“The Gettysburg address” and from “I Have a Dream”

Write the letter of the best answer to each of the following items.

  1. What year is “Four score and seven years ago”?
  2. 1176b. 1796c. 1800d. 1866
  1. Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address
  2. because the Union won the Civil Warc. at the dedication of a military cemetery
  3. after the North won a great battled. when the Civil War started
  1. Lincoln challenges his listeners to
  2. defy the Constitution of the United Statesc. keep the country unified
  3. give up the war and return homed. demand that the Union be split
  1. The fact that Lincoln says that “the world will little note nor long remember what we say here” is
  2. Narrativeb. ironicc. humorousd. autobiographical
  1. When Lincoln uses a refrain, readers notice
  2. short stanzas and linesc. that commas are used to break the rhythm
  3. the repetition of a sound or phrased. that Lincoln does not capitalize letters
  1. One techniques that makes King’s speech effective is
  2. personificationb. sarcasmc. humord. allusion
  1. In “I Have a Dream,” King makes a reference to
  2. a character from mythologyc. lines from the Gettysburg Address
  3. a popular songd. a Biblical passage
  1. The main topic of King’s speech is
  2. freedomb. despairc. desperationd. the future
  1. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., quotes
  2. the Declaration of Independencec. Georgia sharecroppers
  3. his fatherd. his four little children
  1. When you compare and contrast these two speeches, you can see that
  2. both men were ministersc. they have the same setting
  3. both speakers were at a low point in their livesd. they have similar themes
  1. Lincoln’s underlying purpose in the Gettysburg Address is to
  2. lash out a rebelling statesc. show his own doubts about the path he has chosen
  3. renew his audience’s faith in their causef. free all the enslaved people in the United States
  1. Lincoln’s speech is famous for its
  2. vision of national unity and democracyc. everyday language
  3. extreme lengthd. end rhymes
  1. The purpose of King’s speech is to
  2. anger his listenersc. inspire his audience
  3. amuse his listenersd. sadden his audience
  1. Which of the following statements best expresses the theme of King’s speech?
  2. Only religious people can be truly free.c. Only our children will live to see freedom.
  3. We are all Americans; we should all be free.d. There is no freedom in America today.

VOCABULARY: Write a synonym or antonym for each Vocabulary word, as directed.

  1. creed (synonym)
  2. oasis (antonym)
  3. exalted (antonym)
  4. discords (synonym)
  5. prodigious (synonym)