Paper Preparation Instructions
J. Novák1[*], L. Skočdopole1 and B.B. King2
1Department of Rockets, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic
2Saint Barbara’s Institute, University of Artillery, Verdun, France
The manuscript was received on 22 October 2007 and was accepted after revision for publication on 23 May 2008.
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format instructions, grammar, paper preparation, paper submission, spelling
- Introduction
Before preparing any paper for publication in the AiMT Journal, read this entire document, please. In order to ensure uniformity of appearance of the papers included in the AiMT Journal, standardized organization and formatting are defined in these instructions. The person who actually prepares the paper has to comply with the format instructions. The document you are reading has been prepared using these instructions and may be used as a template for paper preparation.
If you have any questions concerning the format rules, please contact the Editor of the AiMT Journal L. Popelinský, who will be pleased to help you. His email is . Your paper is required to be submitted electronically. To satisfy AiMT Journal requirements, every paper must be prepared using Microsoft WORD software. The most recent version of WORD available to you is preferred.Times New Roman font is to be used throughout the paper.
All tables, figures, diagrams, and photos should be embedded in your document.Papers should not exceed 16 pages in length.This includes tables and figures, appendices if any, as well as the required references.The final version of the paper should be checked for grammar, spelling, and typographical errors. Send the full paper to .
- Format and Composition
These instructions have been prepared according to the requirements contained herein using the AiMT Template and specially designed AiMT Styles in Microsoft Word. It is easy to see the correct form merely by looking at this document. The general layout of all pages is identical and it is straightforward to establish using the “page setup” feature in WORD. Dimensions and other layout information are defined in centimetres. The following page dimensions are defined here for ordinary 17.6 25.0 cmpaper B5(ISO). Margins are set using “Page Setup” in the “File” pull-down menu (see Fig. 1).In the “Multiple pages” list, select “Mirror margins”.
- The top margin is 2.5 cm.
- The bottom margin is 2.5 cm.
- The outside margin is 2.3 cm.
- The inside margin is 2.7 cm.
Fig. 1 Page layout setup
There is a special header for the first page with journal logo (matter of the editor) and different headers for odd and even pages. The header of odd pages contains the paper title and the header of even pages contains the name of the paper authors. Headers are set using “Page Setup” in the “File” pull-down menu (see Fig. 2). There is only footnote at first page with contact information on the corresponding author.
- Headings and Text
- Paper Title
Title lines – 16-pt font (single spacing) – AiMT Title style.
- The title is centred on the page, 4 cm down from the top margin.
- Capitalize the first letter of each word (excluding articles, prepositions and conjunctions); use lower case for the remainder of the word. NOT ALL CAPS, please.
- The title is limited to a maximum of two lines.
Fig. 2 Headers setup
3.2.Balance of Title Block
Author line – 12-pt font (single spacing),spacing before and after paragraphis set at 12 pt–AiMT Author style. The authors’ line is centred on the page. No author’s degree(s) is(are) presented there.
Affiliation line(s) – 9-pt italics font (single spacing)–AiMT Affilation style. The line(s) is (are)centred on the page. Use the company or institution name – the short name by which the employer is generally known in the following order: Department, Institution, ZIP Code, City, and Country. Information on the corresponding author is put in footnote.
Acceptance information line – 9-pt font (single spacing). Spacing before and after paragraph is set at 18pt,the line(s) is (are) centred on the page – AiMT Affilation style (acceptance information is a matter of the editor).
The legend “Abstract” – 10-pt font (single spacing) is set flush left, spacing after paragraph is set at 6 pt–AiMT Abstract style.
Abstract – 10-pt italics font (single spacing). The text alignment is set to “justified” –AiMT Abstract Text style. The abstract should contain 80-120 words and it should summarize the purpose, methods, scope, results, and conclusions of the paper.
The legend “Keywords” – 10-pt font (single spacing) is set flush left, spacing after the paragraph is set at 6 pt– AiMT Keywords style.
Keywords – 10-pt italics font (single spacing). The text alignment is set to “justified” – AiMT Abstract Keywords text style. Try to limit the number of key words to five or six listed in alphabetical sequence.
3.3.Headings within Paper
Capitalize the first letter of each word (excluding articles, prepositions and conjunctions); use lower case for the remainder of the word in all headings. It is strongly recommended that only two levels of headings be used. All headings are single spacing. All headings (level 1 + 2) are automatically numbered.
Major headings (level 1) are in 11-pt bold font, flush left and numbered consequently. Spacing before heading is set at 15 pt and after heading at 3 pt – AiMT Heading 1 style.
