CR Practitioner Competency Map
Behaviours Assessment
Instructions: Assess yourself on each of the behaviours to identify your strengths and weaknesses. More detailed descriptions of each behaviour are in the behaviours map.
Achievement / Commits self to work towards goals and achieving standards of excellence. Strives for continual performance improvement. Shows enthusiasm and persistence to make progress and achieve desired outcomes.Never / Rarely / Some-times / Often / Always
Builds Relationships / Builds and maintains good relationships with networks of people who may be able to assist the organisation implement its CR strategy
Never / Rarely / Some-times / Often / Always
Change Driver / Identifies opportunities and looks for ways to adapt and change the approach. Seizes opportunities and implements solutions to overcome obstacles and barriers. Energises and challenges others to act on the need for specific changes to the way things are done.
Never / Rarely / Some-times / Often / Always
Collaboration / Works cooperatively with colleagues and partners to build consensus and deliver desired outcomes for the organisation
Never / Rarely / Some-times / Often / Always
Communication / Communicates clearly and in a compelling manner to both individuals and groups. Uses appropriate communication tools, style and language for the audience. Inspires others to get involved in CR related activities.
Never / Rarely / Some-times / Often / Always
Data Gathering and Analysis / Gathers data, analyses issues and breaks them down into their component parts. Makes systematic and rational judgements based upon relevant information.
Never / Rarely / Some-times / Often / Always
Engages Others / Makes it easy for people to get involved in CR activities. Fosters the long term learning and development of others in order to make CR part of everyone’s knowledge and skill set.
Never / Rarely / Some-times / Often / Always
Influence / Gains support for the CR agenda by persuading and convincing others. Understands others and influences them in a way that results in acceptance, agreement or behaviour change.
Never / Rarely / Some-times / Often / Always
Innovative / Creates new and imaginative approaches to CR related issues. Identifies fresh approaches and shows a willingness to question traditional assumptions.
Never / Rarely / Some-times / Often / Always
Integrity / Walks the talk by acting in a way that is consistent with their values and what they say. Builds credibility and trust through being open and honest about success and failure.
Never / Rarely / Some-times / Often / Always
Operational / Ensures the CR strategy goals are met by bringing the strategy to life and building CR into business as usual activities. Organises and schedules events, activities and resources. Sets up and monitors schedules, timescales and plans
Never / Rarely / Some-times / Often / Always
Organisational Awareness / Understands the business. Identifies who the real decision makers are and the individuals who can influence them. Predicts how new events or situations will affect individuals and groups within the organisation.
Never / Rarely / Some-times / Often / Always
Organisational Commitment / Willing to align own behaviour with the needs, priorities and goals of the organisation, and acting in ways that promote organisational needs.
Never / Rarely / Some-times / Often / Always
Self Confident / Shows belief in one’s own capability to accomplish a task and select an effective approach to a task or problem.
Never / Rarely / Some-times / Often / Always
Strategic / Demonstrates a broad based view of issues, events and activities and sees their longer term impact or implications. Identifies patterns and connections between situations to identify underlying issues in complex situations.
Never / Rarely / Some-times / Often / Always
Technical Expertise / Seeks to understand the technical aspects of CR work. Continually seeks out best practice to maintain technical currency and identify new approaches.
Never / Rarely / Some-times / Often / Always
NAME : ______DATE : ______
Notes ______