Draw a picture or your favorite part of the service, something special that happened, or something about today’s Bible lesson.

“Come to worship Him with thankful hearts and songs of praise.”

Psalm 95:2 CEV




Church Name



Children’s Minister:

“My family and I are going to worship and obey the Lord!”

Joshua 24:15b CEV

Preparing for Worship

Before entering the WorshipCenter, go to the restroom and the water fountain. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE THE WORSHIPCENTER ONCE THE SERVICE HAS BEGUN. You will miss something and you will interrupt others as they worship.

When you enter the WorshipCenter, take a seat with your family and prepare to worship by thinking about God and asking Him to speak to you.

Things you will need to have:


Worship Packet – a pencil, a treat, and your Young Worshippers guide are included. Return the bag and pencil. A new guide and a new treat will be put in the bag for next Sunday.

Church Bulletin which includes:

  • Order of Worship
  • Sermon Note Page
  • Communication Card you can tear off and write a note

to Pastor ______or someone else on the church staff.

Ways you can prepare to worship:

Listen quietly to the music and pray

Thank God for the freedom to worship

Thank God for your church

Ask God to help you hear what He has to say to you

Ask God to help everyone hear what He has to say to them

Thank God for Pastor _____ and ask Him to take care of him

Ask God to help the Pastor _____, Brother ______, and the

Choir as they lead in worship.

Ways you can participate in worship:

Singing when everyone sings

Standing when everyone stands

Listening to the music and the preaching

Reading the scripture from the Bible

Praying – Remember to use your “prayer posture”

close your eyes, fold your hands, bow your head.

Giving an offering.

SUNDAY, July______

Where is today’s scripture found in the Bible?

Old Testament <Circle One New Testament

Book______Chapter____ Verse(s)______

My favorite Praise Songs today were:



I gave an offering today  Yes  No

Something I learned or something God said to me today:




Something I said to God today:




List any question you have about today’s service

