Minutes of the 2nd Meeting of the World Alliance for Quality

Sunday May 28th from 9:00 to 12:00Hrs

Het Elzenveld, Lange Gasthuisstraat 45, Antwerp, Belgium


Matanabe Kenji / Maeda / Juse / Japan
Paul / Borawski / ASQ / USA
Frank / Steer / EOQ / UK
Yury / Gusakov / EOQ / Russia
Bertrand / Jouslin de Noray / EOQ / France
Wolfgang / Kaerkes / EOQ / Germany
Yumiko / Nakamoto / JUSE / Japan
Kenichi / Niikura / JUSE / Japan
Ichiro / Kotsuka / JUSE / Japan
Masami / Mita / JUSE / Japan
Chih-Han / Wang / ANQ / R.O.C
Michaela / Schroder / EOQ / Germany
Spencer / Hutchens / IAQ / USA
Tito / Conti / IAQ / Italy


Welcome and Introduction to World Quality Alliance by Mr. W. Kaerkes (3min)

Agreement of last minutes meeting (Tokyo) (10min)

3) Quality Security and environment:

a) How to speak with one voice at world level

b) How to adapt Quality to globalization

c) How to answer the needs of today’s CEOs

4) Transformation (new field of action of Quality and change Management)

5) Gather world experienced leaders to explore directions in which to go to increase the likelihood that quality will reach its full potential in society.

6) Open discussion on what might be done together to transform the Quality Movement to meet the need of our evolving world.(30 min)

7) Action plan and conclusion (15min)

8) Closing

1. Welcome addressed by EOQ and Introduction to World Quality Alliance by Mr. W. Kaerkes

Mr Kaerkes opened the meeting on behalf of EOQ he gave an introduction recalling that on September 13, 2002 an alliance between present organizations designed to improve relationships in order to intensify the global commitment to quality principles and their application in all segments of society was made. The first official meeting took place in Tokyo September 15th, 2005. We are taking the opportunity of the EOQ 50th anniversary to meet again and to address the important question of the evolution of the Quality Movement. A global world needs a global answer’.

Dr Maeda on behalf of JUSE Congratulated EOQ at the occasion of it’s 50th anniversary and welcomed the initiation of a World Alliance for Quality

2. Reflection on the initiative

The participants gave their reflections:

- Why not addressing United Nation

- Take into account Human life and peace through Quality

- Do small but practical actions

- Build up and communicate

- Take the opportunity of the Global Conference in USA to have a global impact

- Share information on what is going up in each part of the world

- Be global and dare to go ahead

- Our customer speaks with one voice world wide. Do the same

3. World alliance for Quality

The participants decide to call the alliance: "World alliance for Quality"

(EOQ will propose new colors for the logo)

The official announcement (press conference) will be done September 25th, 2006 In Singapore before the ANQ conference.

The document giving the purpose and mission will be reviewed by Paul Borawski and Bertrand Jouslin de Noray.

The alliance will follow the simple rules:

1) Strengthen the identity of its members

2) Lean and Loose organization

3) Attraction instead of constraint

The alliance will be driven by a steering committee of the presidents of the signing organizations.

A contact group will do the necessary actions. This team is composed of:

Paul Borawski ASQ

Chih-Han Wang ANQ

Spencer Hutchins IAQ

Bertrand Jouslin de Noray EOQ

One representant from JUSE

The idea is to stick with the World conference (the last one in Tokyo in 2005 and the next one in USA in 2008) and having the organizing country in charge of driving the alliance between two conferences.

EOQ will prepare the documents for the launching in Singapore.

4. Key Issues

The target is to announce three key issues in Singapore and to present a comprehensive plan in 2008 at the occasion of the world conference.

Brain storming of the participants on key issues.

The participants made a brainstorming on possible key issues. (see document in annex)

The contact group will build on the brainstorming and will propose three key issues for Singapore.

Paul Borawski proposed to bring its contribution on the issues of the gap between advanced companies and the others.

5. Next meeting

The next meeting will be held in Singapore September 24th, 2006 at 09:00

For the minutes: Bertrand Jouslin de Noray

June 6, 2006

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Brainstorming on key issues (Antwerp May 2006)

Brainstorming on key issues (Antwerp May 2006) 1

1 Be global 3

1.1 Globalizations 3

1.1.1 Global companies 3

1.1.2 How to take advantage of diversity 3

need to provide tools to ehence the diversity 3

1.1.3 Companies working with foreign companies 3

1.2 UN Global agreement YG 3

1.2.1 sustainable development 3

2 Take into account new way to perceive the environment 3

2.1 Complexity 3

2.1.1 People do not know how to address complexity 3

2.2 System instead of processes 3

2.2.1 Subtopic 3

2.3 Be organic instead of being process oriented 3

2.3.1 Mr Hans hekel natural ecological system 3

2.3.2 State MR ekhof 3

2.4 Quality of service based on contact versus based on processes 3

3 Fill the gap between poor and rich CHW /YG 3

3.1 Under developed economies 3

3.1.1 How to support them world wide 3

3.2 In rich countries we face the same gap between rich and pour 3

3.2.1 example water use in different cities 3

3.3 Two types of companies 3

3.3.1 Low level of quality 3

3.3.2 Fast moving companies 3

3.4 Executives not understanding What is behind quality PB 4

3.4.1 Difference between the best and others 4

3.4.2 They are not linked with the shop floor 4

4 Quality for human being 4

4.1 Quality of life 4

4.1.1 social network 4

4.1.2 environment 4

4.1.3 Sustainability 4

4.1.4 Social responsibility 4

standards 4

The standard has been published 4

If we say somethings it can make things move 4

Enron case 4

4.2 Educate persons 4

4.3 Poor people 4

4.3.1 They have not good products 4

4.3.2 They do not have means to improve their economy 4

4.3.3 How Quality can help them 4

help them how to have a good food 4

1 Be global

1.1 Globalizations

1.1.1 Global companies

1.1.2 How to take advantage of diversity

need to provide tools to ehence the diversity

1.1.3 Companies working with foreign companies

1.2 UN Global agreement YG

1.2.1 sustainable development

2 Take into account new way to perceive the environment

2.1 Complexity

2.1.1 People do not know how to address complexity

2.2 System instead of processes

2.2.1 Subtopic

2.3 Be organic instead of being process oriented

2.3.1 Mr Hans hekel natural ecological system

2.3.2 State MR ekhof

2.4 Quality of service based on contact versus based on processes

3 Fill the gap between poor and rich CHW /YG

3.1 Under developed economies

3.1.1 How to support them world wide

3.2 In rich countries we face the same gap between rich and pour

3.2.1 example water use in different cities

3.3 Two types of companies

3.3.1 Low level of quality

3.3.2 Fast moving companies

3.4 Executives not understanding What is behind quality PB

3.4.1 Difference between the best and others

3.4.2 They are not linked with the shop floor

4 Quality for human being

4.1 Quality of life

4.1.1 social network

4.1.2 environment

4.1.3 Sustainability

4.1.4 Social responsibility

See also: Poor people


The standard has been published

If we say somethings it can make things move

Enron case

4.2 Educate persons

4.3 Poor people

See also: Social responsibility

4.3.1 They have not good products

4.3.2 They do not have means to improve their economy

4.3.3 How Quality can help them

help them how to have a good food

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