Subheadings (level 2) are in 10-pt bold italic font, flush left and numbered consequently. Spacing before heading is set at 12 pt and after heading at 3 pt– AiMT Headings 2 style.
The References and Acknowledgment headings are similar to major headings but are not numbered–RAMS Ref& Ack Heading Style.
Text is in 10-pt type (single spacing). Spacing before and after paragraph is set at 0pt. The text alignment is set to “justified” – AiMT Normal style.The first line of each paragraph is indented by 0.75 cm (excluding the first paragraph after heading).Do not leave blank line(s) between paragraphs.
If a paragraph continues after a heading, figure, equation, bullet, etc., do not indent that text. Use AiMT Normal Continue style for this case.
- Illustrations
The person preparing the manuscript is responsible for the effective integration of supporting graphics, tables, and other media into the text. All illustrations should be provided in camera-ready form, suitable for reproduction. Black and white graphics are acceptable only. Here are some additional points:
- Graphics should be embedded in your document.
- Place a caption at the bottom of each object. In the case of tables put a caption above the table. The caption is centered and uses a 10 pt italic font size. The spacing of the caption is contained within the style (6 pt before and after the caption)– AiMT Caption style.
- All illustration captions are numbered consequently.
- Make sure that any text in the graphic and tables has a minimum point size of 8points. Text below the minimum point size will not be readable in print.
- If a reference to a figure is used in the text, use “Fig.” before its number (for example: “for the headers setup seeFig. 2” or “equations styles are presented in Fig. 3). Similarly, use „“Tab.”before a number of the table (for example: “For survey of the journal styles, see Tab. 2”) and “Eq.” before a number of the equation (for example: “All the quantities in Eq. (1) are …”).
The type of graphics you include will affect the quality and file size of your manuscript. In general, vector graphics, such as those produced by most presentation and drawing packages, are electronically efficient.
- Equations, Symbols, Quantities and Units
Equations should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper. They also should be centred (approximately). Equation numbers should be flush with the right page margin – AiMT Equation style. The equation number should be placed into brackets.Simple equations can be embedded directly in text but the equation should not break line spacing.
Equation should be edited usinga special tool (Equation Editor, MathType …). Basic setting for Equation Editor (MS Office) is presented in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. Please, do follow the recommendations of ISO 31-0 [1] and ISO 31-11 [2] standards for equations editing. Always use a dot as a decimal sign (DO NOT USE COMMA).
Fig. 3 Equation Styles
An example:the gravitational constant G6.6741011m3kg1s2is a demonstration of equation directly in the text and the following definition of the Gamma function is a demonstration of a centred and numbered equation:
where x0.
Fig. 4 Size of characters for equations
While the equations edited using Equation Editor after setting according to Fig.3 fulfil nearly all rules defined by the standards[1,2], for the equations, symbols, quantities and units written directly into the text it is useful to present these rules:
Roman (upright) types shall be used for: numbers, standard functions (sin, tanh, ln), special functions (e.g. the Bessel functions J0, Jn), operators (differential d, gradient grad, limit lim), operation and relation marks (+, –, , /, , <, ), basic constants (=3.142, e=2.718, i2=–1), physical units (m, kg, h, MWh), chemical elements (H, H2SO4) and all types of brackets.
Italics shall be used for: variables, general functions (e.g. f(x) etc.), general constants, sets and physical quantities (v=s/t).
Bold italics shall be used for vectors and matrices (but not for their components and elements).
Sub/superscripts are written in Roman types if descriptive (in Cg g means gas) or in italics if representing quantities (in Cpp means constant pressure) or variables.
Multiplication can be written as ab, ab, a·b or ab, but not as a.b (for numbers only 2·3 or 23 is used and for vectors a·b and abmust be distinguished). In general relations and expressions the form ab or ab is preferably recommended. When decimal dot and multiplication meet then the symbolis recommended.
Spaces must separate operation marks or relation marks from operands, e.g. x+y=z0, and functions from their arguments not written in brackets, e.g. sinα=0.2,but they must not be used in following cases: –a, n!, xi, c2, f(x) etc.Spaces must separate numbers from units (5m, 12m/s or 12ms–1, 25.3%, 15°C) excluding angular degrees, minutes and seconds (α=12°32’55.3).
All measurements and data should be given in SI units, or if SI units do not exist, in an internationally accepted unit.
