
Crown OfficerMayor Micheal B. Hancock

As the public authority for the state of Colorado weNoblesfor the Moorish American’s here in Colorado Territory through Comity with our national principalsof Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice we greet you, with the execution and the rule of action contained in our Divine Constitution and By-Laws.

See…Moorish Science Temple of America, Divine Constitution and By-Laws Act 4-5.

First, from positive legislation the Moorish Science Temple of America has been a functioning eleemosynary jural society since 1928 A.D. our personality and rules of action have been so long and so generally recognized of our existence since 1913 A.D., among the federal states, as the international Law of this Moorish Republic Nation, our universal principal, forming a general an universal jurisprudence. Our Prophet unto us, for the reason to redeem, which here applies still, more forcibly, so presumed to conform to natural reason or natural law, now to be recognized judicially and received as the presumptive will of the state, the will of this said government through as the will of ALLAH, for, Moorish Americans: and through these Holy and Divine laws with principles, originally also presently maintainedsee…MHK CHAPTER XLVII:12-17, through operative deeds and actions, we have acquired a character of, universal independent legislative will, of this said state.

Prophet Noble Drew Ali has acquired the historical character as our true redeemer, now weNobles, by-way of this communication and Divine Instruction from the Prophet Noble Drew Ali, his “will and desire”for our Moorish Documents now be judicially received by the Mayor Micheal B. Hancock by the will of the state, for Colorado, as an independent indication of natural law now made part and parcel of the positive law of this said state.

OUR AUTHORITY, as the moral written law, the customary law, the common law of our dominion, our CORPORATION-Religious-Affidavit of Organization, is jus gentium also necessary: presumed, from the evidence of fact of being received in universal jurisprudence or for universal jurisprudence, recorded in County of Cook, STATE OF ILLINOIS, No. 10105905 Filed for Record, Form No. 1099 ss. 1928 AUG 1. PM. 2:52 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 521 PAGE 579 part and parcel of municipal internal law, now to be adopted as a priori principles for the, MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE OF AMERICA, SUBORDINATE TEMPLE MIR NO. 9: the domestic national Moorish power and judicial will of Drew Ali, in and for, the said state, for the, will of the State. Our mission, will, intent, isto be redress and to uplift fallen humanity, to execute Moorish Nationality and our Naturalization Ceremony, to claim and teach our Divine Creed and principles of Love, Truth Peace, Freedom and Justice. This is our jus est facultas agendi.

The Moorish Science Temple of America, Subordinate Temple Mir No 9 and it’s member’s, declare, proclaim,claim, now this day, OUR PUBLIC NOTICE: we now inform those that know law, and the officials of your government also you, as the public authority [for the state of Colorado] of our existence, in hope that the posterity, for the [Mayor’s Office of Denver, Colorado municipal internal law and state jurisdiction], recognition of our authority and principles founded in natural reason; so that our rule of action, may so operate through comity, unmolested in Colorado territory with respect, to our private and public and international relations, as determined by holding international law and treaty our Divine Constitution and By-laws given to us by our Prophet, Noble Drew Ali -having Anglican Liberty from the Father of the Universe God-Allah.

Mayor Micheal B. Hancock, we as a clean and pure nation, descended from the inhabitants of Africa who came from the Holy Land of Canaan, do not desire to amalgamate or marry into the pale skin nations of Europe. Neither; serve the gods of their religion, because our forefathers are the true and divine founders of the first religious creed, for the redemption and salvation of mankind on earth. Therefore we are returning the Church and Christianity back to the European Nations, as it was prepared by their forefathers for their earthly salvation.

While we, Moorish Americans are returning to Islam (Isis-El-Amun), which was founded by our forefathers for our earthly and divine salvation, because through sin and disobedience every nation has suffered slavery, due to the fact that they honored not the creed and principles of their forefathers. That is why the nationality of the Moors was taken away from us in 1774 and the word Negro, Black, Colored and in this day Afro-American and African American names given to the Asiatics of America who are of Moorish Decent living as res in Colorado territory.see… MHK Chapter XLVIII: 6-11documents enclosed accepted for value.

Our dominion and inhabitation extended from North-West and South West Africa, across the great Atlantis even unto the present North, South, Central America and also Mexico and the Atlantis Islands: before the great earthquake also known as our vast estate,See…MHK Chapter XLVII:7.

Al laws, i.e. International Principles and Rule of Action Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, through The Covenant of the Great God-Allah: “Honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be longer upon the earth land, which the Lord thy God, Allah hath given thee.”Divine Constitution and By-Laws, Our Authority, Our old time Religion Islamism, Holy Covenant of the Asiatic Nations, Proclamation of Nationality as Moorish American, Naturalization Ceremony, Oath of Amnesty and Reconstruction with Baptism Ceremony, our Moorish Customs.

