East Aurora Baseball and Softball
Girls’ Softball – Rookie (ages 7-8) Rules
Thedivision will use Official ASA Rules with the following exceptions:
1. Games will begin at 6:15 p.m.
- No inning will begin after 8:15 p.m.
2. Field is reserved for practice as follows:
- Visitors – take the field first up to 15 minutes before game time
- Home Team – take field final 15 minutes before game time
3. All players will play every inning in the field.
4. At the start of play, outfielders should be placed in correct position, not creeping toward the field.
5. All players will be listed in line up and bat in order. An inning will consist of batting 4 runs or 3 outs, whichever comes first. If a player arrives late, they will be added to the end of the batting order.
6. A pitching machine will be used.
7. The batter is allowed three (3) swinging strikes or eight total pitches. No umpiring of balls and strikes. NO hit batsman. Parent at pitching machine will count total pitches and give a warning to the batter on the eighth pitch that it is the last pitch. The batter is out after eight pitches.
8. Teams are limited to four (4) runs per inning, except the last inning is unlimited.
In the event of slow play, the coaches will agree what the last inning will be. Example, if the 4th inning completes at 8:00 p.m. the coaches will agree that the 5th inning is the last inning.
8. There will be no stealing bases. No advancing on a passed ball or overthrows.
9. No leadoffs.
10. No infield fly rule is in effect.
11. No intentional bunting will be allowed.
12. Pitcher’s mound to plate is 30 feet. Home plate to first base is 50 feet.
13. Each fielding team should supply a coach or adult volunteer to back up and help advise the catcher. Catchers speed up rule is in effect.
14. Home team furnishes two (2) new balls. Girls will be using a 10” ball
- Rainouts: A decision will be made at 4:30. You may check the website
- Lightning – When lightning is seen or thunder is heard, the play8ing field is to be cleared immediately. Players should wait in vehicles for 15 minutes to determine if the storm is going to pass. Play cannot continue until 15 minutes have passed without any sign of lightning or sound of thunder. Coaches will help to enforce this rule.
- Two (2) defensive coaches are allowed in the outfield.
- Base coaches and parent pitcher will act as umpires. The 1st base coach is responsible for safe/out calls at 1st and 2nd base; the 3rd base coach is responsible for safe/out calls at 3rd base and home plate. The parent pitcher will count strikes and outs.
- Pitchers helper must remain behind the pitching machine until ball makes contact with the batand must wear a helmet.
- Play and base running end when; for an infield hit, the ball is returned to the pitchers helper within the 10 foot pitchers circle. Pitchers helper possession of the ball is not required. For an outfield hit, runners must stop at the current base once the ball enters the infield diamond defined as inside the base lines. Possession of the ball by an infielder is not necessary. Runners clearly more than halfway to the next base may proceed to that base in both of the above cases.