Alberta Amateur Wrestling Association
2016 Northern Elementary Wrestling Festival
Date: Saturday, January 23, 2016
Age Division: Born 2004-2008
Location: Vital Grandin Catholic School
39 Sunset Blvd., St. Albert, AB
Cost: $10 Payable to Bertha Kennedy Catholic School.
If NOT an AAWA member, an additional $10 daily membership fee will apply
*Clubs are to provide proof of AAWA membership*
**Athletes will be pooled into groups. Competition will progress from youngest of age groups to the oldest.
Schedule: 9:30am – 1:00pm or completion.
Registration Confirmation: Please send the associated spreadsheet with names and divisions to Scott Johnston at to give a rough estimate of numbers participating by January 15!
Age Classes
Tyke – (Born 08-09) One 90 second round: no points are scored; no wins or losses; in the case of a pin, both wrestlers start from the standing position; all participants receive a participation ribbon; opponents wrestle against others of similar weight.
Novice – (Born 06-07) one 2 minute round straight time; Gold, Silver, Bronze; opponents wrestle against others of similar weight.
Kids – (Born 04-05) one 2 minute round stop time; Gold, Silver, Bronze; opponents wrestle against others of similar weight.
1. For the tyke, novice, and kids divisions, no throws or rolls initiated from the head will be allowed in accordance with national standards.
2. Please have your kids ready to wrestle with appropriate wrestling apparel. (Clipped nails, singlet or t-shirt & shorts, clean shoes with no sharp edges, no jewellery, etc.)
3. Mouth guards are mandatory.
4. Wrestlers with skin ailments that may be contagious will not be allowed to wrestle.
More Information: Scott Johnston
School: 780-458-6101
Cell: 780-914-5195
Hotel: Best Western Plus The Inn at St. Albert
Group Discount Code: AWT
Must be booked before Friday, January 8th, 2016 to ensure discount rate.