5, Lajpatrai Road, Allahabad – 211 002
Annual Requirement of Printing Paper for the year 2008
Sealed Tenders alongwith sample are invited in favour of the General Secretary, The National Academy of Sciences, India from Registered Suppliers for the purchase of the following items :
Sl. No. Material Requirement for 2008 Rate
1. (i) Ballarpur Matt Finish
(a) size 23”x36”, 90 GSM 100 Ream
(b) size 23”x36”, 100 GSM 350 Ream
(c) size 23”x36”, 150 GSM 25 Ream
(ii) Cinarmass Matt Finish
(a) size 23”x36”, 90 GSM 100 Ream
(b) size 23”x36”, 100 GSM 350 Ream
(c) size 23”x36”, 150 GSM 25 Ream
2. J.K. Maplitho S.H.B.
(a) size 20”x30”, 90 GSM 25 Ream
(b) size 23”x36”, 90 GSM (100+100) Ream
3. J.K. Maplitho Coloured (Blue & Red)
(a) size 23”x36”, 80 GSM (4+4) Ream
4. Ballarpur Matt Finish Art Card
(a) size 23”x36”, 250 GSM 120 Packet of 100 sheets
(c) size 23”x36”, 300 GSM 12 packet of 100 sheets
5. Parchment Paper
(a) size 23”x36”, 80 GSM 5 Ream
6. J.K. Photocopier Paper
(a) size A4, 80 GSM white 500 Ream
7. Executive Bond Paper
size 18”x23” 5 Ream
8. Craft Paper
size 36”x46” , 150 GSM 10 Ream
Note – All the papers should be in original mill packing.
Sealed Tenders along with sample and earnest money of Rs.5,000/= (Rupees Five thousands only) payable by a Bank Draft/Pay Order drawn in favour of “The National Academy of Sciences, India” should be sent by Registered/Speed/Courier Post so as to reach the office of the Academy latest by 2.00 p.m. on March 1, 2008. The Tender will be opened on March 1, 2008 at 2.30 p.m. in the presence of the participating Tenderers.
Envelope should be superscribed with the words ‘Tender for Printing Paper’.
Rates should be FOR Academy and valid at least for 12 months from the date of submission of Tenders. Taxes, if any, should be clearly specified.