Mayor Micheal B. Hancock, as we conclude this communication, we request to redress our lost estate to uplift fallen humanity, the Prophet, Noble Drew Ali, said, that it takes finance to uplift a nation. Noble Drew Alii, Proclamation is that all true wealth, gold and silver belongs to the citizens alone, therefore we empower and authorize you by Religious Corporation Act, legacy and inheritance to assist us in our work,through equity, Divine Constitution and By-Laws, OUR AUTHORITY, the law of nations A/res/65/295, the international laws of comity also postliminy, for lifeline also Trust, assistance through unlimited credit for structures etc. this is the will of the state, for we are part and parcel to the families of nations, we honor all true and Divine Prophets.

We, Pray,

Allah is the Father of the Universe, Father of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. Allah is my Protector my guide and my Salvation by night and by day through His Holy Prophet, Drew Ali. (Amen)

Firstly we seek the kingdom of heaven, I Noble Coleman-El asa Moorish Adept Praying to be let into possession, as executor, bailiffalso trustee, by legacy, inheritance my birthright by Moorish Decent, a Moorish American, nowto be considered as an instrument of conveyance forthe will of our Prophet unto us, Noble Drew Ali alsoourvast estate in the lands itself, to-which we accept assignment in prudence to the trust, the ancient common-law fee simple absolute; secondly, the uses, which was originally a creature of equity, but since the statute of uses it drew the estate in the lands to it, so that they are joined and made one legal estate, and, thirdly, the trust, of which the fee simple absolute carries the beneficial interest and profits in a court of equity, and is still a creature of that court, as the uses, to the vast estate by which uses had been made liable to this WRITS OF EXECUTIONby expressed trust, out of Love, Truth, Peace Freedom and Justice -our legal necessity and moral necessity.

We Moors request your office unity through our Moorish customs also our Holy and Divine Principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, pursuant to the, will of the state,also the, Will of ALLAH, to prevent any Frauds, Covins, or Collusion, economic injuries or disturbance to public policy for the State of Colorado in regards to our claim to our lands alsovast estate, a, absolute simple deed, OUR AUTHORITY deriving from the Great Koran of Muhammad to propagate the faith and extend the learning and truth of the Great Prophet of ALI(Amen, Elohim, Isis) in America, an issue directed at law.

Micheal B. Hancock d.b.a.,MAYOR MICHEAL B. HANCOCK we pray for judicial recognition of our title and deeds, we “believe and presume”, Prophet Noble Drew Ali d.b.a. NOBLE DREW ALI, has acquired the historical character as our true creditor also redeemer, in this new era of time,by-way of this communication and Divine Instruction from the Positive Parol Evidence of ourProphet, Noble Drew Ali:“in due time,”I sustain the character of trustee so far as regards to the capacity, to take the estate, and to execute, the trust, by the Will of the State,through this, Confidential Commercial Communication, Writ Of Execution, “upon trust” Pursuant to the, Will of ALLAH, the Holy and Divine By-Laws of the Moorish Science Temple of America.

ACT 6is our Notice of Assignment and Resulting Trust: By way of ACT 6 with Jus Gentium, we now claim Postliminy, both at law and in equity, to be enforced by thepublic also private authority of MAYOR’S OFFICE MICHEAL B. HANCOCK or the public claim to the authority Court of Equity as an international Contract for Moorish Descents for full benefit Postliminy with redress.

We reserve our liberty and request our right to redress, restitution and compensation also to be restored to our original process, we present you information, secured with this application to the Crown officer MAYOR MICHEAL B. HANCOCK who represents the highest authorityin the state of Colorado, forall feoffment, freehold, copyholds, uses,liberties, rights,entries,conditions, hereditaments, belonging to the Moorish Descent, the members of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Subordinate Temple Mir No. 9, who areof Moorish Descentrequest the performance of the trust, as it had been done and declared by authority of the President Barack Obama, and or Successors or Predecessors.

Our Moorish Legacy, Our Deed and Moorish Instruments judicially acknowledge also received by the Mayor Micheal B. Hancock for the state of Colorado, as the Production of Extensive Parol Evidence now made part and parcel of the positive law of this said state, for the actual enjoyment of our lands as well as Recourses. The Moorish Science Temple of America, Subordinate Temple Mir No. 9 is a Charitable Religious Organization, designed to uplift fallen humanity and the nations of the earth.

MAYOR MICHEAL B. HANCOCK“equity follows law” we request redress the apportion the expenses according to the value of our respective lands, also to be allowed for credit“at home” for maintaining the worship of God-Allah through the divine principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, subsequently laid out in lasting improvements the will of the state, this is the everlasting will of the creditor Noble Drew Ali, the, Prophet: through the will of our Father God-Allah and the will of the state, now a public convenience under, uses.


