VIVA Resources for Users Committee

Meeting Minutes

Friday, May 31, 2013 - 10:00 A.M.

Location: Small Library, University of Virginia

Present: Karen Cary, Tara Cassidy, Stephen Clark, Natalie Clewell, Anna Creech, Sharon Gasser, Maureen Hady, Virginia Kinman, Ed Lener (via conference call), Louveller Luster (recorder), Pam Morgan, Rob Tench, Jane Penner, Kathy Perry, Anne Elguindi, John Tombarge, Cheri Duncan, David Gibbs, and Leslie O’Brien (via conference call).


John Walsh has retired from the RUC and replaced by David Gibbs. Sharon thanked John for his many years of service to VIVA.

Budget – Kathy Perry

Kathy distributed two budget charts, including the current year that reflects all processed items and the next fiscal year. She thanked the committee members for their work on renewals.

Renewals– ACTION


ProQuest CSA, Agricola, LLBA

ProQuest Factiva

ProQuest Sociological Abstracts

It was moved and seconded to recommend renewal of the four products to the Steering Committee. Motion passed.

MLA RFP – Karen & RFP Committee

Karen recognized members of the committee along with Ex-Officio members for their work. The committee members were Karen Cary (VCU, chair); Dana Beltran (NVCC), Emily Cox (Longwood), Shaunna Hunter (Hampden-Sydney College), Chris Ruotolo (UVA), and Alan Zoelner (W&M), plus Amanda Echterling (JMU Procurement) and Kathy Perry (VIVA) serving ex officio. The committee recommended ProQuest as the provider for the MLA International Bibliography. The recommendation was based on RFP responses, committee evaluations of survey results, and negotiations with vendors. The committee recommended that VIVA take advantage of the ProQuest offer for MLA International Bibliography with LION (Literature Online) and its premium upgrades.

It was moved and seconded to accept the RFP Committee recommendations of ProQuest MLA and LION plus premium upgrades with the understanding of half pricing of cost sharing for current doctoral institution subscribers for three years for the publics. Motion passed. This is effective August 1, 2013. The recommendation will be submitted to the VIVA Steering Committee for approval via a conference call. The payment details for the privates will be handled by VICULA Group.

It was also suggested that we negotiate for a reduction in prices for LRC from Gale Cengage.

Potential New Opportunities - Reports

ProQuest Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (Stephen)
After reviewing the details of the offer, no action was taken.

JSTOR Proposal – David Gibbs, Anne, Kathy

VIVA will be the central licensing and invoicing agent for its institutions so that each institution will not have to handle their individual licenses. Each member will continue to pay for its products but at a reduced rate. Savings will not be added to the discount already offered to Charter or Sustainer libraries. It was moved and seconded to accept the proposal. Motion carried.
[Note: George Mason, Washington & Lee, and UVA are Charter libraries. College of William & Mary, James Madison University, Longwood University, Old Dominion University, Radford University, Randolph College, Roanoke College, Sweet Briar College, Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University are Sustainer libraries.]

ASM (American Society for Microbiology) for journals & books – Cheri & Leslie

After reviewing the details of the offer, no action was taken.

LibGuides– Tara

Action is no to the proposal from Springshare.

Relais D2D – Referral from Resource Sharing Committee – Anne

After reviewing the details of the offer, no action was taken.

Collection Analysis Project – Anne

Participating libraries need to complete forms for the project. VIVA paid half of the cost of the project upfront and will pay the remainder at the end of the process.

Publisher’s Analysis Project – Anne & Task Force [Leslie, Stephen, David, Genya O’Gara, Cassandra Taylor]

An analysis of future e-book purchases with data from each institution could determine which publishers are best for VIVA. Libraries would contribute a total number of books to this project that would equal 10% of their institution’s FTE. The participating institutions include Virginia Tech, University of Richmond, George Mason University, and James Madison University. The goal will be to have title reports from participating institutions by June 30, 2013 in order to share the preliminary analysis with the VIVA Steering Committee at its retreat in mid-July.

Task Force members include Leslie, Stephen, David, Genya O’Gara (JMU), and Cassandra Taylor (UR).

APA PsycNET Interface Taskforce Report – Virginia

Virginia drafted the report to be considered for sharing survey results with APA. RUC members reviewed the report. Survey respondents indicated overall satisfaction with the interface with the average rating for each feature exceeding 3.5 with 3 being the neutral “neither dissatisfied nor satisfied”. Forty-five percent of the ratings of all interface features were “satisfied” and 19% were “very satisfied.” Discussion of the task force list of priorities to be shared with APA was modified by the RUC. It was also suggested that some testing of APA interface be conducted with a student body population. RUC recommended that the task force recommendations be sent to APA. Virginia will handle the follow-up of the report to APA.

RFP for Demand Driven Acquisitions Update (Information) – Cheri Duncan

Records are available for download with instructions. Invoice will be received for payment this fiscal year. We may not see much use of DDA during the summer. Some libraries have not finished set-up for the project. Only one file is available for now. There will be two files, one for purchases and one for non-purchases. It was decided to have a place holder for payment for next fiscal year ($100,000).

E-Book Publisher Package Purchase follow-up (Information) – Tara, Anna, Anne

The usage during the first quarter of 2013 was discussed for the Elsevier and Springer e-book collections. The VIVA office will share institution-level use data on the Stats site once the process for obtaining data is established.

IEEE Cost Sharing – David Gibbs

An Ad Hoc Subcommittee reported on their review of the IEEE cost sharing plan. There was general discussion about the factors to be considered. The Subcommittee used the Mergent cost sharing formula as a starting place but discovered that it did not work with IEEE. Cost sharing needs to be tailored to particular products. The Subcommittee will report back at the next meeting.

Harvard Business Review – Cheri

Effective August 2013 EBSCO databases containing HBR will experience a charge for 500 of the articles. These articles will become read-only and will be clearly marked. Harvard is offering a separate license based on use per institution. There will be 12,324 HBR articles still available under the EBSCO licensing with VIVA.

ORO Review – Jane

Jane and her subcommittee members are working on a survey to evaluate Oxford Reference Online. The survey will be sent to the VIVA community before renewal this fall. Other members of the Review Committee are Natalie Clewell (NVCC) and Anna Creech (UR).

JSTOR CSP Proposal – Anne

There was a late-breaking proposal submitted from JSTOR on University of Chicago Press titles during the meeting. An advantage would be centralized licensing through VIVA. RUC asked Anne to check on current subscriptions that are active with VIVA institutions and report back at the next meeting.

The next meeting will be held on August 16, 2013.