Goffs Oak Primary and Nursery School Assessment Policy


Assessment for Learning is the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there.

Aims and Objectives:

We aim to make Assessment:

·  part of effective planning

·  focus on how students learn

·  central to classroom practice

·  sensitive and constructive

·  foster motivation

·  help learners know how to improve

We believe that assessment is a key professional skill that promotes understanding of goals and criteria and develops the capacity for self-assessment. Assessment should recognise all educational achievement.

Planning for Assessment

Planning should provide age-appropriate opportunities for both learner and teacher to obtain and use information about progress towards learning goals.

Planning should include:-

·  strategies to ensure that learners understand the goals they are pursuing and the criteria that will be applied in assessing their work.

·  how they will take part in assessing their work.

·  how learners will receive feedback.

·  how they will be helped to make further progress

Assessment in Practice

Tasks and questions prompt learners to demonstrate their knowledge, skill and understanding. What learners say and do is then observed and interpreted, and judgements are made about how learning can be improved. These assessment processes are an essential part of everyday classroom practice and involve both teachers and learners in reflection, dialogue and decision-making.

Assessment at Goffs Oak consists of:

·  SATs/ Teacher assessments with Herts tracking and class based tests

·  EYFS assessment

·  Records of Early Learning Goals/ FSP

·  Subject assessment

·  AM7 pupil tracker for end of year targets

·  Pupil Targets on pink book marks and on display – shared with parents

·  Portfolios of children’s levelled work eg. in Writing

·  Reading/spelling records/ phonics/ Y1/2 phonics screening test

·  Reading Age Scores for Y1-6 NFER

·  Pupil Support Plans (IEPS)

·  Herts assessment guidelines in Maths, Writing, Reading, Science and Computing

·  KS2 NFER Mental Maths tests

·  KS2 Grammar tests


A copy of the End of Key Stage 1 results should be kept in the cohort file.

Class Teacher Assessments are logged on AM7 each term.

EYFS Assessment

EYFS Assessments are carried out in line with the statutory requirements within children’s first six weeks in the Nursery and Reception classes.

A copy of the FSP results should be kept in the class cohort file.

Records of Early Learning Goals

AM7 EYs is used in the Early Years Foundation Stage and continues until children begin working at the New Primary Curriculum expectations. Where a child is still working at the EYs level as they leave the Early Years Foundation Stage the gaps in the record should be highlighted and passed to the Year 1 teacher. Nursery and Reception keep a record of children’s development in a Learning Journal.

Subject Assessment

Weekly planning in English and Maths is annotated to show any changes made as a result of on-going assessment. Pupil Targets are set and reviewed every half term for Writing, Reading, Maths and Science (1). These are displayed in the classroom and are recorded on pink bookmarks. Layered targets are recorded.

The new Herts guidelines on assessment is used.

Foundation subjects are assessed at the end of the school year in July using the school Foundation Subject assessment sheet.

Pupil Progress Meetings

At the beginning of each school year (by the end of September; N/ Rec in December and N again in Feb) the class teacher and HT set pupil targets for the end of the year. At the end of the school year the class teachers log their performance. In Year 2 teacher assessment should be used. Y6 use SATs and Teacher assessment. The targets should be revisited by the spring half term. Pupil targets are kept in the Cohort file. Targets are monitored again in June each year by the class teacher and HT. Progress of all pupils is monitored termly by the Inclusion leader, SMT and the HT.


The HCC computer package, which facilitates the analysis of data, is used in the school. Teachers log their class results and can use the package to target needs. It is used in conjunction with pupil targets and logs progress and results. Progress is monitored by the English, Maths, Science, Computing, Inclusion Leaders and HT.

Portfolios of Children’s Work

Co-ordinators are responsible for collecting examples of work and arranging moderation of work.

Reading and Spelling Records

The children’s individual reading diaries are a record of books they have read. The Reading target system involves the assessment of children’s specific reading ability. Guided reading takes place each week and a record sheet is kept in all classes. Phonic assessment sheets are in place as are High Frequency word checklists.

