September 12, 2013
Final Head Count: 60
I. Athletics Department
Student athletes are here, first and foremost to get an education
Mid-August meeting recap
-Had an associate from NACA come to evaluate their program, gave
them some information on improvements they could make
1. Satisfactory Progress Forms:
-Receive them earlier so they can be sent out earlier
-Stagger when they receive them so that they won't all be
stacking on top of each other
-Be sure that student athletes are taking the classes needed
in order to graduate
2. New Forms
-Change of major form (depending on the major, this could
affect the eligibility of the athlete); after this form is signed,
it should be sent to Lea Miller in the Registrar's Office
-New Permission for Withdrawal form that will have to be
filled out and signed if any athlete wishes to drop to 0 hours
3 areas of emphasis: First Year Experience/Freshman (Academic Advising)
Veterans and Military Service
1. Kyle Ellis is the Director of CSSFYE
2. Dewey Knight focuses on the First-Year Experience portion of CSSFYE.
3. Travis Hitchcock focuses on the Academic Advising portion
4. Jennifer Bennett focuses on the retention portion of
5. Michael Howland focuses on the Military and Veterans
portion of CSSFYE.
Over the summer, the CSSFYE has grown/expanded tremendously.
Who we advise:
-The majority of students we advise are undeclared. This is currently
the largest major on campus.
-Accountancy, School of Business, Engineering, Applied Sciences and
Liberal Arts
Who we do not advise:
-Journalism, Education and Pharmacy
We address anything related to freshmen, and everything involved in their first-year experience. We also refer them to the mentors (if their department has one) of the department in which their major is.
Programs and Services:
-EDLD 201 (Career Planning, continuation of EDHE 105)
-Freshman Meet & Greet
-Major's Fair participants
-FABI (Freshman Attendance Based Initiative; Jennifer Bennett is the
coordinator of this)
-Students First (First Generation Students; Crystal Armstrong is the
coordinator of this)
Dewey Knight's report of the FYE portion of CSSFYE:
-Began with 5 sections and 120 students enrolled
-Now has 90 sections with 2,046 students enrolled
-FastTrack students have 20 sections
-2 "Business Majors" sections, as well as "Engineering Majors"
-Sections for Housing LLCs (Living/Learning Communities)
-Sections for Psychology and Provost Scholars
-EDHE 105 uses award-winning book, The OleMiss Experience,
which is now in it's 3rd ed. It is authored by faculty on our campus
-Now have collaborated for an EDHE 105 summer class, beginning
this past summer. JumpStart students and athletes were in these
classes together. This summer class will continue being offered next
-Coordinate with The Writing Center for various programs, including
programs that incorporate the Freshman Common Reading for this
year, The Unforgiving Minute by Charles Mullaney.
-Freshman Convocation recorded 3500 students in attendance
-Coordinate with ASB for "Everybody's Tent", which is a tent set up
for tailgating in the grove during gameday. Open to everyone.
-Freshman Kick-Off Picnic
-Collaboration with the Dean of Student's Office and ASB for Creed
Week events.
-FirstServe volunteer service opportunities will become available to
freshman in October 2013
The Future for FYE:
1. EDHE 305
-this course will specialize in the experience of students who
have transferred from a community college to the university
-purpose is to make sure this transition goes smoothly
2. Bridge Course
-for students who were deferred admission until the spring
semester; they would enroll at Northwest community coll.,
and take classes there during the fall while living on UM
-while they are waiting on their admission into the UM in
the spring semester, they can still participate in campus
events and be a part of the UM community until they are
admitted in the spring.
3. Chancellor's Leadership Class
-for students who have transferred from a community coll.
-began this fall with 25 students enrolled, all of which
received a scholarship
Michael Howland's report on Veterans and Military Services
-Howland served for the past 3 years as the military instructor of 120
cadets, with the responsibility of making sure they graduated in 4 yrs.
Though his position has changed, he says his mission is the same here
only his mission is broader.
-Why this service is important:
1. Military is downsizing.
-you are either forced out or you choose to get out
-get 36 months of Veterans Education benefits, which is
guaranteed to get them through school if they are starting
off with no credits at all
2. Our campus gets older, more mature students.
3. Teachers get a good person/solid student in the classroom.
4. The university gets to assist Veterans, and can encourage
them to stay and become successful community leaders in
the future
-What Howland is responsible for:
1. Increasing veteran enrollment
-will collaborate with Enrollment Services
-will be going out to find veterans
-focusing on community coll. and bases in the southeast
2. Increasing veteran retention
-b/c veterans expect to be told exactly what to do, and prefer
to be able to see the plan for more than just one semester,
and this is where Michael can help fill in those gaps.
3. Providing assistance to better support veterans
4. Assisting the successful transition from military to civilian
5. Advising veterans
-VA paperwork (*** all advisors remember, if you advise a
veteran ask them if they have this paperwork)
-Howland will be sure the students know how the
paperwork should be filled out and signed
-There will be a place for the advisor to sign to confirm
the classes they have assigned are required for graduation
-EDHE 305 Military section will be offered, as well as monthly work-
shops and a Student Veterans Organization with women and men who
were/are members of the military as mentors.
-The goal of the monthly workshops will be collaboration with various
departments on campus. Some workshops that will be offered:
1. Degree Plans
2. Counseling/Disability Services
3. Issue Resolution
4. Relationship Building
-Future goals of Veterans and Military services include specific
recruitment for graduate programs, an increasing online presence
(i.e. MCJ and MBA programs), a collaboration with DOD/UM to
train for medical school.
-Goal is to create a conveyer belt to bring more veteran to our campus
How the retention portion of CSSFYE functions:
1. Freshman Retention
-we track why student leave
-mostly because of financial issues; 55% of our freshman
population are from out of state, which is a huge factor in
losing freshmen
-we are active and reactive in trying to prevent this
The CSSFYE strives to help EVERY freshman with ANY problem they may encounter during their first year.