Child Outcomes Summary Module
Session 2: Overview of the Child Outcomes Summary Process
Just for Me Activity
My State’s Policies and Procedures
- Where can I go for the most up-to-date information about my state’s policies and resources on the COS process (e.g., a website, a guidance or FAQ document, contact information for a person in a specific role in the state or program)?
- What training and support related to the COS process is available or expected in my state?
- Find and learn about your state’s policies on completing the COS process at entry, which includes:
- Which children are included in the COS entryrating process? (e.g., all children, only children over 6 months of age, whether to complete if a child moves from another program in your state)
- When is it done? (e.g., within first 60 days, at first IFSP/IEP meeting)
- Who participates in determining the COS rating? (e.g., only service providers, service providers and family members)
- At what points do providers share information about the COS process with family members?
- Where/how are the entry ratings recorded? What documentation is expected when the COS process is completed?
- Find and learn about your state’s policies on completing the COS process at exit, which includes:
- Which children are included in the COS exitrating process? (e.g., all children, only children who have been in the program at least 6 months, only children exiting the program for specific reasons, children transitioning from your program to another program within the state)
- How does your state “flag” a child as exiting or a family is no longer participating in services and indicate that the exit COS is needed?
- When is it done? (e.g., one month before exit, at an IFSP review meeting, at an exit meeting?)
- Who participates in determining the COS rating? (e.g., only service providers, service providers and family members)
- Where/how are the exit ratings recorded? What documentation is expected when the COS process is completed?
- Are there any other points in time when your state or program requires completion of the COS process (e.g., at every IEP annual review)?
- Are there particular assessments instruments or tools that are recommended or required to use to inform the COS process?
- When and with whom are COS ratings shared in my state (e.g., shared across Part C and Part B programs, summaries of state shared between state and local programs at specific intervals or in certain ways, etc.)?