Birmingham Chapter

24th Annual

Bulldog Golf Classic

& Dinner

When: Monday, May 19th @ 12:30 (Registration/Lunch - 11:30)

Where: Hoover Country Club

3140 Club Drive Hoover, AL 35226

Format: 4 person scramble + 1 MSU Staff/Celebrity

Everyone Welcome (Individual or Team) Questions: 205-542-2297

MSU Staff and representatives will join us for a great day of golf!

$10,000 Shootout!!

Take your shot at $10,000 awarded to each Hole-In-One on number 2!

Win golf prizes including the new TaylorMade SLDR

driver for closest to the pin on hole number 2!

Social Hour at 6:00 p.m. Dinner at 6:30 p.m.

Raffle at dinner with great prizes including a golf/vacation

package at Perdido Bay Golf Club (

Bully Level: Cost $150.00

·  One person’s entry into the tournament and dinner

·  Sponsor will get a Tee Sign on a hole along with recognition on the website and at dinner.

White Level: Cost $300.00

·  One person’s entry into the tournament and dinner

·  Reserved seating at dinner

·  Receive an Autographed Football

·  Sponsor will get a Tee Sign on a hole along with recognition on the website and at dinner.

Maroon Level: Cost $500.00

·  Two person’s entry into the tournament and dinner

·  Reserved seating at dinner

·  Receive an Autographed Football

·  Sponsor will get a Tee Sign on a hole along with recognition on the website and at dinner.

24th Annual Bulldog Golf Classic

Entry Form

Everyone Welcome (Individual or Team)

Team Member/Name: ______Phone: ______Email: ______Handicap/Score: _____

Team Member/Name: ______Phone: ______Email: ______Handicap/Score: _____

Team Member/Name: ______Phone: ______Email: ______Handicap/Score: _____

Team Member/Name: ______Phone: ______Email: ______Handicap/Score: _____

Golf (includes lunch & dinner) ______@ $125.00 ______

Dinner (general admission) ______@ $20.00 ______

Dinner (reserved, main dining) ______@ $40.00 ______

Dinner (Child menu -12 & under)______@ $10.00 ______

Bully Level $150.00 ______

White Level $300.00 ______

Maroon Level $500.00 ______

I will not be able to attend, but want to support the

Birmingham Chapter Scholarship Fund ______

Total amount enclosed: ______

Corporate or personal hole sponsorships – email logo to and/or enter info below:

Name for hole sign: ______

Website or email address link: ______

Make Checks Payable to MSU Alumni Association Birmingham, AL Chapter

Mail entry form and payment to: Alison Schmidt

1176 Bristol Way

Birmingham, AL 35242

For directions to Hoover Country Club go to,

Questions: Telephone T.D. Farris at 205-542-2297 or email .

PGA/GCSAA members call for special offer.