P1S – Welcome

About our Class I hope all the boys and girls have enjoyed their first few days in Primary 1. I am really looking forward to working with them this year. Our main focus just now is getting to know the class and school routines. This involves learning about the school rules and how we should behave in the classroom and playground. To promote positive behaviour in our class we have 3 different focuses.

Table Points- each table can be rewarded marbles throughout the day. ‘Special’ sparklers are available for extra hard workers or fantastic behaviour (these are worth 5 marbles). The table with the most points at the end of the week will get to choose a prize for the following week. Some examples are:

– a cushion for their chair

- chair pass (can sit on a chair during whole class discussions)

- show and tell

- computer pass (can play on the computer during choosing times)

Golden Time – Golden time happens during the last 30 minutes of the week. At the beginning of the week all the boys are girls have the full 30 minutes. It is their goal to follow the rules all week and try their best so that no golden time is lost. During golden time the class can choose from any of the activities in the classroom and can play with anyone in the area.

Star of the Week – this is given to a Primary 1 who has kept all their golden time and made an extra effort throughout the week. They are awarded a certificate and a prize out the prize box.

Class Information

Monday – PE with Miss Fowler

Thursday – Music with Mrs Kenyon and PE with Miss Fowler

Friday – whole school assembly

Thank you for being so prepared with painting aprons, wet playtime books and sun cream for your child’s tray. We keep gym kits in school on their peg. I will send the kits home at the end of every term. If your child still needs to bring in the above could they please do so. A reminder book bags must be in school every day.

You should have received the school newsletter. This had all the important dates on it for the session.

Upcoming Events

Wednesday 30thAugust – Literacy workshop for P1 parents 2:15pm

Thursday 31stAugust – Numeracy workshop for P1 parents 2:15pm

Monday 25th September – Health week (more info to follow)

Friday 29th September – MacMillan Coffee Morning

Thursday 12th October – Parent’s Evening

Friday 13th October – End of term 1

Muckle Moo

Please pop a note in your child’s yellow diary if they are going somewhere exciting and would like to take ‘Muckle Moo’ with them and earn a badge for their ribbon.

School House Teams

Here is a list of which house your child is in.

Quinn / Esslemont
Khloe / Ythan

A final note Once our class routine is in place it would be great to have some parents in throughout the year helping with different activities. Last year we had parents who committed to a weekly time to help with reading/library/filing and others offered their help now and again. Please let me know if you would be keen to help. Parent helpers will have to complete a PVG check before starting which the office will provide.

Please remember to ask if you are unsure about anything.

Thank you,

Miss Scott ?