clr David Daykin recommended that the remaining 2 planters be positioned (1) HBO Rd/village gates (2) Parsonage Rd village gates.
Clr Richard Cheetham queried the positioning of planters at the Takeley/Lt. Canfield border. The ECC village gates are rotting.
TPC agreed for 2 planters to be positioned (1) HBO Rd/village gates (2) Parsonage Rd village gates. Clrs Richard Cheetham & David Daykin will
Co-ordinate the positioning.
Clr Daykin will have a site meeting with reps from Lt. Canfield PC to potentially agree a joint venture for planters on the Takeley/Lt. Canfield border, including the proposal of smaller/hanging planters.
Clerk to contact LCPC. / All note/
12/180 / Village Tidy Day - Sat 14th July 2012
Event is being coordinated by Clr Daykin.
Clerk has advertised in the Grapevine.
Clr Daykin will prioritise areas of focus depending on the number of volunteers that arrive on the day. Litter pickers, rubbish bags, high visibility jackets & refreshments will be provided.
TPC noted that recent grass cutting and tidying had been provided by TPC members, local volunteers & Mr. Michael Coleman rather than ECC services. / All note
12/181 / Dog Fouling & Littering
(previously circulated)
TPC received more information from the Clerk about the cost of bins, how bins can be used, and where bins have been requested by residents.
The Clerk confirmed that TSB Hygiene would collect litter & dog waste (with costings). There are no other local dog waste collection companies, & the Clerk has been unable to find another company that deals solely with the collection of litter.
TPC agreed to proceed with working with the local company TBS Hygiene recommended by UDC, & based in Hallingbury.
The Clerk will complete a site survey of Priors Green and other areas in Takeley with the UDC Dog Warden, Sue Knight, and will present a firm list of recommendations at the August meeting.
The Clerk will also obtain more quotes for small & large closed litter bins. / All note/
August mtg
12/182 / Sports Field Development Car Park completion
TPC approved payment of the invoice for completion of the car park at the Sports Field £9889.20 (incl vat)
£5k of this payment will be claimed against TPCs New Homes Bonus Allocation. Clerk to arrange with UDC.
TPC also requested a quote for additional work to reduce flooding in front of Sports Field gate & repairs to cracked tarmac to the left of the gate. / All note/
12/183 / 20th June 2012 Planning Report & Recommendations
(previously circulated)
TPC approved the report & recommendations as follows:
UTT/1088/12/CLE Waltham Hall Farm, Bambers Green
Brief Description: Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of a formerly redundant agricultural building to B8 warehousing.
Recommendation: No objection
UTT/1060/12/FUL 27 Longcroft
Brief Description: First floor extension & front extension to porch
Recommendation: No objection
/ All note/
12/184 / UDC Local Plan Consultation
(previously circulated)
TPC reviewed the draft response prepared by the Planning Committee.
Members agreed a number of amendments & approved the final version to submit to UDC.
A copy of the final response will accompany these minutes. / All note/
Clerk to submit by 23/7/12
12/185 / Bonnington Green
(previously circulated)
TPC Planning Committee has reviewed the outline proposal in view of the proposals within the UDC Local Development Plan - June/July 2012.
§ Outline planning permission for a golf course hotel (215 000 sq ft, 2-3 storeys high,980 car parking spaces)
§ Intention to develop housing to meet the needs of Takeley - aimed at over 50s, central village location, low density, green spaces, buffer area (‘quality smaller houses designed to allow people to live & be cared for within their own home’)
§ 23/24 acres site.
§ 5-10 year plan
§ 10 to the acre/ 25 per hectare
§ House type: affordable retirement houses for local people, private retirement houses, rented houses for local people (not for re-sale, mixed private housing to make scheme viable)
§ Incorporate doctors surgery, hairdresser, pavilion,
§ Cycleway/footpath thr’ Morrells Green to provide access to SJH & Recreation Ground.
§ 200-380 homes
§ Retirement housing (50% either retirement/ affordable retirement/ affordable)
§ Shop?
§ Restrictive covenant in perpetuity to prevent further future development
§ Will give up hotel proposal to develop this scheme
Mr. McGowan 27/4/12:
§ Disappointed with reaction fro TPC Planning Committee members.
§ Smaller scheme proposed
§ 80-90 houses (‘would still be viable & just allow for benefits of the scheme to be delivered’)
§ Approx. 45 affordable & retirement houses & 45 open market houses (i.e. 50:50)
§ Low density scheme of 90 houses would require 9-11 acres site, plus allotments & doctors surgery therefore would need 12-13 acre total area.
§ Request suggestions on what safeguards should be put in place to ensure Takeley actually gets the proposed benefits of the scheme.
TPC agreed that this proposal is not given further consideration on the basis that:
- The proposal is outsideTakeley’s boundary (HBO)
- The proposal is outside development limits (within the CPZ)
- There is poor access to the site.
- Any housing development would be in addition to the allocation proposed in UDC’s LDP (June/July 2012) not instead of (confirmed by Andrew Taylor UDC Head of Planning & Building Control)
- Sets a precedent for further development on B183 (despite offer of covenants)
- Concerns re size/type of homes
- Doctors services – requires PCT support
- Maintenance of green spaces post build?
- Traffic calming measures?
- TPC is of the view that there is sufficient opportunity within the existing development limits to deliver the facilities Takeley requires.
- TPC expects that there will be enormous pressure on Takeley from developers of land within Takeley e.g. Takeley Street, Priors Green, Old School site etc / All note
12/186 / B1256 Dunmow Road, Footway/Cycleway from Takeley village centre to Priors Green
(previously circulated)
Following publication of the Public Notice, ECC has requested final comments on the proposal.
TPC agreed the following response;
§ Priors Green is not ‘Priors Grove’
§ Confirm that drains will be relocated
§ TPC is disappointed that the community & nearby residents have been informed of the work schedule (including night works) so late. / All note/
Clerk to submit by 6/7/12
12/187 / Clerks Report
(previously circulated)
TPC noted the report. / All note
12/188 / Sports Field & Recreation Ground Inspection Report
Clr John Green reported that he had completed inspections of the Recreation Ground & Sports Field which was approved by TPC.
It was noted that the large notice board at the Sports Field is peeling. / All note
12/189 / Non Agenda Report
(previously circulated)
TPC noted the report. / All note
12/190 / Other Reports
Agenda items for August:
§ UDC Community Achievement Awards 2012/13
§ ROSPA Reports
§ Not for Profit Community Cafe (Clr Pat Burnett) / All note
The meeting finished at 10.30pm.
THE NEXT MEETING: of Takeley Parish Council will be held on
Wednesday, 1st August 2012 at Takeley Station House at 7.30pm.
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