Held in the Council Chamber at 7.00pm
In Attendance: Cllrs: R P Ashton, A Bridge (Chair), S Carter, C Cutting, S D Freeborn, R Emmas-Williams, Mrs S Emmas-Williams. D Farrelly, Mrs J H Gregory, I Fisher, Mrs L Joyes, P Lobley, P C Moss and D A Williams M Wilson and Mrs C Worth.
Also 3 members of the public, Police PC Sarah Dufton, L McCormick Town Clerk and K Hall Community Officer
7117. To receive apologies for absence– Cllrs: Ms L D Cox, T Holmes and M G Jones
7118. Variation of Order of Business– None required
7119. Declaration of Members Interests
Cllr D Williams declared a personal interest in the following item as a member of the Derbyshire County Council and would remain in the meeting –8a) Bus Shelters as a member of Derbyshire county Council
7120. Public speaking –
Cllr S Freeborn thanked PC Rich Marshall for all his help working with the Town Council during
his time at Ripley, but sadly he has now moved on to another area.
A resident spoke regarding the allotments at Nether Heage and gave a report of the plots and
A resident spoke of concerns regarding the public open space on Codnor common and the terrible
state which the land is in and it is totally unacceptable to be left in this way and needs considerable
work to sort this out.
PC Sarah Dufton gave a report regarding crime figures, explained that there is to be a new Police
Sergeant in March. A meeting of the Safer Neighbourhood Panel would be organised in due course
during April / May.
Cllr P Lobley asked PC Dufton about the areas where the crime results cover?
PC Sarah Dufton replied that the crime figures are for the town, Marehay, Hammersmith, High
Holborn road Codnor not the outlying villages.
Cllr S Freeborn thanked PC Sarah Dufton for the information and asked if we could be informed if
the crime figure trends were up or down. Hopefully the new staff will be in post as soon as possible
and RTC have always enjoyed a close relationship with the Police and help with events in Ripley.
Cllr D Williams stated that Heage and Ambergate Police and or PCSO’s are based in Belper but
could possibly attend the RTC meetings to talk about issues in the villages.
7121.To confirm the Non-Confidential Minutes of theTown Council’sMonthlyMeeting
February 16th 2016 –
RESOLVEDto sign the minutes as a true and accurate record
7122. To determine which items if any part of the Agenda should be taken with the public
excluded. None required
7123. Town Mayors Announcements –
Attended Belper Town Civic Service March 13th 216
Deputy Mayor attended Codnor Civic Service March 13th 2016
7124. Report of the Town Clerk on: -
a)Bus Shelters
RESOLVEDto go ahead with the four bus shelters as previously agreed – Ambergate near the recreation ground – A610 near Bull Bridge – opposite New Road and Old Road Heage adjacent to Jacksons Lane.
b)Councillor Vacancy Ambergate Ward
The vacancy has been advertised to ask the electorate if they require an election for the seat
c)Nether Heage Land coming up for auction – used as allotments for many years
The Clerk was in contact with the agent but at present there is nothing to report, should this change
the agent promised to contact the Clerk
d)Ripley Toilets – Gents toiletsinstallation of infra-red controlled taps – further quotations
RESOLVEDto accept the quotation from PJ Lilley to replace the two taps with a concussive type mixer tap £377.00 + vat
e)Heritage Factoid – noted this is a Ripley and District Heritage Trust document
f)Butterley Trust –report from Cllr S Freeborn that the RTC will continue to work with all groups and a meeting would be held with Cllr K Buttery
g)Defibrillator –– estimated costs to purchase, install and maintain.