Parol Evidence by the Settlor Prophet, Noble Drew Ali:

  1. Moorish Science Temple of America The Divine Constitution and By-Laws Jus Gentium
  1. The Holy Koran OF THE Moorish Science Temple Of America Pamphlet

CORPORATION---Religious—Affidavit of Organization (COUNTY REGISTAR ACT)

  1. Moorish Literature General Laws

5. Humanity BY Prophet Noble Drew Ali

The Cares of the World,Salvation To All Nations, A Message Of Truth, Peace, Freedom And Justice,


6. ACT 6.--With us all members must proclaim their nationality and we are teaching our people their nationality and their Divine Creed that they may know that they are a part andparcel of this said government, and know that they are

notNegroes, Colored Folks,Black People, African Americans or Ethiopians,because these names were given to slaves by slave holders in 1779 and lasteduntil 1865 during the time of slavery, but this is a new era of now and all men now must proclaim their free national name to be recognized by thegovernment in which they live and the nations of the earth, this is the reason why Allahthe Great God of the universe ordained Noble Drew Ali-Re, the Prophet to redeem his people from their sinful ways. The Moorish Americans are the descendants of the ancient Moabites who inhabited the Northwestern and Southwestern shores of Africa.

Objects of the Trust: (El’s and Bey’s)

Who Have Fulfilled Act 6. “To The Letter”:

Appointed Bar Of God-Allah


Noble Grand Sheik Noble Assistant Grand Sheik Noble Grand Treasure Noble Secretary

Writ of Elegit also Deposition of Assets By Descent



1. The Fallen Sons And Daughters Of The Asiatic Nation Of North America Need To Learn To Love Instead Of Hate; And To Know Their Higher Self And Lower Self. This Is The Uniting Of The Holy Koran Of Mecca, For Teaching And Instructing All Moorish Americans, Etc.

2. The Key Of Civilization Was And Is In The Hands Of The Asiatic Nations. The Moorish, Who Were Ancient Moabites, And The Founders Of The Holy City Of Mecca.

3. The Egyptians Who Were The Hamathites, And Of A Direct Descendant Of Mizraim, The Arabians, The Seed Of Hagar, Japanese And Chinese.

4. The Hindoos Of India, The Descendants Of The Ancient Canaanites, Hittites, And Moabites Of The Land Of Canaan.

5. The Asiatic Nations Of North, South, And Central America: The Moorish Americans And Mexicans Of North America, Brazilians, Argentinians And Chilians In South America.

6. Columbians, Nicaraguans, And The Natives Of San Salvador In Central America, Etc. All Of These Are Moslems.

7. The Turks Are The True Descendants Of Hagar, Who Are The Chief Protectors Of The Islamic Creed Of Mecca; Beginning From Mohammed The First, The Founding Of The Uniting Of Islam, By The Command Of The Great Universal God—Allah.

Expressed Intention

Parol Declaration/Parol Testimony by the Settlor Prophet, Noble Drew Ali:

“ I, the prophet, was prepared by the Great God ALLAH to warn my people to repent from their sinful ways and go back to the state of mind of their forefathers’ divine and national principles that they will be law-abiders and receive there divine rights as citizens, according to the free national constitution that was prepared for all free national being.”

“They are to claim their own free national name and religion.”

“You’ve doubt Whether I, the prophet, and my principles of our right for the redemption of my people, go to those that know law, in the City Hall and among the officials in your government and ask them under an intelligent tone, and they will be glad to render you the favorable reply, for they are glad to see me bring you out of darkness into light.”

“The wealth of all national governments, gold and silver and commerce belong to the citizens alone and without your national citizenship by name and principles, you have no true wealth, and I am hereby calling on all true citizens that stand for a national free government, and the enforcement of the constitution to help me in my great missionary work I need all support from all true American citizens of the United States of America. Help me to save my people who have fallen from the constitutional laws of the government.”

“I am depending on your support to get them back to the constitutional fold again that they will learn to love instead of hate, and will live according To Love Truth Peace Freedom and Justice supporting our free national constitution of the United States of America”.

“I love my people and I desire their unity and mine back to of their own free National and the Divine standard because day by day they have been violating the national and constitutional laws of their government by claiming names and principles that are unconstitutional.”

“I, the Prophet, do hereby believe that this administration of the government being more wisely prepared by more genius citizens that believe in their free national constitution and laws and through the help of such classes of citizens I, the Prophet, truly believe that my people will find the true and divine way of their forefathers.”

“I, the Prophet, am hereby calling aloud with a divine plea to all true American citizens to help me to remove this great sin which has been committed and is being practiced by my people in the United States of America, because they know it is not the true and divine way and without understanding they have fallen from the true light into utter darkness of sin, and there is not a nation on earth today that will recognize them socially, religiously, politically or economically, etc.”