
Islay Community Council meeting 29th March 2010 – Servicepoint Bowmore


Neil Woodrow – actingconvener

Hamish Campbell

Fergus Muir

Peter McLellan

Mairead MacKechnie

Catherine Gilchrist

Philip Maxwell – IET chairman

Also in attendance were Andreas Wolff from BBC Alba, Ann Pilley and Catriona Bell (members of the public)

  1. Welcome and apologies

The convener welcomed everyone to the meeting. Ken Wyllie, Roberta McNeil, Islay McEachern, John McGillivray and Councillor Robin Currie sent their apologies.

  1. BBC Alba – relationship with ICC

ICC welcomed and approved the recently formed relationship with BBC Alba, who expressed an interest in reporting on council topics from a Gaelic perspective. Although tonight’s interview is intended to be on ferry matters, ICC will be able to have influence on the agenda in the future. Andreas Wolff introduced himself as the BBCs` man for Argyll and the islands and is based in Oban.

  1. Policing input

There was no Police presence at the meeting.

  1. Presentation from Philip Maxwell from theIslay Energy Trust (IET)

Philip Maxwell gave a 15 minute slide show outlining the partnership known as Argyll Renewables Consortium (ARC), which is comprised of representative groups from the three areas earmarked for off-shore wind farm development namely Tiree, Islay and South Kintyre.

Islay; in particular the area southwest of the Rhinns, is one of the top areas in Scotland for tidal energy which, together with the off-shore wind project, would make us an important site for commercial scale Renewables development.

There are proposals to install 138 turbines in an area approximately 13 kilometres west of Portnahaven. Turbines would be 500 feet from sea level to top of extended blade, so there would be an obvious visual impact to the area. The consultation process is likely to last until 2013 with the construction phase beginning around 2015.

ARC has been formed in order to work together with the other agencies to get the best outcomes for communities affected by development. ARC commissioned a scoping study to identify possible benefits and impacts on our community. This document is available online from the IET website.

Philip Maxwell also explained that Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE Renewables) have questioned how representative IET is of the Islay community. This point was acknowledged as being valid by the ICC members. He went on to suggest that it would be of mutual benefit if IET were to work as advisors to the ICC on these matters and report back on a regular basis.

Hamish Campbell suggested that the community could be asked to comment on this arrangement via an article and placed in the local newspaper.Those who wished to voice an opinion could contact the council email address at . This was agreed by all.

Discussion followed about the importance of the ICC being independent of IET who must only act as advisors to and not agents of, the ICC. This was also agreed by all.

Fergus Muir voiced concern about a member of ICC being on the board of the IET (Hamish Campbell) as there was, in his view, potential for a conflict of interest.

Hamish Campbell explained that he was on the board of IET by invitation from Philip Maxwell,as a representative of the ICC. His primary role there was to facilitate the exchange of information between the two organisations. It did not matter to him what title he was given so long as ICC and IET remained in communication with each other.

Fergus Muir suggested a scenario where the interests of the two might conflict and that Hamish Campbell would, as a director, be duty bound to vote with IET. Hamish Campbell stated that he was in no doubt where his responsibilities lay in this regard and would if appropriate resign from the IET. Philip Maxwell asked that this not happen as he valued the input Hamish Campbell brought to IET meetings as a representative of ICC.

After some discussion it was decided that Hamish Campbell continue as a non-voting director of IET.Fergus Muir noted that this should beproperly recorded in the minutes.

Philip Maxwell went on to say that the Crown Estates would soon be offering areas of the seabed for lease including locations around the Rhinns and Mull of Oa.

He also stated that SSE Renewables have published a scoping document for the Islay off-shore wind farm which should be coming to the ICC as part of the consultation process, but in any case can be obtained on-line at

Discussion about who owned the sea-bed, confirmed that Crown Estates have responsibility to administer any leases.

IET tried to raise £96,000 for a full socio-economic impact assessment (SIA) but were unable to obtain sufficient funding in time for Leader application. IET intends to review scope of SIA with the intention of reducing costs to meet the criteria for match funding from Leader.

SSE road show is coming to Islay in June/July 2010 as part of their consultation process. Philip Maxwell encouraged as many people as possible to attend this event and ask questions.

Philip then left the meeting after being thanked for his informative presentation.


Hamish Campbell to compile an article for Ileach

  1. Minutes of previous meeting

Proposed by Hamish Campbell and seconded by Mairead McKechnie

  1. Matters arising

There were no matters arising.

  1. Secretary’s report

Hamish Campbell confirmed that actions allocated to him had been carried out since the last meeting.

  1. Financial statement

Neil Woodrow confirmed bank balance at £445.30 and that he was now in possession of all previous paperwork relating to treasurers post etc.

  1. Correspondence

March 5th- letter from A&B Council re international year of bio-diversity, no action required.

