Instructor: Mary BormanOffice: WOH 109

Office Hours: 8:30 - 9 a.m T ThPhone: 917-4981 (office)


Class meets: Tues and Thurs 9:00 –10:50 am WH 227

Text: Basic Mathematics for Adults by LBCC Mathematics Department and

Module Packet for MTH 20

WH 227 open lab hours: Check posted hours or ask the Instructional Assistant

WH 227 Phone number: 917-4696, leave a message

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides a thorough review of arithmetic, including fundamental operations with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percentages, geometry and measurement. It provides a basis for MTH 60, Introduction to Algebra. Note that a minimum proficiency level for each module is required to pass this course.

COURSE FORMAT: The format will include lecture and small group work. Students will be expected to share solutions to various assignments both orally and in writing. Because we meet only 2 times a week, it is imperative that we make good use of the class time. Generally, we will take the first five minutes to turn in your homework to your assistant. At 9:05 we will begin the discussion of the topics of the day. It may be quite brief but hopefully give the assistants time to go over the homework you have just turned in. Whether the topic is something you're already familiar with or not, I'd like you to take part because you may be able to offer a "window" for another student to see his/her way through a problem with which s/he is struggling. And, often insights into our own difficulties come unexpectedly while looking at something else or listening to someone else. The remainder of the time will be spent completing assignments, activities or tests. Please note that this is not a self-study course. Check the catalog for availability of such a course if you are interested in that style of class.

GRADES: Grades will be based on 4 Module Tests at 100 points each plus the four activities at 25 points each for a total of 500 points for the term.

Approximate Scale:A90-100%




Assignment of a letter grade is dependent upon passing all the tests. If you do not pass all the tests you will receive a NP which means you have to retake the course.

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TEST INFORMATION: The four module tests for this class will be taken outside of class time in the Learning Center, WH 226. In order to take a module test you will need a "ticket" signed by your instructor or the Instructional Assistant and a photo ID. If you test after the deadline, or if you retake a test, your score will be capped at 80%. If you retest after the retest deadline the score is capped at 70%. All test deadlines are listed on the calendar. Retest deadlines are one week after the test deadline. You are allowed one retest per mod.

You may not take a test more than once in a day. You may not take more than two different tests in one day.

To pass a module test you must score at least 70%. There are also four proficiency tests which you must pass with a score of at least 95%. The proficiency test for each module is taken in the Math 20 classroom, WH227. Please note that the proficiency test scores are not part of your grade.

If you do not pass a mod test, you are allowed one retest after you meet withme or the instructional assistant to discuss a plan of review and get your ticket resigned. Then retake the test by the retake deadline.

HOMEWORK: You will check your own homework (answers to the odd problems are at the back of each module). Then hand it in to the appropriate student aide. Turn in your homework assignments during every class meeting, not at the end of the module. Be intentional about how you are solving your problems. Get the most out of your practice problems, not the least.

ACTIVITIES: There will be 4 activities worth 25 points each. These will be done in assigned groups. There will be only one make up allowed at the end of the term. Be sure to mark these dates on your calendar.

BONUS POINTS: You will have the opportunity to earn 5 bonus points during each module. They will be unannounced and there will be no make ups.

NOTEBOOK: You are to use a 3-ring notebook with dividers. Keep the modules/tickets, homework and class notes in the notebook as well as syllabus, calendar and any other papers associated with this class

HELP: Please let us know when you first need help. There are many resources available. Your student aide will give individual help during class time when I am not lecturing. The Instructional Assistant is available during all open lab hours. I have scheduled office hours and you can make an appointment to meet me at other times. The LC has one or two Math help

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desks available all hours it is open. The "Math Angle" is designed to help with the developmental classes and there are free tutors available for anyone in this class.

EXPECTATIONS: I expect that my students will be involved in class. This includes being present, asking questions and participating in discussions. You should come to class prepared (this means you should bring your book, calculator, etc. as well as your homework). I expect you to be respectful of everyone in the class, in word as well as behavior. Along these lines, I ask that you turn off your cell phone and music devices during class and put themaway so as to avoid causing a distraction

SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: Students who have any emergency medical information of which I should know, who need special arrangements in the event of evacuation, or students with documented disabilities who may need accommodations, should make an appointment with me as early as possible, no later than the first week of the term. If additional assistance is required the student should contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) at 917-4789.

ACADEMIC HONESTY: I assume that you are ethical and honest. However, if there is an incident of academic dishonesty (including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, forgery, or aiding or abetting cheating or plagiarism), you will be subject to disciplinary action. This may include reporting the incident to the administration where it will be noted in your file, as well as receiving a grade of F for the course.

RIGHT TO PRIVACY: I like to return homework, test results and activities at the beginning of class when possible and because we do some things in groups, there may be times during the term when other students may become aware of your scores. If you are uncomfortable with this, please let me know so we can arrange a time when you can collect your assignments from me privately.

SMOKING POLICY: LBCC has a policy of allowing smoking only in designated smoking areas. All other areas of the campus will be smoke-free

One last note: The responsibility for being a student rests with you, but having been a student for many years, raising a family, having had children in college, and teaching at LB for more than 20 years, I know that being a college student is not easy work. At times it's downright frustrating and there may be times when life seems overwhelming. There are also very exciting and rewarding times. But, if you ever get the feeling things are hopeless, please see me immediately. I thank you and your mother will too.