PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS: Temperature, pH, pressure
CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTS: FOOD (carbon/energy), oxygen or equivalent, trace materials (vitamins, metals, etc.)
Obligate aerobe: requires oxygen for growth, can't carry out any non-oxidative catabolism, dies if you remove oxygen (You and I!)
Facultative: use oxygen when present, but can switch to anaerobic pathway when oxygen is not present.
Obligate anaerobe: unable to use oxygen in catabolism, and usually harmed by its presence (lack of catalase, oxidase). Some anaerobes are aerotolerant, and carry out their anaerobic pathways even if oxygen is present.
Fermentative - primitive trunk pathway for eking energy out of organic molecules without oxygen
Respiratory - more advanced pathway, requires compartmentalization, two major divisions of labor, and many intermediate molecules. Can be done with oxygen (usually) or without (by some microbes).
O2 Oxygenic -with oxygen. Oxygen is used to pull the whole process along.
NO O2 Non-oxygenic -other molecules used in place of oxygen to pull the process along.
No Oxygen Oxygen