March 12th- letter from A&B Council regarding development management. Community Council forum at Oban on 30th March. Ken Wyllie agreed to attend on behalf of ICC.

March 15th- reply from Dick Walsh regarding letter from ICC about condition of Islay roads etc. Copy to Ileach, no further action at this stage.

March 23rd- letter from Arthur Woodrow seeking support for planning application near to Port Ellen lighthouse. To be discussed later in meeting.

Copy of an e-mail posted to ICC from Colin Campbell, Port Charlotte. Information is political in nature and consists of Mr Campbell’s` personal views. Agreed this letter should be filed, no further action required.

  1. Arthur Woodrow- support for development at Kilnaughton?

ICC members supported the points raised by Arthur Woodrow and agreed with the principle of controlled development. Fergus Muir stressed the need for sensitive development that did not impinge on sites of historic importance or sites of natural beauty. He cited the Kilnaughton beach properties and suggested that these were too close to the beach and too close to the medieval grave yards. His views were supported by most in attendance. Ann Pilley commenting on development at Keills said she is concerned about the style of most new housing which is not in keeping with the vernacular architecture of the island. Concern was also expressed that village boundaries were being eroded by ribbon development.

Membership of ICC agreed to support Arthur Woodrow’s proposal in principle, but reserved the right to comment on the detail of any future application.

Action: Hamish Campbell

Letter to Arthur Woodrow informing him of the above

  1. Update on priority matters

Roads - Hamish Campbell advised that remedial works were underway to the C14 Ardtalla road.

Shoreline project – Mairead McKechnie advised that she had made contact with Richard Heggie of Urban Animation (consultants behind shoreline project) and had asked him to attend an ICC meeting to answer our questions.

Catriona Bell commented that similar types of applications are being submitted elsewhere in Scotland and offered a contact on the mainland that has some knowledge of these matters. Information was exchanged.

Action: Mairead MacKechnie to arrange a date.

Ferries – Neil Woodrow referred to a provisional timetable being drawn up by Cal-Mac to include the new ferry MV Finlaggan and her inability to dock at Port Ellen pier.He stated that he and Roberta MacNeill had a meeting with management representatives of Cal Mac, including Faye Harris, the Port Manager for Kintyre and Islay. Faye explained that when the MV Finlaggan comes into operation in spring / summer 2011 it will be unable to use the Port Ellen Pier and that accordingly the core timetable will move to Port Askaig. Moreover, the Finlaggan would be berthing at Kennacraig so that it could take the first sailing over to Islay in the morning with heavy commercial traffic. Moreover, it would possibly be preferable for it to take the afternoon commercial traffic out of Port Askaig in the afternoon.

Colonsay sailings were discussed; in particular, if the Hebridean Isles is to continue that route, then it would appear that Port Ellen might not have a service on Wednesdays.

Clarification is to be sought as to whetherthe Finlaggan will be able to berthovernight at Port Askaig.

Action: Neil Woodrow

The MV Arran will no longer be on the Islay run but the MV Hebridean Isles will operate out of Port Ellen.

In order to ensure that the ferries coincide with public transport it will be necessary to consider the existing timetable as e.g. the Heb Isles can`t travel to PE in 2 hours. Accordingly Cal Mac will be looking at thisand considering what changes to make. Draft timetables will be produced and ICC will be consulted on them with Faye Harris coming to an ICC meeting for this purpose.

There then followed a detailed discussion on the current ferry and pier situation. ICC members agreed that the situation was presently unacceptable and reflected badly on A&B Council and C-Mals` ability to plan properly.

ICC members briefed Mairead on Community Council’s views regarding ferries etc before she carried out her interview with BBC Alba.

Having read Brian Wilson’s letter regarding RET in the latest edition of the Ileach, Neil Woodrow questioned if we should contact Jim Mather MSP regarding any plans to roll out the scheme to Islay. It was agreed that he should do so.

Action: Neil Woodrow

  1. Community planning and three isles CPP

Hamish Campbell updated the Council on the meeting held on 15th March which attempted to set up another forum to consult on community planning matters. Islay, Jura and Colonsay all agreed they did not want another forum and that it should best be dealt with by the Community Councils on their own acting as information gatherers and then feeding in to the LACPG.

Proposal formally endorsed by Council, who were then advised that the first meeting between the three councils was scheduled for Wednesday 14th April on Colonsay, members welcome to attend.

  1. Issues raised by members of the public.

Catriona Bell asked ICC to consider holding a local hustings event for the upcoming general election. Council agreed was a good idea.

Action: Neil Woodrow and Hamish Campbell to investigate, Catriona Bell to act as advisor.

  1. AOB and date of next meeting

No matters were raised.

Date of next meeting fixed as;

Monday 3rd May at 7pm, Bowmore Servicepoint.

Meeting closed with vote of thanks for the convenor.