RESOLVEDfor the Mayor and Deputy Mayor with the information from the Clerk to go ahead with the cheapest price
h)Reminder to all Councillors that AVBC elections take place Thursday May 5th 2016 with the pre-election ‘purdah’ period commencing March 24th 2016 and ending on polling day at the close of the poll – for information
i)AVBC Core Strategy – the ‘call’ for sites, the greenbelt and the Ripley Neighbourhood Plan. RTC to appoint legal advisers
RESOLVEDto agree spending of a maximum of £3000 and the clerk to contact Marrons
Shakespeare solicitors used previously. AVBC have to be aware that the Ripley Neighbourhood Plan is a legal document and must be adhered to.
j)Litter throughout Ripley (Cllr R Ashton) – noted AVBC are responsible for litter and dog fouling throughout the township and the outlying villages
7125. Accounts for paymentandIncomecheques to be approved and signed – Finance report circulated – RESOLVEDto agree and sign the cheques and accept the finance report
Cheq No / Payee / £ / VAT / Total504262 / Vinyl Lettering for Notice Boards x 2 LM Paid / £22.50 / £22.50
504263 / Date stamp, pads and paper LM Paid / £34.34 / £6.87 / £41.21
504264 / L McCormick 504265K Hall 504266 HMRC PAYE / £2710.41 / £2710.41
504267 / W G Pollard replace faulty lock on disabled toilet door Ripley / £310.00 / £62.00 / £372.00
504268 / AVBC Office Rent March 2016 / £300.00 / £60.00 / £360.00
504269 / Keptkleen Ripley Toilets wks 1,2,3,4 / £312.00 / £312.00
504270 / Keptkleen Heage Toilets wks 1,2,3,4 / £208.00 / £208.00
504271 / Staples stationery ink cartridges / £66.44 / £13.29 / £79.73
DD / Unicom Clerk’s telephone and Broadband January 2016 / £53.19 / £10.64 / £63.83
504272 / AVBC contribution towards Christmas Lights / £88.93 / £88.93
504273 / National Leaflet Co February 2016 newsletter delivery / £911.53 / £182.31 / £1093.84
DD / BT Clerks quarterly email / £58.00 / £11.60 / £69.60
504274 / DCC payment received by RTC in error / £140.00 / £140.00
504275 / SLCC Practitioners Conference costs and accommodation / £437.00 / £24.20 / £461.20
504276 / Bibby Factors Manchester Ltd Bus Shelters / £8000.00 / £1600.00 / £9600.00
504277 / Heage Windmill Trust grant / £1000.00 / £1000.00
504278 / Keptkleen Heage Toilets wks 5/6/7/8/9 / £208.00 / £208.00
504279 / Keptkleen Ripley Toilets wks 5/6/7/8/9 / £338.00 / £338.00
504280 / E-on Christmas Lights electricity / £155.55 / £7.78 / £163.33
Total / £15,353.89 / £1978.69 / £17,332.58
Cllr Alwyn Bridge Civic Dinner / £40.00
Cllr Mrs J Gregory Civic Dinner / £20.00
L McCormick Civic Dinner / £40.00
G Fryer Civic Dinner / £40.00
Cllr L Cox Civic Dinner / £40.00
J Shawcroft Civic Dinner / £40.00
Cllr A Longdon Civic Dinner / £40.00
Cllr D Williams Civic Dinner / £20.00
Cllr C Cox Civic Dinner / £20.00
Cllr J McCabe Civic Dinner / £120.00
E Towndrow civic Dinner / £40.00
Mr S Murphy Civic Dinner / £40.00
Cllr P Smith Civic Dinner / £40.00
Mr S Taylor Civic Dinner / £60.00
Ms C Ward Civic Dinner / £20.00
DCC Bacs payment paid to RTC in Error / £140.00
Total / £ 760.00
7126. Planning Applications – previously circulated
RESOLVEDthe clerk to organise a Planning Committee meeting as soon as possible
7127.Items for Information in the Information Folder:DALC Circular 04/2016 – DALC Circular 05/2016 – Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine - Noted
7128. Town Clerk and Community Officer’s Annual Review – employee documentsbeing considered by the Employment Committee prior to recommendations for the Full Council - Noted
7129.Meeting closed at 7.52pm
Date for the next monthly meeting April 19th 2016 at 7.00pm