Dogon Tribe Web-Quest& Youtube link
Teacher Notes
The purpose of this exercise is to help the students understand and know WHY masks were made. It is hoped that they can then use this knowledge to make their own mask that relates to a meaningful event in their own lives.
The students should gain an understanding of the cultural and spiritual reasons why the Dogon tribe make masks. The teacher will need to ensure that the reading age of the web site is suitable for their students and it might be that the teacher will need to create their own text document by copying and pasting relevant text and images that is more suitable for students with lower reading ages.
The You tube link listed below contains a link to a super video that shows the Dogon Tribal dances in full costume. There are also further links in the side bar however, I would advise that you check these links out yourself to make sure that they are suitable for your students:
Whenever I am getting students to research a topic, I do not like them to print out information and pictures, and then stick these into books. This is because I do not believe very much learning is taking place by doing this. If the students complete the Web Quest they should learn much more than by simply printing out random web pages. In order to complete the task they will have to READ the web pages.
Secondly, the students should be encouraged to show this information in their own independent ways in their sketchbooks. They should draw diagrams from the screen or print-outs, rather than sticking printer images in their books. They can then decorate and colour this page in their own way.
To find out about the language, music and recipes of this region visit:
Web-Quest Answers
- From which country does the Dogon tribe come from?Mali West Africa
- What are the names of the cliffs near the area where they live?Bandiagara cliffs
- About how many Dogon Villages are there? 700
- What is the name of the river that flows nearby?Niger
- Why do tribesmen climb the dangerous cliffs?To find pigeon guano for fertiliser.
- What are the principle cults of the Dogon people?Awa, Lebe and Binu.
- What is the purpose of the Awa cult?To reorder spiritual forces.
- What is the purpose of the Awa dance?To lead souls of the deceased to their resting place.
- What is the purpose of the Lebe cult?To help crops and agriculture.
- What do people believe the God Lebe does every night?Visit them in the form of a serpent and lick their skin.
- What is the cult of Binu?Linked to sacred places used for worship.
- How do Binu spirits make themselves known to their family?Take the form of animals.
- What stands in the centre of every Dogon village?A ‘Togu-Na’ (House of Words)
- During the Dance of Dama, the villagers circle two stilt dancers. What do these dancers represent?A long legged water bird.
- Which animal do the Dogon people believe has supernatural powers?The Fox.
- What crops do the Dogon people grow?Millet, Sorhum, Rice, Beans, Onions, tobacco and Sorrell.
- What is the purpose of the rituals in which masks are used? Lots of reasons, but the main ones are: To help crops grow, for ending periods of mourning, making contact with dead spirits, sacrifices, worship of ancestors, to help the dead cross over into peace.
Web Quest – Dogon Tribe
Use the web pages below to find the answers to the Quest. When you have found as many of the answers as you can, use this information to produce some research pages in your sketchbooks. You can decorate the pages to make them look attractive. Copy or draw some of the photographs and images you find to illustrate the text.
- From which country does the Dogon tribe come from?
- What are the names of the cliffs near the area where they live?
- About how many Dogon villages are there?
- What is the name of the river that flows nearby?
- Why do tribesmen climb the dangerous cliffs?
- What are the principle cults of the Dogon people?
- What is the purpose of the Awa cult?
- What is the purpose of the Awa dance?
- What is the purpose of the Lebe cult?
- What do people believe the God Lebe does every night?
- What is the cult of Binu?
- How do Binu spirits make themselves known to their family?
- What stands in the centre of every Dogon village?
- During the Dance of Dama, the villagers circle two stilt dancers. What do these dancers represent?
- Which animal do the Dogon people believe has supernatural powers?
- What crops do the Dogon people grow?
- What is the purpose of the rituals in which masks are used?