Symbolism in The Book Thief

Symbol / Text Evidence with Page Numbers / Explanation of Symbolism
Accordion / “Some days Papa told her to get back in bed and wait a minute, and he would return with his accordion and play for her…No one had ever given her music before” (37).
“In the kitchen on those mornings, Papa made the accordion live” (38).
“The sound of the accordion was, in fact, also the announcement of safety. Daylight” (38).
“He carried the accordion with him during the entirety of the war” (178).
“It was the accordion that most likely spared him from total ostracism” (183).
(140, 164,250, 394) / Giving bread is a symbol for kindness and compassion. Characters give bread as an act of selflessness. For example, Max’s friend brings him bread to help him stay alive while he is hiding him. IN fact, he apologizes to Max that that is all he has; it seems as if his friend is putting Max’s needs above his own. This mentality is repeated later in the novel when Hans offers the Jewish prisoner the bread as the Jews are marched through town to Dachau. Hans and his family also have very little to eat, so giving break is a sacrifice. Even more so, it is a sacrifice of safety because Hans knows that he is going to be severely punished for it (he is whipped). Later, Liesel and Rudy also give bread to the Jewish prisoners being marched through the town. Rudy’s family already doesn’t have enough to eat, so giving away bread is a significant sacrifice on his part. The narrator, Death, actually tells the readers that Rudy is going to transform into a boy who steals bread to a boy who gives bread—showing his change / growth / maturity.
Books / Reading / Words
(88-89 / 90 / 125-126 / 255
(64 / 72 / 223 / 251 / 254 /

Themes in The Book Thief

Theme / Text Evidence with Page Numbers / Explanation of Theme
(5 (2) / 32 / 37 / 38 / 159 / 179 / 330)
Power of Words
(249/ 262 / 319 / 445/ 499/521 / 524 / 228) / As an entire novel, The Book Thief is framed by various other books throughout the story including books Liesel stole, Max created, and Liesel wrote. More specifically, Liesel learning to read is an essential element to the plot. She learns that words hold a remarkable power to compel people to commit acts of cruelty (i.e. Mien Kampf). Eventually, Liesel learning to read brings her closer to understanding that Hitler’s propaganda is the root of his power and the reason why those that she loved are dead. It is important to note the emphasis on the destruction of books—of words—of literature—the book burning as well. This highlighrs how powerful words can be and how Hitler did not want people reading such tainted “filth.” Words are power. Liesel is also given a blank book and encouraged to write; she ends up writing her life story, ending with the line, “I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right.” This line conveys Liesel’s realization of the manipulative power of words and indicates her attempt to master the art of writing for compassionate use—to make words “right.”

Motifs in The Book Thief

Motif:a recurring object, concept, or structure in a work of literature. A motif can be seen as an image, sound, action or other figures that have a symbolic significance and contributes toward the development oftheme. Motif and theme are linked in a literary work but there is a difference between them. In a literary piece, a motif is a recurrent image, idea or a symbol that develops or explains a theme while a theme is a central idea or message.

Motif / Text Evidence with Page #s / Explanation
Death: How does the act of dying (not necessarily JUST the narrator, “Death,” surround the characters all throughout the novel?( 454 / 490-491 / 503/ 531-532 / 539 )
Colors: Throughout the novel, the writer focuses on interweaving color into many different scenes, repeatedly. Why? What is the purpose of this focus?
(4-5/ 14 / 19/ 45/87 / 491)