Title Page a Memorable Holiday
- Title Page – A Memorable Holiday
- Introduction
- This presentation will describe the possible events that anyone may experience while on a holiday trip, going on a picnic, going to the beach, and attending a party.
- While on a picnic, exposure to the trees, flowers, and insects can cause hypersensitivity reaction. This reaction will be the main theme of this presentation.
- Animated graphics and notes in call out with some audio background)
- Notes: The beauty of nature while on a picnic is highly attracting that anyone can get tempted to enjoy the scene and scents of the lovely flowers and plants around. However, in exchange for the pleasure, the pollens of the flowers may trigger hypersensitivity reaction which can just be asymptomatic, will show mild reactions but can produce severe acute reactions.
- (Animated graphics on the possible mid consequences after developing mild hypersensitivity reaction)
- Notes. Mild allergic reaction can be just having more pruritus, erythema, but can also develop some eczema. The dermatological effects are mainly annoying but the systemic effects are not so harmful.
- Do you want to know what is behind such physiological reactions?
- (Animated graphics with some illustrations)
- Notes: The mild hypersensitivity reaction is an effect of the body response to immunoglobulin E or IgE which stimulates production of histamines. As the effects – scratch, scratch, and scratch will be noted. Rashes will be seen all around, with body flushing, feeling hyperthermic.
- Is that what a hypersensitivity reaction can cause? (Animated graphics and notes again)
- Notes: No, hypersensitivity reaction can be just mild but can be severe. The reaction can be acute or subacute but can be fatal when the reaction causes systemic effects.
- How fast is the response (With some graphics and animated notes)
- Notes: The response may be delayed but it can usually cause acute response- it means an instant response even just within second after exposure to the allergens. With an increased histamine production, cutaneous symptoms are the usual immediate initial reactions.
- Respiratory system being affected. (With Graphics and notes)
- Notes: Hypersensitivity reaction is not just having cutaneous effects. It is more fearful when the effects get through the respiratory system and causes smooth muscles spasms leading to bronchial spasm. Oh no! Wheezing can be noted and the dyspnea it can cause is quite frightening.
- Effects on the cardiovascular system (Represented by graphics and notes)
- Notes: Hypersensitivity reaction has extensive effects to the cardiovascular system too. With increased circulating histamine, it can cause vasodilatation which affects the heart and blood vessels. Effects can cause tachycardia and hypertension initially but as the effects progress the effects can be reversed completely causing hypotension and bradycardia. The blood pressure and the pulse rate will be down. Sphygmomanometer will be needed to monitor the blood pressure.
- Is a hypersensitivity reaction a frightening reaction? (Graphics and notes)
- Notes: Definitely yes. Hypersensitivity reactions can cause laryngeal edema and bronchial spasm when the reaction becomes severe. When such condition happens, the respiratory functions will be compromised. It is more than frightening as it can be fatal, anyone can die in an instant. With severe dyspnea, respiratory arrest followed by cardiac arrest can happen anytime.
- No, I won’t go on a picnic anymore! (Graphics and notes)
- Notes: No, it does not mean will get a hypersensitivity reaction during picnic. It is individually variable. Usually, individuals with hypersensitive immune system get the reaction but anyone can have the reaction anytime. The good news is mild hypersensitivity reaction can be easily managed and avoided. Getting a distance from any source of allergen is very important. And, once in a picnic stay away from insects such as bees, ants, and caterpillars. An antihistamine will help to resolve the problem so there is nothing to worry.
- So never mind such reaction (Graphics plus notes.)
- Notes: Not exactly. Everyone needs to be careful as who knows what reaction can be produced. Just be always careful. Be alert for development of any dangerous symptoms: severe dyspnea, apnea, bradycardia, or severe hypotension, these should be signs of emergency that warrants calling 911!
- 911 on the way ( Graphics and notes)
- Notes: In case of emergency from hypersensitivity reaction, securing the airway and reinstituting the dropping hemodynamic status are the main priorities. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation of course will be needed if the affected person arrested. Intravenous fluids will be given. Intramuscular injections of corticosteroids or steroids, antihistaminic, and H2 Antagonist will be administered. Of course oxygen administration will be expected.
- Recovered from the reaction (Graphics and notes)
- Notes: With prompt treatment, hypersensitivity reaction can be resolved but it is always possible to have allergy upon subsequent exposure. Just be careful and it is important to know what caused you the reaction to stay away from them.
- Going to a party (Graphics plus notes)
- Notes: BE careful! Even in the indoor parties it is still possible to get hypersensitivity reactions. Can be from food, smoke, scents of perfumes, and many thing else. And be careful! Taking extra alcohol in the party can be more dangerous that the hypersensitivity reactions.
- Animated graphics with audio background as the final slide.
- Reference Page