Ranges and tolerances shall be indicated in an unambiguous manner: 10m to 12m (not 10 to 12m), (232)°C or 23°C2°C (not 232°C). Do not use non-standardized abbreviations for units, e.g.:
- for secondsuses,notsec or secs,
- for minutesusemin,notmins,
- for hoursuseh,nothrs,
- for amperesuseA,notamps,
- for cubic centimetresusecm3,notcc or ccm,
- for km per husekm/h or km·h–1,notkmph etc.
- Reference Format
Note the fact that several citations have been made in this document in order to illustrate their use. Number your references in your paper sequentially in the order in which you cite them.
Respect recommendations of ISO 690 standard [3] in your reference section. Use the AiMT Reference style for your references – AiMT Reference style. This style will automatically number your references.
Tab. 1 Survey of the AiMT Journal styles
Paragraph Type / RAMS StyleAuthor line / AiMT Author
Abstract – text / AiMT Abstract Text
Acceptation information / AiMT Acceptation
Acknowledgement / AiMT AcknowledgementText
Bulleted list / AiMT Bullet
Captions for Figures and Tables / AiMT Caption
Continuation of regular text after an insertion within a paragraph (no first line indent) / AiMT Normal Continue
Equation numbers / AiMT Equation
Keywords – text / AiMT Keywords Text
Abstract – Heading / AiMT Abstract
Keyword – Heading / AiMT Keywords
Major (Level1) Section headings / AiMT Headings 1
Minor (Level 2) Section headings / AiMT Headings 2
Paper Title / AiMT Title
Reference and Acknowledgement headings / AiMT Ref Ack Headings
Reference entries in References section / AiMT Reference
Regular text / AiMT Normal
Figure / AiMT Figure
Affiliation / AiMT Affiliation
An example of standard citations:
[1]ISO 31-0:1992,Quantities and units – Part 0: General principles.
[2]ISO 31-11:1992,Quantities and units – Part 11: Mathematical signs and symbols for use in the physical sciences and technology.
[3]ISO 690:1987,Documentation–Bibliographicreferences – Content, form and structure.
[4]ISO 690-2:1997,Information and documentation – Bibliographic references – Part 2: Electronic documents or parts thereof.
An example of book citations:
[5]BLISCHKE, WR. andMURTHY, DNP. Product Warranty Handbook. New York : Dekker, 1996. 366 p.
[6]HOANG, P. Handbook of Reliability Engineering.London: Springer, 2003. p.502.
If the title of a book (or a paper) is not in English, the title translation should be presented in the citation with a note about original book language:
[7]FIŠER, M. and BALLA, J. Small Arms (in Czech).Brno: University of Defence, 2004. 400 p.
An example of journal paper citations:
[8]JUNG, M. and BAI, DS. Analysis of Field Data under Two-dimensional Warranty. Reliability Engineering System Safety, 2002,vol. 92, no. 2 , p. 135-143.
[9]MAJOR, WA.Efficient Weapon for General Purposes. Advances in Military Technology, 2008,vol. 2, no. 1, p. 35-45.
[10]POZORNÝ, A. Acquisition Processes in the Czech Army (in Czech).Vojenské rozhledy, 2008, vol. X, no. 2, p. 142-147.
An example of paper in proceedings citations:
[11]VINTR, Z. and HOLUB, R. Possibilities of Technical and Economic Evaluation of Vehicle Dependability. In Proceedings of the Eleventh World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science.Beijing: China Machine Press, 2004, p. 2292-2296.
An example of thesis and research report citation:
[12]HOLÝ, K. Precise Shooting (in Slovak)[ResearchReport].Trenčín : Trenčianskauniverzita,, 2006. 64 p.
[13]PUMELOUN, M. Enhancement of Military Vehicle Reliability(in Czech) [PhD Thesis]. Brno : University of Defence, 2007. 120 p.
An example of internet (on line) sources citations:
- book citation:
[14]VINTR, Z. and HOLUB, R. Dependability of Aircraft(in Czech) [on line]. Brno : BrnoUniversity of Technology, 2001. 233 p. [cited 2008-02-12]. Available from:
- journal paper citation:
[15]CROW, LH. A Method for Achieving an Enhanced Mission Capability. Lambda Notes [on line]. December 2002, vol 35, no.1, p. 4-8. [cited 2008-02-12]. Available from:
- Internet homepage citation
[16]University of Defence[on line]. Brno : University of Defence. [cited 2008-02-12]. Available from:
The work presented in this paper has been supported by the Ministry of Defence of the CzechRepublic(research project No. MO0FVT0000401).
[*] Corresponding author: Department of Rockets, University of Defence, Kounicova 65, CZ-61200 Brno, Czech Republic, phone: +420123456789, fax: +420987654321, E-mail: