AP United States History, Mr. Palmieri

Contact Information: Class website: https://www.raleighcharterhs.org/faculty/dpalmieri/

Teacher email:

Office Hours: I am available to meet before school Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Please let me know a day or more in advance and we can set up a meeting time.

Philosophy: The AP United States History course is an analysis and discussion about the history of the land and people of the United States. The course focuses on the political, economic, and societal changes and continuities that have characterized the nation both before and after independence. The course is designed to challenge students with a variety of ideas and activities that explore the history of the nation. Emphasis is placed on writing skills, including essays, document-based questions, and a research paper. The use of primary source documents is stressed throughout the course.

Coursework and Syllabus:

1. On the first day of every unit you will receive a reading and assignment sheet for the unit. This

document will also include daily review questions and vocabulary. This document is also available at the class website: https://www.raleighcharterhs.org/faculty/dpalmieri/

2. On the last day of every unit there will be a unit assessment.

3. Homework every night is to do your required reading and write out neat and thorough responses to the

daily questions. You may do these electronically but you need access to them in class (printed out or on a laptop).

4. Every day reading is due you should bring notes on the reading as well as questions you have

about what you read. Take notes on both at-home readings and in-class discussion. Keep your notes well organized and in one place.

5. Homework checks or open-notes reading quizzes may be given on any assigned readings.

6. Credit for participation is awarded based on questions and observations that students make from the

assigned reading and classroom activities. Participation in formal and informal discussions and seminars is also included in your participation grade.

7. A research paper will be undertaken with preliminary activities in the first semester and a final

draft of the paper during the second semester.

8. Textbooks and document books should be brought to class for use with certain in-class activities.

9. Text: America, A Concise History. Henretta, Edwards, and Self, Bedford/St. Martin’s: Boston, 2012.

10. Document Collection: Documents to Accompany: America, Volumes One and Two.

Fall Semester 2015

Unit 1: Early North America and the Colonial Period, to 1763

Unit 2: Revolutionary America and the New Republic 1763-1820

Unit 3: 19th Century Politics, Economics, and Society, 1820-1860

Unit 4: Slavery, the Civil War, and Reconstruction, 1830-1877

Spring Semester 2015

Unit 1: Industry, Progressivism, Imperialism, 1880-1912

Unit 2: World War One, Great Depression, The New Deal, 1920-1945

Unit 3: World War Two and Cold War America, 1945-1965

Unit 4: Modern America, 1965-2000

AP Exam Review

Grade Percentages

90-100 = A, 80-89 = B, 70-79 = C, 60-69 = D, below 60 = F

Grade Distribution: Unit Assessments: 60 %

Quizzes/Homework: 10 %

Semester Points: 80 % Assignments/Research Project: 20%

Final Exam: 20 % Discussion: 10 %

While homework is 10 % of your class grade, it is essential in preparing you for unit assessments as well as class discussion and activities. Consistently completing homework thoroughly and thoughtfully is a required component of the class. If ever an event or issue arises that hinders your ability to complete a homework assignment, contact me prior to the school day to discuss.

What other rules and expectations do I need to be aware of?

In order for you to meet new classmates and work with a variety of students, your seats are assigned and those assignments will change periodically. Help foster a good learning environment by being on time to class every day and waiting to prepare to leave until indicated by the teacher. The class needs to be neat and your trash must be thrown away. The only food or beverage permitted in class is water. Electronic devices such as cell phones and music headphones are not allowed in class. Limit your bathroom visits to urgent needs and emergencies.

Themes in AP US History (as outlined for AP coursework by the College Board)


Work, Exchange, and Technology


Politics and Power

America in the World

Environment and Geography (Physical and Human)

Ideas, Beliefs, and Culture

Skills in AP US History (as outlined for AP coursework by the College Board)

Historical Causation (Cause and Effect)

Patterns of Continuity and Change over Time




Historical Argumentation

Appropriate Use of Relevant Historical Evidence



Time Periods in AP US History (as outlined for AP coursework by the College Board)

Period One: 1491-1607

Period Two: 1607-1754

Period Three: 1754-1800

Period Four: 1800-1848

Period Five: 1848-1877

Period Six: 1865-1898

Period Seven: 1898-1945

Period Eight: 1945-1980

Period Nine: 1980-2014