Helpful Links

MLA Style Guide

APA Documentation Guidelines

Cornell University Style Guidelines for Annotated Bibliographies

Washington College “Nuts and Bolts of Grammar and Writing”

Purdue University Online Writing Lab -- Oldest online writing help site in the country

“Grammar Slammer” -- Online review of common grammar mistakes and some style guidelines.

Comprehensive Grammar Review -- Includes exercises arranged by problem area.

Strunk and White’s “Elements of Style” -- The oldest style manual still in circulation.

The American Heritage Book of English Usage -- Grammar and usage manual.

Roget’s Thesaurus Online

American Heritage Dictionary Online

Daily Grammar Lesson -- With the “Word of the Day” feature. The most useful part is the archive, which will answer any grammar question.

The Writing Center -- A technical writing site, including information on how to write letters, memos, etc.

Silva Rhetoricae -- A beautifully done Web site devoted to the study of rhetoric.

Dartmouth College Composition Center -- Lots of good handouts and explanations.

The Literature Network -- Lots and lots and lots of literature online.

David Appleyard’s English Library -- Great nonfiction site, including some classics and some more modern stuff.