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College of New Caledonia
General Staff Meeting, Mackenzie Campus
April 4, 2006
Present: Shannon Bezo, Liz Blackburn, Catherine Callahan, Vanessa Cornish, Kathy Franks, Carole L’Hérault, Vida Robillard, Lynda Thompson, Doris Turcotte, Michèle WaiteOutstanding Action Summary
1. Campus Objectives – Follow-up meetingCurrent Action Summary
1. FYI: If you, your spouse, or your dependent are interested in taking courses as an employee (or spouse or dependent of an employee) of the College, please submit your Application for Exemption to Lynda. The applications can be obtained from Doris or Lynda at the front office. Employees, their spouses, or their dependents may apply for tuition exemption for the online courses as well.
2. FYI: For information about the Strategic Development Plan visit the following website: You can also view information about the process for development of the Vision and the Values Statement at We also have the Strategic Development Plan information in a binder next to the paper cutter in the photocopier room.
3. Lynda to correct Item 12 in the February 7th minutes to read: Mackenzie Campus bursaries instead of Mackenzie Employee Bursary.
4. We continue to ask that students and staff have their cigarette breaks at the back of the building during the day time and at the front of the building during the evening.
5. FYI: Liz and Shannon have organized an open house for the high school student on Wednesday, April 5, 2006. The Grade 10 planning classes would be on campus from 9 to 10:30 am and 12:15 to 1:30 pm. The Grade 11 and 12 students would be on campus from 10:30 am to 12 noon and from 1:30 to 3 pm. Student will be escorted by their instructors or counsellors.
6. FYI: Shannon and Liz have met with Shannon’s students. The theme for the student celebration will be: Reaching for the Stars. The event will be held on June 9 from 7 to 9 pm at the Legion, which has been booked. The students will be visiting the classrooms to encourage input and participation by other students. The students will prepare an invitation and submit it to the office for approval. RSVP will be required by May 26. More details to follow.
7. FYI: Entry Level Trades Electrical will be offered in January 2007.
8. Honour Wall Ceremony: Lynda to contact Lynn Jefferson about the ceremony and to find out where to order the plaque for the Mackenzie Campus.
9. Lynda to contact Denise Hunt about May Days in Prince George.
10. Lynda and Doris to verify if any current CCP students qualify for a certificate.
11. Lynda to follow-up with Information Technology about the printer at the Employment Centre.
12. Carole to give new safety policy to Lynda for distribution to all employees.
13. Bursary Fundraiser: Vanessa proposed a garage sale. Everyone agreed to schedule the garage sale for Saturday, May 13, 10 am to 2 pm. Please price your donations and deliver them in a box to the College between May 1, 2006, and May 13, 2006. Larger items can be brought to the college on the morning of May 13th. Please support the students by participate in this fundraiser by donating, manning the parking lot on May 13th, and coming out to see what bargains you can find.
14. Important Dates:
· Planning Meetings: June 6 (3:10 to 4:30 pm)
· Community: focus on issues brought forward in 2005: May 9 (3:10 to 4:30 pm). Chair will be Shannon Bezo.
· Spring Break CCP, Learning Centre: March 13 to 24 (ABT: March 13 to 17)
· Bursary Awards: April 3 (2:30 pm)
· May Days: May 24 and 25
· Student Recognition Ceremony: June 9 – time to be determined
· Summer Hours/Closure: July 24 to August 5 (2weeks), restricted hours June 20 to August 18 (end date)
· Other events: End of year staff party
15. FYI: Next Planning Meeting: June 6, 2006. Chair will be Michèle Waite.
3:10 pm to 4:40 pm, Room 201
Maritime Life: S:\Shared\Admin\Staff Meetings\General Meetings\Year 2006\Minutes\2006April 4Minutesdraft.doc
Best Doctors:
Other Links:
Pension Plan:
EFAP: 1-800-481-5511
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Standing Action Items
1. Lynda & Liz—Test personal security devices each month.2. Everyone—Let Carole and/or Lynda know when you expect visitors on campus.
3. Catherine—Will continue to receive donations for the Mackenzie Campus Bursary.
4. Lynda/Doris—Reset the surveillance videotape before leaving on Fridays.
5. Everyone—To view your F drive at home, go to: The instructions are on the IT Department webpage under Public FAQS. All you do is log on. Please be patient as your files will eventually come up.
6. Faculty—Please email your course outlines and exams to Carole.
7. Lynda—Update web pages/intranet pages.
8. Everyone—Report any computer problems to Lynda.
9. Everyone—Ask for clarification about rumours.
10. Everyone—View appointment schedules, on the “Mackfac” drive under “All Employees/schedules/2005-2006 and staff meeting minutes on the Intranet.
11. Everyone—To insert file name and location on all documents.
College of New Caledonia Page 2
April 4, 2006
Best Doctors:
Benefit Links:
Pension Plan:
EFAP: 1-800-481-5511
S:\Shared\Admin\Staff Meetings\General Meetings\Year 2006\2006February7MinutesDRAFT.doc
Maritime Life: S:\Shared\Admin\Staff Meetings\General Meetings\Year 2006\Minutes\2006April 4Minutesdraft.doc
Best Doctors:
Other Links:
Pension Plan:
EFAP: 1-800-481-5511