Learning Support Plans (IEPs)

These are kept in accordance with the Inclusion/ SEN Policy and are kept in a separate folder.

To aid continuity the following documents must be handed on to the next class teacher

·  Cohort file

·  English Books and recent Writing target sheet

·  Writing portfolios

·  Maths Books and recent Maths target sheet

·  Assessment files

·  Reading Records

·  Science Books and recent Science target sheet

·  Art assessment/ book

·  SEN file with Learning Support Plans/ IEPs

·  Reading books can be handed over if on a scheme

·  KS1 SATS/ NFER mental maths tests/ Grammar and reading tests.

Summative assessments should be kept in pupil files in the class.

The following documents, which will aid the on-going assessment processes, should be stored in the following places.

Cohort File

·  Nursery and Reception Entry level scores

·  Speaking and Listening Levels- highlighted sheets

·  Layered Target sheets

·  Spelling Assessment Records ( HF words/ spellings/ phonics)

·  AM7 spreadsheets/ overview

·  Key Stage 1 Results showing individual levels

·  FSP scores

The following information should be referred to in class:

·  Reading groups/ targets/ levels/ reading ages

·  Writing groups/ targets/ levels/ assessments

·  Maths groups/ targets/ levels/ assessments

·  Science / targets/ levels/ assessments

·  Assessment info

·  Computing assessments

·  Assessment Policy and Marking Policy

·  Foundation Subject Record Sheets

Children’s Individual Files- kept in office

·  Annual Reports

·  Initial information sheet

·  Notes/records from outside agencies- SEN pupil file

·  Correspondence to/from Headteacher- HT’s office

·  Permission slip for local visits (General letter for local trips)

SEN folder reminder:

·  Class list

·  Provision map

·  Concerns

·  SEN register

·  Learning Support Plans/ IEPs

·  SEN breakdown of class

Assessment National Expectation Levels- based on Herts guidelines

Year / Sep / By end of July
Rec / FSP / ELG
1 / A0 / A2
2 / A3 / A5
3 / A6 / B2
4 / B3 / B5
5 / B6 / C2
6 / C3 / C5

MIST for KS1- Y1 to participate in this programme in the Spring term.

Reading age score tests in Oct and Feb (NFER).

Maths assessments- 8-9 pupils monitored closely in Number and problem solving - updated termly and information used to help assess rest of class.

Mental maths tests in March (NFER). To be carried out in class.

Writing Portfolio tasks- unaided piece of writing in Sep, Feb and June for KS1 and 2. Teachers should use the Herts Writing guidelines to level pupils in their writing.

(Y2 SATS/ Y6 SATS in May)

Writing, Reading, Science and Computing Assessments- 8-9 pupils monitored closely- updated termly and information used to help assess rest of class.

Pupil Targets are set every half term for Maths, Reading, Writing and Science SC1- 1 each. Teachers record layered targets.

AM7 data should be recorded in Dec, March and July for:

Reading, Writing, Maths, Science and Computing. An electronic copy of levels should be given to HT and Inclusion Leader each term.

Some Foundation subjects are assessed for each pupil at the end of the year in July using the school assessment sheet.


DT, Art, History, Geography, French, PE and Music will be assessed using the school end of year assessment sheet Art- Spring term- drawing task.

(RE is assessed using the RE SoW. New levelling guidelines to be used to level pupils using the Foundation Subject Record in July for AT1 and 2).

PSHE is assessed half termly through SEAL with pupil self evaluations and teacher assessments.

Booster group Tuition- pupils should be identified to participate in support programmes to improve pupil levels and knowledge.

If in a rare case a pupil does not make appropriate progress:

We need to question why pupils might not have made progress and note reasons for this. We should put in place measures to support these pupils through intervention programmes.

Pupils should be aiming to move at least 2 Herts assessment levels in one school year.

Parent Consultations are held in October and June. Y6 are held in Oct and Feb.

Reports go out to parents in March with an update in July. Reception parent consultation are held in March each year.

Sep 2015